djpretzel Posted June 1, 2002 Posted June 1, 2002 Hi there! I've recently come across your web site and really like it! I'd like to submit a remix that I did some years ago. It was created using samples from the Tie Fighter PC game (I hope I don't mess this up with X Wing, but I think those samples were from Tie Fighter). Title: Tie Fighter Das Imperium OC Remix Artist: Master Mitch Year: 1997 You can also add my homepage URL. Which one should I take? Thanks for listening! Christian -- ....Christian.Garbs..................................... Sermon good, missionary tasty. Send more soon.
Malcos Posted June 1, 2002 Posted June 1, 2002 Hehehe, THAT 'breath' sample at the beginning. I thought this could have done with a but more punch maybe, but thats irrelevant, I like the groove here. I'm not a fan of voice samples within tunes, but this was done as tastefully as possible IMO. Yes.
Saunders Posted June 1, 2002 Posted June 1, 2002 Haha, Vader breathing, neat. Hmm, I've always liked the Imperial March, and I never expected to hear a techno rendition of it. The panned right clap sample is unneccessary I think, it stands out more than the rest of the percussion. I'm not big on voice samples in a remix (ie: when Vader's giving orders). My only gripe is that I think some stuff could stand to be louder, the percussion for one, have some harder/deeper kicks in there, I can barely hear them. So while this is a good tune, I think I'd really like to hear it with some volume changing up (that's called Mastering, right?).
orkybash Posted June 2, 2002 Posted June 2, 2002 Not quite the imperial march, but I'm assuming that's because the in-game music wasn't quite the imperial march. Personally, I thought the voice samples were tastefully done, though I liked Vader's better than Palpatine's. So, I really don't see why this shouldn't go up.
Antonio Pizza Posted June 5, 2002 Posted June 5, 2002 SON OF A FUCKING BITCH, IT HAPPENED AGAIN! EVERYTHING I WROTE IS GONE!!!!!!!!!! *ahem* Anyways, I'll get right to the point. Despite the fact that the voice samples are neither James Earl Jones or Ian McDiarmid (damn!) I liked them and didn't find them out of place. The Vader breath samples... *clutches his bosom* oh! Beeyooteefull! The main point I want to bring up is how I had a problem with considering this mix due to it's base. It's the Imperial March which is from The Empire Strikes Back and is probably straight sampled in the TIE Fighter game in question. The fact that it's in the game provides an execellent loophole for getting a techno version of the Imperial March posted on a video game remix site. Yet and still, doesn't Scott Peeples have two versions of 007's them posted on OCR? The only two 007 mixes, I might add (unless you count the little bit of the theme that LousySpy borrows in his "Final Fantasy VII - Forested Temple" mix). This is where we have to be careful. Theoretically, I could post a country version of The Clash of Lightsabers off of "The Empire Strikes Back" soundtrack because it was contained in "Masters of the Teras Kasi" for the Playstation, right? A vote for a song like this sets precedence as far as movie, tv, and wrestling soundtracks contained in games. Inanycase, it's safe to say that with a couple more of those bass explosions that are cliché in techno songs, the good folks of Peterborough, England would love it. As for this folk in Kalamazoo, Michigan, he loves it too. He just not sure if it should be posted... True, Scott's are on, but that was waaaaaaaaaaaaaay before the panel came into play so he's grandfathered on that issue. I can't vote yet. I wanna see what everyone else thinks. Even if you've already voted, let me know what you think on this issue. If we allow one, we've gotta allow them all. The quesion is, does anyone have a problem with that? *grumbles to himself* stupid ethics...
Malcos Posted June 6, 2002 Posted June 6, 2002 Well Pizza, I think we're just gonna have to allow these things, eh? After all, the song is featured in a game. A lot of films are going to be made into games, and games into films, so if we say no now, what happens if they make a Sonic film with some songs that are remixed here?
orkybash Posted June 6, 2002 Posted June 6, 2002 I really don't see why there's a problem with tv/movie remixes if they're featured in games, too. I mean, it *is* a game, right? Are we now discriminating against games that were made from movies?
Saunders Posted June 6, 2002 Posted June 6, 2002 Well I think what Pizza is fearing (if he is indeed fearing it) is mixes of let's say, Kid Rock's Bawitaba because it's [insert wrestler here]'s intro song in [insert wrestling game here]. "It's in the game! So it's a video game remix!! Really!!!" I say maybe we could make a rule that no matter what game it's featured in if it's "mainstream" music we won't accept a remix of it.
