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I hope I have all the relevant information here for you. My brother did work on this track with me but I actually don't have his email address at the moment but he will be fine with me submitting this.

Contact info
ReMixer name - Aranha-UK
Real name - Charlie Martin
Email address - 
Website - www.soundcloud.com/aranha-uk
User ID - 31898

Submission info
Name of arranged game - Dark Souls
Name of arrangement - Eos
Name of individual song arranged - Gwyn, Lord of Cinder 
Link to song - 

Any more information or issues just let me know. I have more tracks that would be suitable for this site so hopefully we can start getting more on here. Love the site guys.


This track is much too quiet and appears to be a pre-master.  I added 10db with a limiter and it sounds much better.  

I like the concept here, you changed the 3/4 source to a cool 4/4 beat, and I love the reverse sounds.  Ultimately though, the track is repetitive and doesn't develop fully enough.  The same bit of motif plays over and over, and the drums are simply and repetitively written.  I think the production is not too bad, although some mastering is needed.  The biggest dealbreaker here is the repetitiveness of the arrangement.  I suggest changing up the drum pattern a bit, adding in other bits of motif (there is more to this source that can be used), adding in some original soloing or something, and maybe make the outro a bit different from the intro.  I'd really like to hear this one revisited.  You could put this up in our wip forum for further feedback and advice if you are so inclined.

NO (resubmit)

  • Chimpazilla changed the title to 2016/04/26 - (1N) Dark Souls 'Eos'

I feel like every Dark Souls remix I've judged is for this theme (maybe I've only judged two, though, who knows!).

Definitely needs a mastering pass to bring this up to normal listening levels as it's very quiet.  Cool ideas with the reverse piano(?) sound.  

Over halfway in now and it's clear the ideas have played out and the track has gotten quite repetitive at this point.  There isn't much variation in the track other than parts gradually entering in and then leaving.  Not much of an ending either as the track eventually devolves to the reverse piano part and abruptly stops.  This feels more like a proof of concept than a finished remix, TBH.  It needs quite a bit more arrangement development beyond this core idea - both in expanding on more ideas and varying up individual part-writing (like the beat, which basically stays on autopilot for the length of the track).

I'd add the beat feels a bit pasted on top (especially the snap-type snare sound).  Once you do bring levels up, you'll likely need to push them back a bit to gel with the rest of the mix.  

Cool base here that can definitely be expanded on.

NO resubmit, please

  • Nutritious changed the title to 2016/04/26 - (2N) Dark Souls 'Eos'

Well, for what's here I really do like it. The reverse piano provides a nice haunting backdrop with a pulsing, strong bass drum to give the track a sense of pacing. The instrumentation of the themes that are present works well, even if it is just a variation of the source (Piano vs piano with special effects).

The levels on this track are excessively low. Just putting this in Audacity and pushing the amplifier gives me about 7.3 dBs without clipping, and I can easily get another 5-6 dBs if I use some basic limiting. Push all the volume that you can without limiting, so you can match the levels of other tracks on OCR.

Mixing in this track is handled strangely. Primary themes and interesting elements are hidden behind the pads/reverse piano and percussion. You'll need to put the important elements of the track to the front, while bringing the pads and such more in the middle or background of the track. Right now it sounds like a wash of sound with some unimportant things getting in the way in the background (which happen to carry the source themes).

I hear the issues on the repetitiveness of this arrangement, but it doesn't quite bother me as much as the others. It's repeating the same source material, but the addition and dropping of parts as it does throughout isn't negligible. That being said, it would be a safer bet as far as getting accepted on here to add some more melodic interpretation of the source material, or introduce more of the source to the track as it proceeds.

I really like the harmonic combinations throughout this track - very dissonant, very rich, very tasty. I just thought I'd point that out. The sudden cutoff ending is a little jarring, but I can see this being a deliberate ending choice rather than an accident in rendering. I'm okay with it, though I think if it's deliberate it really should be more deliberate sounding (build to the cut-off, for example). If it is a mistake, of course, then give it a proper ending.

Overall I think it's a great start, and I think this can lead to a great arrangement for the front page. However, due to mixing issues, volume levels and some sense of repetitiveness in the arrangement I think we have to send it back to you this time. Best of luck, though, and I hope some of what we say helps, here.


  • Liontamer changed the title to *NO* Dark Souls 'Eos'
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