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Sadly, Ridley was too easy in Super Metroid. By the way, I lasted probably 20 minutes against his first encounter. When he finally got my power down enough, he called it quits! The only boss that gave me a run for my money was that green Shrimp looking

Boss that grabs you and does hefty damage to you. It's past the wrecked ship in Maridia I think.

Sadly, Ridley was too easy in Super Metroid. By the way, I lasted probably 20 minutes against his first encounter. When he finally got my power down enough, he called it quits! The only boss that gave me a run for my money was that green Shrimp looking

Boss that grabs you and does hefty damage to you. It's past the wrecked ship in Maridia I think.

I think I remember that one. You can blow out this port thing in the wall and shoot the grapple beam into it to channel electricity through Samus and thus the boss (while he's holding you). Eats up a big chunk of your health, if I remember correctly, but takes him out in a matter of seconds.

Sadly, Ridley was too easy in Super Metroid. By the way, I lasted probably 20 minutes against his first encounter. When he finally got my power down enough, he called it quits! The only boss that gave me a run for my money was that green Shrimp looking

Boss that grabs you and does hefty damage to you. It's past the wrecked ship in Maridia I think.

I think I remember that one. You can blow out this port thing in the wall and shoot the grapple beam into it to channel electricity through Samus and thus the boss (while he's holding you). Eats up a big chunk of your health, if I remember correctly, but takes him out in a matter of seconds.

There's a safer way in case you are not strong enough. As he's shooting things slowly towards you, shoot them to collect energy and missiles. Just before he reaches your side of the room, quickly change into the morph ball and go under him. Every pass, he will do a few dives at you, so duck and cover. As he gets weaker, he'll dive even faster at you. Repeat the patterns until he is brown, and OUT!!! Boy, he wasn't that tough to figure out was he? And thanks for the extra tip too Kureejii.

Sadly, Ridley was too easy in Super Metroid. By the way, I lasted probably 20 minutes against his first encounter. When he finally got my power down enough, he called it quits! The only boss that gave me a run for my money was that green Shrimp looking

Boss that grabs you and does hefty damage to you. It's past the wrecked ship in Maridia I think.

the only boss that game you a run for your money? are you saying that you found mother brain easier than that? oh, those horrible little cheerio beams..

Sadly, Ridley was too easy in Super Metroid. By the way, I lasted probably 20 minutes against his first encounter. When he finally got my power down enough, he called it quits! The only boss that gave me a run for my money was that green Shrimp looking

Boss that grabs you and does hefty damage to you. It's past the wrecked ship in Maridia I think.

the only boss that game you a run for your money? are you saying that you found mother brain easier than that? oh, those horrible little cheerio beams..

......Uhhhh...kay. Either you didn't find the Freeze ray, or it never came to your mind that you can "freeze" them...?

Heh! Horrible little cheerio beams? Samus eats them

for breakfast! Hah!

Oh, Mother Brain? HAH!

For the person who thought Ridley's first encounter was something...brace your self for DEJA VU !!! But I won't tell ya' unless someone asks me to? :wink:


How can i answer to this...?

Well one real bad is MGS2 second final boss (The RAYs)

On European Extreme difficulty setting (Damn that mode is rough!)


you're going to laugh, but the hardest boss for me was the fusion dragon from Golden Sun. just my luck that it used Outer Space EVERY FRICKIN TURN


Hardest boss eh? Don;t laugh at my incompetence but my worst pains were the combined team of Fujin and Raijin from FF8. the game right up to that was soo easy, then i fought them and *WHAM* Squall died. and *WHAM* Zell died. i only had Quistis fighting her ass off. i killed Fujin just barely with only 129 HP. and Raijin said that he doesn't hit girls and i started yelling WOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! I slowly beat him to nothing.

Sadly, Ridley was too easy in Super Metroid. By the way, I lasted probably 20 minutes against his first encounter. When he finally got my power down enough, he called it quits! The only boss that gave me a run for my money was that green Shrimp looking

Boss that grabs you and does hefty damage to you. It's past the wrecked ship in Maridia I think.

the only boss that game you a run for your money? are you saying that you found mother brain easier than that? oh, those horrible little cheerio beams..

......Uhhhh...kay. Either you didn't find the Freeze ray, or it never came to your mind that you can "freeze" them...?

Heh! Horrible little cheerio beams? Samus eats them

for breakfast! Hah!

Oh, Mother Brain? HAH!

For the person who thought Ridley's first encounter was something...brace your self for DEJA VU !!! But I won't tell ya' unless someone asks me to? :wink:

sorry, i just finished the original metroid and i was thinking of that. even though u can still freeze those little cheerio things, when theres other metroids yer trying to destroy, and mother brain, they become a hassle. Yes, i know i have wierd comparisons.

Sadly, Ridley was too easy in Super Metroid. By the way, I lasted probably 20 minutes against his first encounter. When he finally got my power down enough, he called it quits! The only boss that gave me a run for my money was that green Shrimp looking

Boss that grabs you and does hefty damage to you. It's past the wrecked ship in Maridia I think.

the only boss that game you a run for your money? are you saying that you found mother brain easier than that? oh, those horrible little cheerio beams..

