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OLD LINK: https://app.box.com/s/0bavhwkcnem49jjz8fj9pq6t40asxrkn

LATEST VERSION: https://app.box.com/s/5jbuhtoq3aplcnf1kn7k0be1mklfkgny

Something I've put some work into over the past week. I'm really like this one so far. This is one I'm not going to be putting to the sidelines. I promise.

Vocals will be re-done with some pitch correction and ad-libs.



EDIT: Closer to getting done on the composition side of things. Above link should still work.

Still need to re-do vocals. Just laying down melody is all haha. That falsetto in the bridge is gonna be a pain in the ass to hit, might just do some edit magic.


EDIT2: I did more vocal work, still need to do adlibs. I think it's coming along well. Hopefully I'll be finished with this on Thursday

edit3: Info below. Here's some lyrics:


Wake me

Pushing out to escape we

Need a reason to live

My minds on the fringe

I'm crying in desparation


So break me

If you're not gonna save me

I'm pushing again

The lives that we spend

You're telling me over and over again


Run away, run away

Maybe I was wrong to stay

Run away, run away

Were these memories made in vein

I'm broken to pieces

So why can't you understand?

Our time is coming to an end


Run away, run away

Maybe I should turn to say

Run away, run away

Were these memories made in vein?


Ok this song is getting closer and closer to being done. I think I'm close to calling it "Finished", still need to do adlibs and re-record the vocals (I didn't realize I was letting my breath go after every lyrics. God damnit :( also not hitting notes. ).


It's getting really hard to give this one a polished sound - I don't know if it's because I have too much going on or what.. but I might take a break from it and come back in a couple of days. Please comment any of the good or bad stuff, i love to hear it.

NEW LINK: https://app.box.com/s/5jbuhtoq3aplcnf1kn7k0be1mklfkgny

  • 3 weeks later...

The timing of the instrumentation and the performance in the intro don't seem quite lined up. You're occasionally not hitting the notes quite right in pitch either, 1:40 being a prime example of this. Consider re-recording some of the lines, or pitch correcting them artificially.

I like the vocals. You've got a nice voice and I can't hear anything wrong with how it's recorded. You might want to pair the intensity of the instrumentation and the vocal performance better. 2:25 you hit the vocals with a performance much more intense than the instrumentation. The instruments are sweet and soft, which is not how your vocals sound.

But hey, cool stuff, keep working on it.


yeah re-recording the vocals are top priority. it's a hard song to sing for some reason, i really have NO idea why i'm so pitchy in this one. my gf says i'm just trying to hard, lol.

thanks for the comment rozovian, i can't wait to get this shit on the front page

  • 3 months later...

If mods don't feel like this is ready, then I think I'm gonna put it on the back-burner for now. I'm getting burnt out on recording vocals (I'm pretty sure this project is gonna crash if I try to add any more .wav's, lol) It's a very hard song to sing, and I'm pretty much pitch correcting all the way through.

I've put a lot of work into it recently, but I really don't know what to think of it now.

I feel comfortable performing it live, that's where I want to be at right now. I'll come back to it to re-record vocals (if necessary) closer to my album release.

Thanks for listening, I really appreciate the work y'all do here.



Quick note before I give this my two cents: even if you don't get a solid evaluation here, if you're going to sit on it anyway there's nothing to lose by submitting it. Just sayin', there's always the off chance that we're wrong, and worst case they'll give their feedback in a few months when you're less burnt out - a win-win, if you ask me. Just don't tell any of the other judges that I said that... ;) 



You've got one clean voice, there! It's just the right type of voice for something like this. The backing instruments are quiet (perhaps TOO quiet at the very beginning), but they give the star of the arrangement the center stage.

Being that the vocals are the most important part of the arrangement they've got to be damn near perfect. While they're good, they're not perfect - there are quite a few moments when your voice falls flat (specifically, at 0:24, 0:43, 0:47, 1:06, etc.), and a mmoent or two where it goes sharp (like at 0:50, for example). If willing, a little autotune would mask the problematic parts in a way where it was nearly undetectable, though, so I think you could get away without doing any more recording on this (as I'm sure you'd be glad to hear!).

As is, it's a close call, but I would bet the parts that fall out of tune would get you a few borderline YES votes and more resub NO votes. It has a shot, though, if you're really burned out and don't want to touch this at all, but with an hour or two of autotune on the vocals in the areas that go flat I think this would be a pretty clean pass. Up to you, though!

(By the way, the vocals are far and away good enough for a live performance - you'd sound pretty cool on stage with this!)

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