SSJ HBK Posted July 29, 2002 Posted July 29, 2002 I don't know how to do quotes, so don't kill me. The simplest way to do quotes, if you're just quoting one person, is to find the post of theirs you want to quote and click the "Quote" button on the top right corner of the post. You could also do it by typing in [ quote ] without the spaces. If you want to put the name of the person you're quoting, type in [ quote="name" ] without the spaces. To end the quote, type in [ /quote ] without the spaces. Or you can click on the "Quote" button at the top when you are typing a reply. Quote
soup Posted July 29, 2002 Posted July 29, 2002 M. BISON STREET FIGHER 2 TURBO (super nintendo) Turbo level 4 Difficulty 7 IM-fucking-POSSIBLE Quote
omegaslade Posted July 29, 2002 Posted July 29, 2002 Final boss of sonic blast man 2 . Well not the final final boss but the guy that looks liek blast man he was hard as hell expecailly on hard. It took me forever to beat him. Quote
LordGerald Posted July 29, 2002 Posted July 29, 2002 Alot of the FF8 bosses were the hardest I have ever encountered (then again it was pretty much my first RPG). Omega Weapon in the Undersea Research lab has my vote. I can NOT beat that thing. ITs exhausting and depressing, but for the life of me, I just cant beat him. Quote
omegaslade Posted July 29, 2002 Posted July 29, 2002 that ones easy all you have to do is make sure you are a good level and have plenty of arua and also make sure you have teh lion heat. a few lion heats and the guys dead also have irvine and use fast ammo ( if you have a controler with turbo that really helps lol) and it shoudl be a peice of cake Quote
Lord Spaz Posted July 30, 2002 Posted July 30, 2002 Anyone try giving ff7 a ring, maybe Ruby Weapon WITHOUT KOTR! I've done it and proved it can be done! with kotr and mimes it's easy though. Quote
Lord Spaz Posted July 30, 2002 Posted July 30, 2002 Lord Gerald is a moron... FF8 was just about the easiest FF ever!! Jeez, Omega weapon was a breeze, so was the ending battle w/ Ultimecia was also easy. The hardest battle in that game was probably jumbo cactuar *chuckle, chuckle*. U cant convince me that a boss in FF8 was the hardest boss ever Quote
Lord Spaz Posted July 30, 2002 Posted July 30, 2002 Lord Gerald is a moron... FF8 was just about the easiest FF ever!! Jeez, Omega weapon was a breeze, so was the ending battle w/ Ultimecia was also easy. The hardest battle in that game was probably jumbo cactuar *chuckle, chuckle*. U cant convince me that a boss in FF8 was the hardest boss ever Quote
omegaslade Posted July 30, 2002 Posted July 30, 2002 First of all omega weapon was in teh castle not the underwater thing. you ar refering to ultimate weapon. any how you had problems with jumbo cactaur? man that is sorry he was one of the easiest bosses in teh game i mean a few of irvines specails and he was trhough. Quote
Merid Posted July 30, 2002 Posted July 30, 2002 For FF8, even without Lionheart or Aura's just have Quistis with Degenerator or Mighty Guard and all battles are a sinch. As for FF7, I beat Ruby with Cid (sure I called Highwind a lot, but there was no KOTR) and I beat Emerald by miming my own Omnislash (probably the coolest FF trick I've ever seen). Quote
Wairata Posted July 30, 2002 Posted July 30, 2002 I'll probably get flamed for saying this, but I hated the last boss for Chrono Cross. It wasn't necessarily hard, but damn was it annoying. Trying to get those stupid elements to make the right melody in order to free Schala and thereby get the best ending was a pain in the a$$! Quote
The Coop Posted August 2, 2002 Author Posted August 2, 2002 Here's a fun one. Star Wars Arcade for the 32X. The final boss? The Death Star trench of course... ON ACID!!!!!!!!! There were three times as many guns and things to avoid hiting than there was in the entire trilogy of films. Of course, that was simply to capper for a game that was harder than a goddamned rock (I beat it twice... I recorded the ending the second time... and I still don't know how I got through it!) Quote
FLiPpIeS Posted August 2, 2002 Posted August 2, 2002 the weigraf/velius battle towards the end in final fantasy tactics. u need some good strategy and stats to win that battle Quote
The Coop Posted August 4, 2002 Author Posted August 4, 2002 Dug up yet another one from the 32X bin. T-Mek. The final boss? Nazrac. Seen him once. Got my ass thrashed in twenty seconds and have yet to see him again (I've owned the game for about four years). Unless there's a damn good cheat, I doubt I'll ever see that damn games ending . Quote
