Liontamer Posted August 24, 2006 Posted August 24, 2006 Terribly sorry about it being an attatchment, but I hope it will be worth the wait. Enclosed is a Remix of the wonderful Tifa theme from Final Fantasy VII (I know, GASP, how original!). It stays pretty true to style and sound, but I love the way it is. This all was recorded with three things: A Fantom-S 61, Cakewalk Sonar Producer 3, and my bare hands. I'm proud of her, so please, not too harsh, eh? Here's my stats: ReMixer: Austin Allen Real Name: Austin Allen Email: Website: erm... Mix Info: Mix Title: A Song For the Love-Torn Fighter Game: Final Fantasy VII Song: Tifa's Theme Comments: This is my first submitted ReMix here on OCReMix. Not to say that it is my first ever made, but my first I've considered good enough to be submitted here. It's a pretty true-to-self rendition of the original Tifa Theme, but with just a little more heart than was originally put in I like to think. Nothing too fancy, but definatly not dull. This is one song I just felt that didn't have enough ReMixes; It's a gorgeous, wonderful ode to the woman who just so happens to kick a ton of shit out of baddies. --------------------------------------------- - 105 "Tifa's Theme" Thematically, this is way too similar to the original, only given lighter/more genteel instrumentation, instrumentation which itself also felt very similar to the FF7 version. It sounds better than the original, sure, but the arrangement (like your letter alluded to) isn't interpretive in the least. I look forward to hearing you submit something with more compositional and instrumental interpretation. Not getting the full agreement on a NO Override, but you still deserve the block o' text from the... Submission Standards and Instructions]In terms of arrangement - how close or distant ReMixes should be to the original - the general rule is that the ReMix should be YOURS. We don't just mean that you were involved in its creation, but that it is different enough from the original so as to readily illustrate the contributions, modifications, and enhancements you have made. In other words, don't just take the original and drop a few drum loops on top. Also, don't simply take a MIDI file and assign new instruments to the parts, or add reverb, and expect that to pass as 'yours'. When we say 'ReMix', we actually mean something closer to 're-arrangement', if that helps clarify. If you listen to most of the pieces on the site and compare them to the originals, you should get an idea of what a ReMix is. NO
The Orichalcon Posted September 10, 2006 Posted September 10, 2006 While this one is very close to the source. I'd say there's enough reinterpretation here that it deserves a proper 3 votes. The piece is obviously structured the same as the source, however the melody has been embellished to a different level. I'd go as far as calling this a cover with additive and artistic reinterpretations of the instruments used in the source. It's not enough to pass as an OCReMix, but it's clear to me that the artist hasn't simply ripped this from a MIDI, replaced the instruments and hit encode. He's taken the time to rewrite parts of the melody to give it a gentler spin as he said. It's a good start, and hopefully he can go further next time and restructure the piece to really give it a proper foundation as a remix. NO
zykO Posted September 10, 2006 Posted September 10, 2006 you know. this is very beautiful. close to the original in some ways but i can hear where you made your contribution obvious. i'm curious why this isn't enough to pass. what is wrong with it? from where i stand, it is beautifully arranged, the production is great and the instrumention is very romantic. it captures the mood of the original while making it even more gentle and lovely. i think there's more to a piece than its notes. saying this is like the original is limited YES
The Orichalcon Posted September 10, 2006 Posted September 10, 2006 Maybe I should've let Larry N.O. this. I never thought it'd get a yes.
zykO Posted September 10, 2006 Posted September 10, 2006 it was merely your opinion that it would never get a yes.
zircon Posted September 12, 2006 Posted September 12, 2006 This isn't worth a NO OVERRIDE. It's not a rip. There are a few noticeable changes to instrumentation, voicing, and structure. That being said, I'm not going to pass this, generally mirroring the reasoning offered by TO and Larry. When it comes down to the meat of the mix - the main melody - it's essentially identical to the source. Chords, melody, rhythms... all verbatim, more or less. Structurally, past the introduction, it's also too similar for comfort. The ending is WAY too abrupt especially considering the introduction, which was at least decently well-writen. On the production side, the overall mixing is too quiet; I know it's supposed to be a soft piece, but still, you can boost the volume and not make it harsh-sounding. I also think more harmony elements could have been added without detracting from the mood. We have lots of quiet, pleasant ReMixes on OCR that manage to pull off that feel without being sparse. A more substantial arrangement is in order. Go for more of a unique interpretation - don't be afraid to change chords and rhythms around, and add your own material. NO
Vig Posted September 14, 2006 Posted September 14, 2006 It's a really nice track. The instrumentation is very pretty. The volume really needs to be raised. Aside from that, I don't think the track is too sparse; the atmosphere and density are appropriate for the nature of the track. However, aside from the introduction, It's just too close to the original. I don't think it would be necessary to bastardize the feel of the song to throw in some arrangement. you could keep it sparse and light; lets just hear some more interpretation. NO
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