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*NO* Super Mario Bros. & Mega Man 2 'Mega Mario Bros.'

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Posted (edited)
Hi OC ReMix!
I'd love for you to take a listen to my cover of Super Mario Bros. in the style of Mega Man 2:
Contact Info
ReMixer Name: BoyMeetsRobot
User ID: 34348
Submission Info
Games: Super Mario Bros., Mega Man 2
Name of Arrangement: Mega Mario Bros.
Name of Songs: Overworld Theme (SMB), Underworld Theme (SMB), Boss Battle (MM2)
Chiptunes for this arrangement were created with a Nintendo Game Boy running Little Sound DJ.
Thanks for your consideration!




Edited by Liontamer
closed decision

To be honest, I was waffling on this one a bit. The arrangement is pretty clever (and a bit hilarious), and while there isn't anything spectacular with the production of the chips it IS stereo separated, with some care taken to make it sound acceptable on one's speakers or headphones. Production isn't that impressive, but he does give it the proper spit-shine to make it adequate for our standards, I feel.

The one thing that holds this down is ironically the guitar - it just follows the chips, and it's panned too hard to the right speaker. If the guitar had a better presence to it (probably with a layered guitar part on the other side), and PERHAPS the guitar were doing something more interesting than following the lead (or alternatively the lead was the guitar without the chip) this would actually be a pass on my part.

Right now, though, the guitar throws me off, so I've got to send it back for now. Great work with the blending source, though - I got a kick out of it, and I hope you send it back with some improvements.


  • Gario changed the title to 2017/02/17 - (1N) Super Mario Bros. 'Mega Mario Bros.'

I had almost exactly the same feeling as Gario.  This is incredibly clever, and the guitar adds a bit of depth that straight chiptunes wouldn't have had, but since that guitar is so important in elevating this to that level, the fact that the guitar is so simple, and panned, really is more significant than it sounds.

A couple of other really minor crits: The lack of bass in the intro makes it feel a little hollow compared to the rest of the mix.  The "hurry up" at 1:48, followed by a sped-up version of the first part, is kind of a cop-out; if you're going to make a whole extra section out of that, you should do something a little different with it.  And I think the very end could have used a brief moment of silence, perhaps even an SFX, to queue the listener that the boss/stage has been beaten and it's time for the victory music.

Still, it's the guitar that's the real killer here.  Balance and spice it up and I think you'll have a pass here.

NO (please resubmit!)


I'll co-sign with Gario that the production was fine for the piece (vis-a-vis the standards).

Hate to sound like I'm nitpicking a small detail, but, while I didn't mind the guitar panning, I agreed with the others that the guitar and chiptune merely doubling the same lines for the entire track was disappointing as far wanting to hear more development and variation of ideas in an otherwise-cool concept piece. Could have used warp pipe jingle at 1:15 to transition to the Underground BGM; what's here right now is just an abrupt cut.

8 minutes ago, MindWanderer said:

The "hurry up" at 1:48, followed by a sped-up version of the first part, is kind of a cop-out; if you're going to make a whole extra section out of that, you should do something a little different with it.

Total agreement there. There's nothing really there for that section except a slightly faster retread of the 1-1 theme; I get how it's holding just a simple tempo increase like the original song does, but for the arrangement standards here, we're looking for something a little more substantive, so consider what else you could do there so that final section stands more apart creatively from the first one.

Great potential here, Mike. The standards here push for a little more variation within such a short arrangement at only 2:31-long, but this is definitely creative and well in the right direction. If you're willing to revisit this one, we'd love to post it in some form, it would just need some sort of continuity or legit transition point between the Overworld and Underworld themes, and some more variation in your treatment of the Overworld theme. If you'd rather leave this piece as is, that's no problem, but I hope you'd be willing to submit more works of yours down the line. Cool stuff so far, but develop the writing/arrangement a bit further!

NO (resubmit)

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