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Thank you, thank you. And that's a good guess. Radikal is definitely on my list, but they aren't one of my first stops. My first two choices are Ultra and Metropolis, but I'm also looking at sending copies to the currently-forming KMFDM Records, Moonshine, Armada, and Flashover (Ferry Corsten's new label). After reading an interview with Corsten in the latest issue of Remix Magazine, I'm confident that, at the very least, he'll like what I do.

  • 3 weeks later...

I'm in the process of transferring to Hawaii, so I can't do ANYTHING with it until sometime after November 8th. However, it's 99% finalized (a lot of the songs have already been rendered to .wav), so from there, it's just a matter of trying to find a label. And if that fails, then I'll save some paychecks and get it pressed.

  • 2 weeks later...
I'm in the process of transferring to Hawaii, so I can't do ANYTHING with it until sometime after November 8th. However, it's 99% finalized (a lot of the songs have already been rendered to .wav), so from there, it's just a matter of trying to find a label. And if that fails, then I'll save some paychecks and get it pressed.

3 days until the 8th. Well, 1 now, though its probably 2 for you US types.

I'm in the process of transferring to Hawaii, so I can't do ANYTHING with it until sometime after November 8th. However, it's 99% finalized (a lot of the songs have already been rendered to .wav), so from there, it's just a matter of trying to find a label. And if that fails, then I'll save some paychecks and get it pressed.

3 days until the 8th. Well, 1 now, though its probably 2 for you US types.


(Smacks self upside the head)


Well, I made it to Hawaii (aloha!), and all is well. Hawaii is amazing, of course. My stuff is all here, so I should have my computer in my posession sometime shortly. Just need to arrange to have it delivered.

In the mean time, gorge yourself on a couple new uploads to my MySpace profile!


The first is "Mantra," yet another song that defies classification. It represents my musical and personal history, my taste, and my flair. If I had to categorize it, I'd call it... Psychoelectro Retroethnic Trance.

The second is a song with one of the longest song titles I've ever come up with, "Here Stand We Who Defy Gravity." It's a breaks track similar to some of my previous forrays into breakbeats, like "Floor Control," one of my songs for DanceTrax. It's kind of like a slower, thicker "Our Little War," I suppose. I think the title suits it.

Enjoy those while I get posted up here and work on finalizing the album.

  • 2 weeks later...

Why, thank you. It was a long time in the making. In fact, it started out sounding completely different, and was originally titled "Without Limits." But after I finished it and it ended up sounding so much more expansive than it started off sounding, I thought it needed a more "expansive" title.

Anywho, a bit more news. This is hugely iffy, but I might release "In The Dark" as a two-disc set, like I was originally planning to do with Everlast. However, this time, the second disc will include reworked versions of all of my songs from DanceTrax, the dancing simulation arcade game which is still being worked on. My contract with them didn't say I couldn't release the stuff on an album, it just said I couldn't use it in another music game.

So I have full rights to my music for the game, and as such, I have been working feverishly on remastering, remixing, and reworking every single song I made for the game. This idea came from the fact that I already did that with two songs from the game specifically for the first disc, "Phase 1" and "Heterodyne Principle." Well, now I'm doing all the rest, too. Some of the songs aren't even being included in the game, but were made for it, so yeah. Should be a good time.

I'll probably be putting a couple of those on my MySpace page sometime in the near future. First two to hit the page should be "Style Free" and "RatRider." The folks over at Pulse Network probably won't like the idea, but meh. I'm getting tired of waiting on the game.

  • 2 weeks later...

"Style Free" is now online.


One of many songs I created appearing in the upcoming arcade game, DanceTrax.

It's kind of a combination of Classic and Swedish house. Enjoy. As always, feedback is welcomed. Consider it a precursor for the second disc.

I'm also looking into selling my music in the iTunes Store, so I'll keep everyone posted on that. It might be the first place the album is available.

EDIT (12/6): Some news about the album:

Tracklist has been reworked a tiny bit to include new music / new track lengths. "Azure" is faster and a little more refined, "Tinderbox" has vocals, a new song called "Afterburner" has been included, "Freefall" has been slightly remastered, and the list has been reordered in general to provide better album flow.

I'm not finished making updates/corrections, but I'm extremely close. I've also begun analyzing a few options for getting the CD pressed, one of which could hold extremely exciting things for the future, but I can't say anything else about that. I've contacted FlashOver Recordings, Blow Media, and Metropolis Records. Ultra may be next on the list, but I'll probably send them a demo direct, so I'm holding off on that for a little bit.

Still toying with the idea of a 2-disc set. We'll see what happens with that.

More surprises are in store.

EDIT: Oh, and I'm contemplating pulling "Subservient" from the tracklist because the project file is being a fucking bastard. I'll probably just end up releasing it for free in its current form (which is finished, but not perfected).

  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

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