......Uhhhh...kay. Either you didn't find the Freeze ray, or it never came to your mind that you can "freeze" them...?

Heh! Horrible little cheerio beams? Samus eats them

for breakfast! Hah!

Oh, Mother Brain? HAH!

For the person who thought Ridley's first encounter was something...brace your self for DEJA VU !!! But I won't tell ya' unless someone asks me to? :wink:

sorry, i just finished the original metroid and i was thinking of that. even though u can still freeze those little cheerio things, when theres other metroids yer trying to destroy, and mother brain, they become a hassle. Yes, i know i have wierd comparisons.

The Metroids in Super Metroid require a charged shot, so be quick about charging the gun of hers! Keep the pace with charged shots and those obstacles

will be less irritating. As for your first acquaintance with Mother Fu..I mean, Brain, use the super bomb (during morph) to destroy the small cannons. From there, MISSILES AWAY at Mother BRAIN until you crack her shield and take HER down. There's more, but I won't tell all unless you want me to...? :wink:

Try Zero Mission's Mother Brain on a low-percent run. That's just not right.


Uh Uh !?! My momma taught me not to pick a fight I can't win! And my sensei taught me to always enter the arena when readily prepared. Low-percentage my arse! :?

I've already beaten Super Metroid, but i wouldnt mind hearing more ways to beat it that I never thought of.

Well then there's really no point in telling you now is there? :) Congratulations! Guess you can just sit back and enjoy a nice bowl of "Horrible Frozen Cheerios" now. :D

Oh but there has been an on-line rave about speed-runs through Super Metroid. How fast can YOU beat it?


Me? Easy. Hilgigars, Final Fantasy 9. My lord, he beat me EVERY FLIPPIN' TIME!!!! Then someone showed me the magical little tactic called "move mages to the back, and warriors to the front". Easy victory. But then, I lost my save file, and I have to start it AAAAALLLLLLLLL over again. Crap. And.....My sensei is right: "Never go into battle, unless you know the enemy, know it's weakness, and are fully prepared for it."


of course theres no point in telling me any more, but its still interesting.

i wonder how frozen cheerios would taste...

and i dont care about how fast i beat it, getting the least clothed photo without any cheats or emulated save states is damn near impossible. i just want to find everything. though Super Metroid is like the original, it doesnt have photos yet... oh well i still couldnt care less about my time :roll:


i would have to say just about every boss on Ikaruga.

One in specific would be the final boss and the boss of the 4th level.

Another really hard boss would have to be Dracula from the original Castlevania on the NES. Man he was insane.

another one was Mike Tyson on Mike Tyson's Punch-Out, tough stuff, but after memorizing the code to access his stage, then you kind of figure it all out hehe.

Another one was the blob guy in the very original Mega Man on the NES. without sliding and all your fancy moves, it becomes increasingly difficult.

I've already beaten Super Metroid, but i wouldnt mind hearing more ways to beat it that I never thought of.

Well then there's really no point in telling you now is there? :) Congratulations! Guess you can just sit back and enjoy a nice bowl of "Horrible Frozen Cheerios" now. :D

Oh but there has been an on-line rave about speed-runs through Super Metroid. How fast can YOU beat it?

The third time I beat the game (back in god knows when), I did it in just over 2 hours with something like a 90% collection rating without breaking a sweat, so I can only imagine there are some pretty absurdly fast times out there :)

I've already beaten Super Metroid, but i wouldnt mind hearing more ways to beat it that I never thought of.

Well then there's really no point in telling you now is there? :) Congratulations! Guess you can just sit back and enjoy a nice bowl of "Horrible Frozen Cheerios" now. :D

Oh but there has been an on-line rave about speed-runs through Super Metroid. How fast can YOU beat it?

The third time I beat the game (back in god knows when), I did it in just over 2 hours with something like a 90% collection rating without breaking a sweat, so I can only imagine there are some pretty absurdly fast times out there :)

If you still have the game AND the save file of where you left off, I strongly suggest you take a picture and send it in! If however, someone has beaten it in UNDER 2 hours, then I'm sorry. I haven't heard of a quicker record yet, but I can beat it in under 3:30. And yes, Samus looks GOOD !

i would have to say just about every boss on Ikaruga.

One in specific would be the final boss and the boss of the 4th level.

Another really hard boss would have to be Dracula from the original Castlevania on the NES. Man he was insane.

another one was Mike Tyson on Mike Tyson's Punch-Out, tough stuff, but after memorizing the code to access his stage, then you kind of figure it all out hehe.

Another one was the blob guy in the very original Mega Man on the NES. without sliding and all your fancy moves, it becomes increasingly difficult.

You thought Dracula was tough ?!? Grim Reaper, somewhat without the holy cross, but DRACULA ?!? My friend! Just give that idiot something to drink! :wink:


pretty much any boss on an NES is hard for me due to poor controls, movement, and such. Luckily after a while you find little tricks here and there to help you win.

well if i could give him something to drink then i would have! All he was interested in was showing me his fiery balls.


What's the official sports drink of the Belmont Family?





the final boss in Silent Bomber is really really tough as FUCK.

anyone who hasn't played this game really ought to seek it out, its so freakin' classic. best action/shooter game on the ps1, hands down!

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