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Shovel Knight - Strike The Earth/Fight With All Our Might Remix


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Hey guys! So its been a while since I posted something here. This is actually quite an old track, but if I don't get some feedback from people its going to end up benched and I can't let that happen to this one, so yeah. Having production issues, stuff lacks some... clarity right now, and there are some mixing issues. Its hard to find a good balance. Arrangement is finished, but if you want to critique arrangement go right ahead, the sources are:


Strike The Earth (but only from 0:22-0:44): 

Fighting With All Our Might: 


And finally, the link to the remix: https://app.box.com/s/88o1lby33eav8fv505e75vn4aw7udcs1


I look forward to your critique! :D

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Really cool arrangement. It has a narrative feel, it flows and develops in a manner that is quite captivating and enjoyable. Plenty of twists and turns. Only the ending is so sudden that it feels even lackluster. The final chord is reached suddenly, and it feels like a coda would fit the arrangement (returning to the bell-y stuff from the beginning, for instance). The source material is obviously there, this is decidedly Shovel Knight, not just compositionally but also in the feel, it's suitably dramatic. And while clearly recognizable, it's really creatively used with all the twists and turns.


Production-wise, it has a very 90s workstation / 32 bit / early Redbook audio soundtrack feel (though with beefier overall sound). It works quite well. Bass could be punchier at times - sometimes it feels like it's a blerpy synth that doesn't quite cover the base. In those occasions, the drums feel a little exposed. They're a little mechanical, but I think it works in the general style of the arrangement. In the "dramatic synth organ parts" (can't timestamp right now..) the overall soundscape feels a little cheap. Otherwise it holds together. Leads sound great, expressive and versatile.


Good work, can't really give production mixing/advice, but I would do something to the ending. Looking forward to the finished track!

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Hm, the intro kinda lacks the ambitious sort of soundscape I would expect you to go for. For example, at 0:24, I would expect a drone to fill the bottom and keep things full for the moment, until 0:48. 1:13 is where the arrangement really starts to represent your usual caliber. Even then though, beef up that snare. The ride is kinda covering it up on my side.


In general I feel like the low end could definitely use a more impactful production value. Specifically, I found 1:13 - 1:55 to have some low end, but the bass synth lacks presence/detail. The arrangement lives up to your past ReMixes for sure, but yeah, overall...


The production can use more impact on the low end (aka more intense bass mixing) and another run through filling the soundscape in a few somewhat empty spots. Oh yeah, and that ride. :razz:


Would you be willing to collab on this? =D

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