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ok heres one probaly no one has thought of. how about the last boss to phantom 2040. i mean if you didn;t save almost ever energy aid you found you were gonna die. i mean i usually ran out half way through the thing. cause lets face it some of thoses bosses have rediculous amouts of life.

Anyone ever play Omega Boost? (god, that game went ignored... WAY overdue for a PS2 remake). The final boss was nearly impossible, as is the cliché for final bosses. This HUGE metal behemoth launching its arms at you, with energy teathers inbetween them. After that, you had about 8 seconds to destroy his gelatinous core or it'd explode, taking you out with him.

Must be nice to have gotten that far... I'm still stuck on stage 5 (where you go down that LONG tunnel with the cross beams that you can't seem to avoid hitting). I've been stuck there for about two years :cry: .

To get around those, slowly rotate the analougue stick. see your through, now the other way round on the next ones....

BEUTIFULL On a well powered EPSXE


Youve never hear dof phantom 2040. aww man. it was a cartoon the they stoped showing it the made a game and a movie out of it. basically it is liek a futuristic spider man except he wars purple.


Yeah the game was hard and the movie had nothign to do with the phantom cartoon. but any how any one who has played it and made it to the final boss (maxwell sr in a weird for) will knwo that that has to be one of the hardest boss ( not the hardest cause i have beaten it before) but it will definetly take you awaile


How about the final boss in the original R-Type? You had only a couple seconds to hit it when the vine-like things parted, exposing the boss. Once they closed, it was a good twenty seconds or so before they'd open again. In the meantime, you have to avoid fast moving suicidal enemies trying to slam into your from above, below, the front and the back... all while dodging the indestructable spheres floating around.

Doesn't that just spell fun?


LOL well if yoru going to mention r-type you might as well mention all of them i mean the boss from hmm which one was it the one on the super that they remade for the playstation was hard. like the one boss you had to shott while winding yrou way throguh an almost inpossible maze as the screen moves faster and faster. that spells even more fun

I have never heard of that game :cry:

You've NEVER heard of R-Type? <wince><gasp>

Oh my son, you have some research to do. Here's a list for ya...

R-Types= This game on the Playstation contained arcade perfect versions of R-Type I & II

Super R-Type= A SNES game that has a little of I & II, with new stuff thrown in for good measure.

R-Type 3: The Third Lightning= A new episode in the series, this SNES game is one of the best shooters on the ol' SNES.

R-Type Leo= a rare arcade shooter. Good luck finding this one to play. It's plays a little differently from most of the other R-Type games.

R-Type Delta= a Playstation original, this episode features all polygonal enemies and backgrounds, rather than all sprites like the rest of the series.

All these games are great in their own way. They all share similar play mechanics, but each offers challenges in their own right. R-Type 3 is being released on the Gameboy Advanced in a little while. How well it'll match up to the SNES version is yet to be seen.

Now go forth and find these games my son... and experience gaming bliss.

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