Antonio Pizza Posted June 7, 2002 Posted June 7, 2002 Does "mainstream" include Peter Gunn Theme from "Spy Hunter" or Wipeout from "Cool Spot?" Well orky and Malcos don't seem to have a problem with it, so I'm gonna go ahead and vote yes and take the public complaints later. BTW rob1, it was American Bad Ass by Kid Rock for the Undertaker's theme. And Malcos, if I ever see a Sonic the Hedgehog movie (please no) that features McVaffe's IceCapped and Bonus Retreat, your Mystic Cave and Hot Stuff, Jivemaster's Tight Finale and rAAw Battery, JAXX's LightningStar, and the new Dub Island (Bashment Riddim Edit) collaboration, there's a 35% chance that I might spontaneously combust.
Disco Dan Posted June 9, 2002 Posted June 9, 2002 well actually, I've played that game in and out and while this music is sort of close kind of to the music from the game, I'm pretty sure it's not there. It's an interesting variation. The voice samples are from the game. So then we come to another issue, the idea of writing a song, that's mostly original, but because it contains snippets of music from a game or sound samples, might be considered a remix of that game? I say no. I say it's a nice cameo, but it's not the main thematic material. In this case we've got some bastardized version of the imperial theme that only hints at the beginnings of it. The REAL imperial theme has more than one section and goes on for a good bit past the "bum bum bum bum da bum, bum da bum." The in game theme is even MORE complex because as is true of most of the LucasArts games that had the iMUSE system, the music constantly changed depending on the scenario. So anyway, I'm gonna say no, and I hope some of you will consider that there is so little of the game music material in this mix that we don't just post it for it ALMOST sounding right... DC
djpretzel Posted June 20, 2002 Author Posted June 20, 2002 I'm gonna add something to the submissions guidelines. While popular movie themes are often used in games, it simply wouldn't be kosher for OCR to become home to zillions of star wars remixes and what not. Any theme that is known more outside of a game than in it is highly questionable. Let's not ban this outright, as there may be some very special exceptions, but it should be strongly discouraged. A bummer, perhaps, but there are others sites for remixes of movie themes, esp. star wars, and OCR has to have at least a little form and focus. Opinions? All in favor? Against?
Malcos Posted June 20, 2002 Posted June 20, 2002 I agree. This site is for computer game music remixes, and to include film might encourage people who only want to do film remixes to submit something and then say 'Well it was in a game, so that's ok'. There will be exceptions, but I think we should be clear on this one before we get more of these borderline remixes.
Antonio Pizza Posted June 20, 2002 Posted June 20, 2002 I agree with djp and muh buddy Malcos. Pretz, maybe rewrite what you told us and update it in the submissions guidelines? Then put a sticky/annoucement in the GenDisc. forum explaining that the guidelines were updated. That way no one can claim, "I didn't know!" Bullshit. You knew. As for "Das Imperium," a conversation with muh other buddy Daniel reiterated that the Imperial March is not contained within "X-Wing vs. TIE fighter" wholly enough to justify it's posting on OCR. Basically, the game borrows the first 6 notes or so and then goes off to an original interpolation. Just enough so that you recognized that it's based on the Imperial March. "Das Imperium" uses the entire Imperial March and while the voice samples to help to legitimize it as a game remix, I do not feel it does so enough to OCR standards . So as painful as it may be, I'm gonna have to vote NO on this one.
Disco Dan Posted June 22, 2002 Posted June 22, 2002 No, that's not quite what I meant AP. What I meant was, that while the game does include MOST of the theme, this remix doesn't. This remix isn't using a theme that is in the movie OR the game. Listen to the theme from your soundtrack then listen to this mix, and you'll notice a big difference. Then play the game and listen to the mix. Big differences again. I'm saying this piece could almost be claimed to be original because it's that different from the game AND the movie. DC
Antonio Pizza Posted June 25, 2002 Posted June 25, 2002 OKAY, SO ARE WE POSTING IT, NOT POSTING IT? WHAT? LET'S GET THIS TOPIC CLEARED OUT.
djpretzel Posted June 26, 2002 Author Posted June 26, 2002 Not posting . . . I'll cover the modification to the guidelines as soon as possible . . .
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