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*NO* Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild "Forest Labyrinth"

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The instrumentation strains credibility sometimes, with the piano being the worst offender given how thin/flat/exposed it can sound. IMO, that part needs more realism to it, and I'd feel this was good to go. Otherwise, very cool and otherwise vibrant arrangement approach that packed a lot of evolution within a short time frame. Perhaps I'm being too tough in my production criticism on the piano/keyboard, we'll see, but IMO when you have such a short piece, everything really needs to be close to clicking on all cylinders.

NO (refine/resubmit)

  • Liontamer changed the title to 2019/10/29 - (1N) Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild "Forest Labyrinth"
  • 4 weeks later...

I'm with Larry here - the instrumentation is well-written but the sample quality doesn't hold up to scrutiny in this minimalist context, particularly the piano and the solo strings. Comparing it directly to the OST, your sample feels tinny and lacking the same dynamic range. In addition, the performance feels robotic as well. Small nitpick - the decay/release on the solo violin at the very end of the song is very abrupt. 

There's some really great evolution on the original source with the addition of new instruments and original writing, but when so much of the arrangement is built around piano and that particular element is noticeably weaker, the overall product doesn't click for me. Although the arrangement is short, if you were willing to take a stab at re-working the pianos, I think this would be a solid candidate for resubmission! 

NO (resubmit)

  • Emunator changed the title to 2019/10/29 - (2N) Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild "Forest Labyrinth"

I love this source so much.  I love what you've done here, and it all works for me except the piano.  With this source, that piano absolutely has to work.  This sample sounds weak and dry and needs some humanization work.  Get that done, and then it's a yes from me!

NO (resubmit please)

  • Chimpazilla changed the title to 2019/10/29 - (3N) Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild "Forest Labyrinth"
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