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Contact Information

  • My ReMixer name: bLur Remixes
  • My real name: Gian-Luca Abel
  • Your website: Not really my website, but here is my YouTube Channel, where i post most of my remixes: https://www.youtube.com/user/SparkyxDSparky
  • My user ID: 23513

Submission Information

  • Name of game arranged: Yoshi's Wooly World
  • Name of arrangement: Mellow World
  • Name of individual song arranged: Special Course
  • Additional information about game including composer, system, etc.: I could'nt find Wooly World in your Database, so here you go:
                                                                              Yoshi's Wooly World, published by Nintendo 2015, Wii U, composers are Tomoya Tomita and Misaki Asada
  • Link to the original soundtrack: Again, i couldn't find it on your website (Im very new to submitting, this is in fact the first remix i submitt, im not that familiar with how your site works yet, im sorry):
  • My comments about the Mix:
I'd like to include some general information about myself here if that's okay, if not just skip straight to the part where i actually talk about the remix. This is the first remix i submit to this site, i have been doing remixes for quite some years now, the first remix i uploaded on YouTube is actually 6 years old by now. Back then i basically sucked at this whole remix thing, but over the years i have actually gotten much better and gained confidence in myself. Submitting this is basically an evaluation of my skills for myself, if this gets accepted i'm really happy about it, if not i can check how to improve in the future.
Anyways, regarding the remix. I chose this soundtrack out of all the good ones in Wooly World because in my oppinion it's very special (pun not intended), it sticks out to the rest of the OST. Fittingly enough, just how the appearence of the levels changes in special courses, the music does too. In each world the special level differenciates itself from other levels in the world, sometimes its nighttime, sometimes you reencounter a boss. Likewise, the music, which is the same for all special courses, is different from the rest. It's much more energetic and focuses more on electric instruments than accoustic ones. It's got the uplifting first half and then transitions into the second part, with the somewhat melancholic atmosphere. I did an orchestral reimagination of the soundtrack. By that i wanted to give it a more epic and grande appearence. In the remix i stuck relativly close to the original in terms of structure, in order to put my focus on emphasising the difference between the previously mentioned 2 halves of the song. I went through the song a total of 4 times, in each repition i wanted to focus on a different aspect/instrument. I tried to emphasise the two halves by making the first one very light, with bright, staccato instruments (Violin Pizzicato, celeste, piano, flute), and the second half heavy and epic (Strings played long, Brass, strong Snares, choir). In 2 repitions i kept the snare, a little bit more quiet, throughout the first half and added, to maintain the flow and energy. I also added Yoshi sounds, specifically the sounds he makes while flying in mellow mode (hence the name "mellow world), since the whole track itself is very uplifting and the sounds yoshi makes just seem to fit very nicely. Finally i repeated the last half in the final repition 2 times, including a key change, since in my oppinion the 2nd half is the strongest and most important part of the song. 
I dont even know if i just posted way too much text here, again, this is my first submission, please go easy on me.
I ran into problems rendering the .wav into the required format of the .mp3. when using winLAME, i got an mp3 with no sound, when using sony vegas i got some very slight crackle/noise on some parts. In the original soundfile however there are none of these problems. Here's a link to the YouTube version, i hope my remix won't get denied just because i ran into issues rendering the .wav. 
Kind regards,
 Gian-Luca Abel


  • 2 weeks later...

This is pretty neat. Listening to the source, this is quite the change from the upbeat, more electronic arrangement from the game. I appreciate the sense of flow that this arrangement has - the orchestration knows how to change from light to heavy, using this to shape the arrangement in a way that the original just couldn't. This track does a great job using the space to produce something... er, special.

The orchestration is quite good, but the sequencing of the instruments is fairly mechanical. Instrumental lines don't utilize dynamics that often - instruments are made loud and quiet in order to create those aforementioned moments (which is great), but dynamics can and should change from note to note in order to shape phrases and lines of music, as well.

The choir sample is pretty obviously fake, as well. It sounds like a sample I might use in some more electronic music I create, but in this context you're trying to imitate a real orchestra, so it takes the listener out of the experience. Watch for that flute, as well - it's quite piercing when it comes in at 1:40.

The production seems alright, but pay attention to when many things are playing at once, such as at 2:16. It becomes to parse the instruments out when some instruments are so dominating in comparison to others, and everything sounds like a mess. Tweaking the dynamics or mixer at points like this could help considerably when trying to clean up the soundscape, when it gets crowded.

I have some issue with the choice of chord progression, such as with the piano at 0:27. Moving a chord in it's entirety up and down simply using transposition makes for some blocky chord progressions that feel stiff and unnatural. Some genres can get away with it to some degree (Rock & Roll or Metal, for example), but orchestra isn't one of them. I would suggest looking into learning a little bit about voice-leading between chords - it's not mandatory (many listeners don't catch these things, honestly), but I think it'll help you improve considerably if you learn a thing or two about it.

Ultimately, I really do enjoy the arrangement, but the execution does leave a lot to be desired. Listen to more orchestral music, study how instruments use dynamics to phrase their melodic lines, their articulations, etc., as this will help you make more realistic productions in the future. I hope this helps, and I hope to hear more from you!


  • 1 month later...

Not a bad arrangement. Source is easily identifiable. Great use of instrument combinations to build things up triumphantly between each section. I agree with Gario on the choir, it definitely doesn't fit the rest of your instrumentation, it's very robotic and a little off-putting in this context. For a mix just over 4 minutes, I thought some parts (particularly the main melody) were played too often without much change.

The mixing here isn't too bad, most things are audible. Your drums get drowned out a bit during the louder sections where everything is built up. In some sections you have instruments poking out/hovering above the mix when it isn't necessary (eg: 1:27), like they're in a different room - this could be due to a lack of reverb or different reverb being applied to these parts. Some backing parts are also a bit loud compared to their lead counterparts.

The yoshi voice samples were quite irritating when played over and over. I feel like things like this should be used sparingly, to keep that uniqueness and not become annoying. I would recommend their usage be pulled back should you submit a resub.

Overall this is ok but there are some niggling issues in arrangement and mixing that hold this back.



It's an ok adaptation, but sadly the sequencing needs a lot of work, you need to make your performances sound more human, as they're very robotic in nature in this remix.  Some of the samples you could do without, such as the choir one.  I feel like Gario and Jivemaster already addressed the issues very well so I won't make this longer just to repeat those again.  I will add some positives: you did a nice job adapting it to a different genre, and you have a good sense of structure, also your mixdown was fairly balanced and clear, imo.  Work on the issues mentioned above to get your orchestral arrangements to the next level and you'll be closer to the bar.

(I had no issues with the yoshi samples, btw.  They were kinda cute)


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