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That's cool dude, sh!t happens. Just like DJ SymBiotiX ur still welcome to check out the private forums and listen to all the wips any time. If ur schedule clears up ur welcome back anytime.

Since Vampire Hunter Dan absolutely loves 'Flight' I don't know if he'll wanna cover it now or incorporate it into his medley, but 'Flight' is now his track until he says otherwise.

Yoes, I'm waiting on doomsday, hes the one whos got the stuff apparently.

I can write a few prog based stuff based on the theme if you like.

EDIT: Check forum for leet guitars.

i already said my opinions on the forums...but...:)

Oh yeah I decided to join in on the fun and throw in an update, and no it's not of Broken Shards, sorry to dissapoint. Although Reforged and I have done some work on it, he is currently very very busy and finishing up some of the rythms for it. Due to his hectic lifestyle we might not get an update out before the WIP deadline, but when we get it out I can promise you it's goin to be a massive super friggin pinch ur nipples in excitement awesome update!


separately or medley? I need to know before i update the post.

Also Doomsday/The Vagrance has dropped out of the Awakening collab so i'll be contacting LuIzA for drum sequencing. And Fishy, darn you, post that TAB! sorry i just really want to get playing.

separately or medley? I need to know before i update the post.

Also Doomsday/The Vagrance has dropped out of the Awakening collab so i'll be contacting LuIzA for drum sequencing. And Fishy, darn you, post that TAB! sorry i just really want to get playing.


Want me to take the reins on this one? If we're still going with prog on this one, I'm pretty experianced in the area.


Want me to take the reins on this one? If we're still going with prog on this one, I'm pretty experianced in the area.

It's pretty much gonna be you and me arranging, and then everyone recording it. Once I see what key you're working in and the progression you have I'll be able to start working on it some more.

Reminder: Less than a week to WIP Day!


And I guess there will be no 'My Village is #1' and 'Faraway Promise' remixes... *sigh*

There will be if someone takes them! Trust me though there are plenty of remixes coming that are unlike anything you've heard from a xenogears remix before. :)


Alright here is a list of who has NOT turned in a WIP.

Dale North(for obvious reasons)

Tensei-San(contact me, I think I know the reason but I'm not sure)

Jormungand(reasons understood)

Doomsday/The Vagrance(Steel Giant, but reasons are understood)

Small of Two Pieces collab(sort of)

Awakening collab(sort of)

Next WIP due date is in consideration(possibly about halfway through March).

Fishy, I really would like the TAB for Awakening so that we can both work on it.


I'd like to welcome another remixer aboard, ziwtra who has a killer WIP going for 'Bonds of Sea and Fire.'

So you'll hear two remixes of this bad ace source tune on the Project. Ziwtra's will be on the Humans disc and Wintermute's will be on the Gears disc. OH YEAH!

We'll prob announce the next WIP deadline very shortly and what were looking for from the next batch of WIP's.

And I would like to personally congragulate the Prophet of Mephisto on finally signing up on the forums. :)


Hola dudes, rpggamer180 should have the new WIP date up soon. He just has to make the final decision.

Also Zolborn and awesome vocalist (male, liturgical style) has offered his vocals talents for anyone who needs some male vocals. I suggest anyone who was looking for a "choir patch" maybe hit Zolborn up instead to give you some sweet sounds.


As I keep up with the Superbowl, here is brief announcement:

Alright, new WIP date is...(drum roll), March 27! So keep on working!

And yes avaris, I'm giving them an extra day on purpose.

Also, since I can't seem to change the title of the thread, I would like to ask the moderators to change the date in the title to March 27th.

  • 2 weeks later...

ZOMG nuther Remixer!

Another Soundscape is gonna lay down a track on the Gears disc...swweeeet. He still has to pick a source though.

We'd like to see progress on all the songs for the next WIP deadline.

Also I'm gonna collab with Blue Magic on his track since he's running into writer's block and is gonna be pretty busy for a bit. If anyone else would like to join in on the fun let us know! The song is done in fl studio FYI


You guys should be happy to know this is moving up on my to-do list, right under a couple of vocal tracks I'm trying to get my friend to sing over. Expect a total remake of Invasion sometime when I get around to it and expect Steel Giant to be a rap tune, I wasn't really feelin' the DnB version and producing DnB is pissing me off at the moment.

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