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Hey Xavier, this remix needs a lot of production work but I think the ideas are solid.  The guitar playing is good, and the piano solo writing is also good, yet it is sequenced very mechanically.  Good use of the vocal clips too.  But the track isn't mixed well at all.  You have some simple autopilot drums playing, and the same crash is playing at the end of every four bars which is too repetitive.  The mixing needs to be redone almost entirely, and then you will want to learn how to master your tracks to bring up the overall volume. 

I want to encourage you to join our wip forum and get further advice there, and also look up tutorials on how to use your daw and production in general.  Good luck!


  • Chimpazilla changed the title to 2015/10/31 - (1N) Goldeneye 007 'Dam'

I agreed with the sequencing being very mechanical -- especially the piano -- and the drums and organ being very plodding and static. The guitar work is cool, but sounded lossy and distant. Texturally, the instruments aren't properly balanced amongst one another, so you have the guitar sounding pushed back when it should be the lead, while the rest of the sequenced instrumentation sounds thin and exposed.

The sequenced instruments also didn't demonstrate creativity in the arrangement, as they followed the part-writing of the source tune so closely. The guitar demonstrates an effort to personalize the presentation of the theme, but not much else.

I disagreed on the SFX/voice clips; I thought they ended up sounding tacky, but if everything else had been clicking, it possibly wouldn't have been a big deal.

Keep at it with music, Xavier, and use the forums resources here and/or elsewhere to develop yourself.

EDIT (5/23): Gario's also right that the arrangement uses a lot of the James Bond theme that's part of the source tune (e.g. :38-1:32), which disqualifies the arrangement as incorporating too much of a non-VGM composition.

  • Liontamer changed the title to 2015/10/31 - (2N) GoldenEye 007 'Dam'

Goldeneye music, man that brings me back. I used to love that game, and it had a great soundtrack, to boot. It's a tough one to handle for the sake of this site, though, due to how often it references the 007 theme song. As that does not originate from the game, it can't be counted as source, and relying on it too heavily may cause the separate issue of using too much outside source in your mix. It's not necessarily your fault, as the source makes heavy use of the 007 theme, but this arrangement utilizes too much 007 for the site. Aside from that, even if the source didn't use the 007 theme as much, the arrangement does stick a little close to the source, as well. I'd argue that the guitar and piano do add some nice creativity to the arrangement, but the structure is basically 'Run through the source once', which doesn't quite cut it.

I really liked the guitar that was in this track, but I feel it was nearly lowpass'd out of existence. It just sounds muffled - you really need to let more mid- and high-end frequency to pass through for it. From what I can hear, it sounds like there's a huge amount of reverb on it, as well. You don't need to make the guitar that wet, unless you're going for an early 80's sound, or something.

The other instruments do not sound humanized at all. If you incorporate "real" instruments, you need to pay special attention to whether or not the instruments sound like it was really performed. There are a few ways to do that, from changing around the volumes for each note to shaping the phrasing using said volumes. Varying the different envelopes (such as the attack value and release value) can also be essential to making the instruments sound realistic. It's not easy, and it takes spending time studying what each instrument would realistically sound like in order to change these values meaningfully. The quick and dirty of it is simple - would the musician play something like that? If not, it's probably not humanized enough.

The entire track does seem to have a low pass on it. A little low pass isn't bad, as it clears up some headroom from frequencies that people can't hear, but too much and it makes the mix sound muffled. Lighten up on it for your upcoming tracks. As mentioned by Liontamer, the instruments don't sound like they're mixed properly, as well - instruments that sound like they should be in the foreground (like the guitar) sound like they're in the background, and background elements (like that piano) sound mixed too much in the foreground.

It's a fun track, but aside from the humanization and low pass issues, it seems that the arrangement relies a lot on the 007 theme song. While I like it, I don't think this is something the site can accept. I would recommend giving the WIP Workshop a look, as the people in there can help you get a good idea as to what this site is able to accept, as well as help a great deal on your mixing and production. Good luck!


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