DL-Oddeye Posted August 4, 2002 Posted August 4, 2002 Hardest boss I ever faced.. Star Ocean the second story.. the secret final bos you need the evil trumpet to call.. she hit for ungodly damage.. had some ungodly defence.. paired with undogly speed... I think her name was isobel or something I forget.. I beat it using blood armor and having rena casting alot of curing.. Claud Dias and Ashton all with top equipment and blood armor made it easy.. I did beat here once normal took me over 1 hour of battle.. Final Fantasys Omega weapon in ultimicias castle.. came down to the invinciblility item.. I used one of my card to create like 20 of them omega couln't hit me the Ff7 weapons came down to KOTR mimic and alot of clounter paired with KOTR Final Fantasys none of the fights were hard.. if I ever ran into a hard fight.. I just made my guys all lanceds and jumped my way to victory.. make most fights a joke. Shining Force 2.. no egress and the final fight was very hard.. kill galam and Zeon one after the other was an excesize in skill all its own.. not for me cause I waited to promote till level 40 and ended up with characters that all had well over 125 hp and ?? for stats.. they are now like lvl 50 each and did I mention I have logged over 200 hours on that file in the last 6 years lol Legend of Legia.. try Lapis out.. no mp.. no spells.. kill any of your characters in one hit practicaly.. and a lot of hp.. even at level 99 he can still take all my characters out but gala in one attack round.. and he sometimes gets 2 in a row lol. Zophar in Lunar 2 was hard till I figured out the trick.. kill the 2 hands befor he goes into attack mode.. makes the fight a heack of alot easyer.. leave the back part( i dont remember what it was) alive since you cant kill it.. kill the heands then go for the main part. Ok this post got way to long sorry for the star trek sig.. I made it myself and sumaraly attacked it to any post I make on any board.. it does however sport 2 shining forrce 2 characters.. Quote
omegaslade Posted August 4, 2002 Posted August 4, 2002 Dude just because it sports shinging force two characters it is cool. and how can you say that last battle was hard i mean that was an easy battle. it was no diff from what the y did in the first one. they mad you figfht dark sol then dark dragon but in the first on you had enimes that coudl apear. in teh second one you didn't the only battle that was remotly hard was the battle with odd eye and thats cause he coudl hit you crom a good distance plus you had to figure out how to get around the thing and avoid from falling Quote
DL-Oddeye Posted August 6, 2002 Posted August 6, 2002 Chess fight in Shining force 2 was hard if you tried to kill everything lol.. and oddeye was a hard fight... and a good one hence why I use his name and have him on my pic lol oh oh here is a hard boss.. yu yevon ffx... man.. can you not win.. your invincible can reflect full heal spells.. what was square thinking.. it was way to easy lol Quote
Cpt_Zach Posted August 6, 2002 Posted August 6, 2002 There is nothing more annoying in Castlevania than destroying the really hard boss, Dracula to find that he has a true evil form that rapes you and makes the other form of Dracula look like a castrated monkey. Or in Castlevania III: not 2, but three forms. Not fun unless you have Alucard. And not to mention Death... cause he is in EVERY SINGLE AKUMAJO.. er Castlevania game!! Makes me angry. Cause you really can't kill him for good, because he is death. Kinda cheap, at least that's what I think. At least the recent games, Drac has gotten fat and lazy or something. He was a breeze in Symphony of the Night. While he was a bit harder in Circle of the Moon, If you put up the poison shield, it keeps you fairly safe. Except for the 500 dammage Kamikaze attack of his. Also, he was fairly easy in Harmony of Dissonance aka white night concerto. But back in the day man, dracula would kill random Belmont's like it was his job. Quote
Cpt_Zach Posted August 6, 2002 Posted August 6, 2002 Super Drunk at the end of Bubble Bobble always cleans my clock. Maybe it's because the rare times I actually get to him, I don't have enough lives left to get his pattern. Whatever, he always puts the boot in.HDS You are right, I should get real drunk and play Bubble Bobble. It would be a blast! Quote
Cpt_Zach Posted August 6, 2002 Posted August 6, 2002 The hardest bosses I have ever come across have been Chaos from the first Final Fantasy (2000 hit points and liberal user of magic that FULLY restores him) and Zoda from both StarTropics games. While he was rough in the first one, he's even harder in the second. I haven't been able to beat the second one yet. And then there's the old standby, almost any form of Dracula from Castlevania (the exceptions being Castlevania II and Symphony of the Night). See? Dracula is hard in the old games, except Castlevania 2, I killed drac in like, 4 hits and I was all ready for the true evil form to appear, but it didn't.... Konami really dropped the ball on that one, or dropped the eye of vlad, but anyway in Final Fantsy, Chaos was very ruff, what with the nuking and the full recovery, but for some odd reason when everyone in your party was at least level 30..... he became nice and tame... hmm... Come on!! Zoda??? Yeah, I know you are a kid named Mike with a yoyo as a weapon facing a alien leader, but If you get a ray gun he is toast, but In Startropics two, I remember there being several incarnations of Zoda, but I remmeber I used the gun and no the yoyo to do it. Quote
