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OCR03281 - *YES* Aquaria 'Prayer for the Azure Waters' *PRIORITY*

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Chimp note:  Ryan has labeled this as a holiday mix.  I'm not sure how holiday it sounds, but it's lovely, so maybe?


Hey OCR!

Here is my latest submission which is a rerecording of the track I did for the OCReMix Christmas Album Vol 8.  The source is Icy Waters from the Aquaria OST. 

Remixer Info

  Submission Information

  • Aquaria
  • Prayer For The Azure Waters
  • Aquaria-Icy Waters

Aquaria was the first Indie-game I played which made me realize that everything that was great about games so many years ago has been making a comeback with indie game developers. I've always felt a connection to the soundtrack as much of it is very similar to the music I was listening to by one of my favorite composers, Ed Van Fleet, which I listened to a lot  while I was growing up. For this remix I wanted to take everything I loved about the Aquaria OST and give it a few personal touches. Special thanks to Brandon Strader who gave me insight on processing acoustic guitars. 



I'm not sure how "holiday" this mix is, the ocean sounds don't exactly scream "winter wonderland" to me, but whatever.  This is a lovely remix!  It is conservative without being too coverish.  The acoustic guitars sound really wonderful.  The choir gives this an Enya feel.  The arrangement gets a little bit repetitive, but the evolving textures and instrument changes keep it fresh enough for me.  I feel like the mixing could be improved just a little, but this is working well enough for me as-is.  Really sweet mix.




Dreamy intro. Production is decent enough, each of your parts are fairly audible. Kristina is right - this is pretty smack bang in the midst of Enya territory. Nice pacing, initially your arrangement progresses well considering you don't have too many instruments across the mix, but things started to feel a bit samey for me by the time we reached the end. If it was any longer, I wouldn't been much more hesitant in passing this. I would've really liked to hear some more variation and a further explorative original take on the source, but as it stands I think things are ok. 




Definitely going to agree with the lady and gentleman above, love the Enya feel here, and the production overall makes for a very intimate feel. I also agree with Jive that a little more variation would have been nice, but I wouldn't say that it really gets into a repetitive category by any means. Nice work!




Overcompressed in the midrange, doesn't exactly scream "holidays" to me, repetition is close but not too big an issue. Overall soundscape is really nice, the pads and vocals combined with guitars works nicely. Source-heavy. Good to see some Aquaria love here!

Worth passing.


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