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*NO* Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 'Zelda Lullaby Reimagined'

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  • Liontamer changed the title to 2015/10/02 - Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 'Zelda Lullaby Reimagined'

Definitely an interesting choice of soundscape. I think the super-reverby-delay works for the dreamy feel you are going for, though I think after a while it starts to get a bit tiring to listen to and is too much at times. In regards to the arrangement, I like the style change, though I think the mix as a whole goes on for too long. The source itself is so short, there's only so much that can be done with it before the ideas run out. This sounds like the case as you run through a bunch of other melodies before the track ends, which feels tacked on and overall awkward in places. I'd suggest maybe keeping just the Kakariko village theme, then revamping back to Zelda's lullaby. Similarly, the ending that combines the village and lullaby theme get super muddy because of the reverb/delay and sounds pretty messy. The ending also feels unresolved, but that may have been your intent.

I think you have a start here, but it needs some work. I'd look into adjusting the amount of reverb/delay you have so that it doesn't overpower the mix, and look into adjusting your arrangement as well. Good luck.

NO (resubmit)


The "Hey, Listen!" voice clip at :09 was a pretty lame transition, and made the mixing of the overall track sound off because the clip sounded so clean, unlike the actual music. WAY too much delay on this, with the delay flooding the soundfield; super muddy. At least the other voice clips (2:02, 2:31, 2:46, 3:00, 3:26) had more delay effects and sounded comparably distant like the music, but they're cheesy and corny.

The percussion writing was pretty low-key, but fit the track well, particularly the cymbal work; however, the one downside there is that the percussion writing didn't evolve for the most part, which caused the track to drag over time.

I didn't have as much of the problem with the other theme cameos here feeling tacked on, as they were reasonably integrated, IMO; I felt the muddy mixing and the lack of dynamic contrast in the arrangement ultimately were enough to drag this down to a NO.

I'd suggest 1) reduce the mud while preserving the dreamy soundscape, 2) either ice the tacky voice clips or better integrate them into the soundscape, and 3) vary the percussion textures & energy to create more dynamic contrast. You show potential, Joo; keep at it!


  • Liontamer changed the title to 2015/10/02 - (2N) Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 'Zelda Lullaby Reimagined'

Like Larry, I dislike the "hey, Listen!" clip, it sounded pretty cheesy and loud.  Not a fan of the drum intro either, the upbeat groove was too much of a contrast with the rest of the song, which was more ambience-oriented in general.  The electric guitar tone was ok, and I didn't have too much of a problem with the heavily-delayed instruments (although it does becomes too much at some points), but the short notes on the guitar sounded odd to me, it was much more natural and fitting when the notes were sustained for a while.

Speaking of delay, sections like 1:09 worked better for me, keeping a sort of ethereal feel but also were pretty interesting.  Some other times, as in 0:48 and 1:05, I thought the worked too artificially for it to fit in the song.  The transition to the kakariko village section didn't work very well to me, although after it settled down, i found the lullaby's backing fitting well.  So perhaps with a better transition this could've been better.  The latest sections with the variations and soloing worked well enough.  I didn't have much of a problem with the ending, as I think it was an stylistic choice to have both themes blend and fadeout in a bed of reverb and delay.

This could possibly work out for me with some fixes on the issues mentioned above, specially the transition to the second theme halfway through.  it's a good start and if you work on it and resubmit it, I'll be all ears.

NO (resubmit)

  • Liontamer changed the title to *NO* Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 'Zelda Lullaby Reimagined'
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