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The instrumentation you used is definitely way more interesting than the original, which I found to be overall somewhat lifeless. That being said, I felt like this track overall was very close to the original source, and the repeat did not change much the second time through, making this feel pretty repetitive. On top of that, the instrumentation is very mechanical and fairly fakey sounding. There's a lot of work to be put into this to get it to the arrangement and production standards we are looking for. I'd suggest listening to some recently posted mixes to hear the arrangement ideas those mixers have used to personalize their mixes to get an idea of what we are looking for.


I think you have a base point here, but there's a lot to be done.




Interesting mix of sounds: guitar chugs and a rock kit, chip lead, and orchestra strings and horns. The chip lead doesn't quite work for me, and when the horns are out front and center, their fakeness is a bit exposed, but those aren't the biggest problems with the mix. The mix is actually pretty conservative, with most of the melodies adapted to your instrument set, and little in the way of interpretation. There's also a big degree of repetition - whole sections being used multiple times. I wouldn't call this a cover, but it's also not as interpretative as what we are looking for. I thought this was executed fairly well, but just not what we're looking for as an arrangement.




Played a crap ton of MM6 when I was a kid. One of my favorite games.

This is too conservative and really repetitive. Percussion and rhythm guitar feel like they're on autopilot. Everything also sounds really mechanical too.

Needs a lot more going on; more personalization too.


  • DarkeSword changed the title to 2015/01/10 - *NO* Mega Man 6 'Royally Screwed'
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