Cpt_Zach Posted August 6, 2002 Posted August 6, 2002 I think the hardest boss of them all would have to be Ultima Weapon from FF8 in the deep sea deposit area with about a million HP and no knights of the round summon in this game to help you either. Its not a required boss to beat so thank god for that but if you wanted the most powerful summon in the game (Eden) then you would have to face him it took me a few times to beat him I tell you that. Also notable is the Emerald and Ruby weapons from FF7 with a million HP each but can be beaten much more easier with KOTR. yes, I remember the weapons of ff7 wiping their faces with my party on many occaisions....... at level 99. But like you said, with a painfully long spell called knights of the round.... Quote
Cpt_Zach Posted August 6, 2002 Posted August 6, 2002 I'm hearing some pretty good arguments in here, though I mostly have to agree with the RPG boss thing. I've beaten every single "super hard" boss in all the FF's, and never had a problem with ANY of them. Yes, I'm talking about Omega Weapon (both of them), Emerald, Ruby, Ozma, Warmech, ALL of them. Dude, a friggen YAN is harder than any of these guys! I beat all these faggots my first try. It's pretty sad. I had more of a problem with that one portal-looking boss in FF5, I never got farther than that point, I could never beat him. Ah well, I will someday.The secret boss in Gem's place in Illusion of Gaia is so friggen hard, it took me forever to finally beat that dude, and this is WITH full stats and everything. I spent nearly every herb and...AGH! I DID finally beat him, but it took me an hour of trying to get through the mansion witout getting too hurt, then just trying to hit him once every 30 seconds...agh, so tedious. Also, it wasn't really worth it, but...hey, beating these kinda bosses usually aren't, you know? =) K, almost every boss in EVO kicks so much butt...they are so impossible....k fine, not impossible, but darn close...probably because I didn't spend enough time getting my character up... Honestly, I usually find levels more difficult than their bosses most of the time. It was like that with the 2nd and 3rd Mega Mans. Ay carumba, I've never beat any of those games, and I lost my NES cartridges, so I can't play them on my SNES anymore...waaaaaaah! FINE! ok, the weapons are easy, ruby weapon you just have to use death or whatever to freeze him, warmech only looks tough blah blah blah... but you nailed it when you said the illusion of Gaia sucked you kill the bastard, and ..... well let's just say you get NOTHING... stupid gem... Quote
Cpt_Zach Posted August 6, 2002 Posted August 6, 2002 The hardest boss for me would have to be Miguel in Chrono Cross. Of course, that's because I have two black innates in the party and his two whitey spells in a row usually kill both of them immediately.So far the EASIEST boss I've seen would have to be Shaft from Castlevania SOTN, especially if you're equipped with the *SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER* ...shield rod and the right shield. -steve ...crissaegram and ring of varda...the only thing sicker than a ring of varda is two... The game is already easy, then there is this evil sword which you get from something called a schmoo that is called the crissaegram.... yeah. Now you can just walk through the game slicing everything up like it was your job. You would think that KONAMI would take the chrissaegram out of the Saturn version of SOTN, but no, it's there, ready to rape everything. Quote
Cpt_Zach Posted August 6, 2002 Posted August 6, 2002 Anyway, played Castlevania 1 again... I think Deaths incarnation in that game just moved itself up a couple notches. Cuz if you don't have the boomerang, and the "III" symbol? You're f*cked... Quote
Cpt_Zach Posted August 6, 2002 Posted August 6, 2002 No need. Dracula goes down in a matter of seconds. He usually doesn't have the chance to pull off a single attack with me. Mwa ha ha ha!... I played that game too much. You remind me of my friend. He plays through SOTN and gets 200.6% like, once a month or more. He has beaten it with 200.6% in under five hours before. Of course, he used the luck cheat and whizzed by death and kept the stuff, but yeah, that game has the tendency to make you want to play it more. Quote
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