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OCR04194 - *YES* Dahna "Mysterious Invasion"

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Remixer name : jmabate
Real name : abate jean marc
Email : 

website : https://www.youtube.com/user/jmabate
userid : 35644

Name of game(s) arranged : Dahna, Megami Tanjou
Name of arrangement Opening theme cover
Name of individual song(s) arranged : Opening Theme
Composer : 
 T’s Music
System : Sega Megadrive 
Original :

Guest : Audio Mocha – solo guitar

Best regards

  • 2 months later...

We get the theme by guitar lead to start things off, with rhythm added in shortly after. Tone is a bit too bass heavy. The drums are difficult to make out because of this. There are a number of guitar parts that play simultaneously, and while they sound fairly cohesive, it’s a bit difficult to make them out from each other. The section at 0:57 was better, as was the break portion at 1:13. The pace picks up at 1:26 where we’re presented a guitar solo, which sounds quite good, and gels well with the rest of the mix. After a short interlude, there is more solo which is equally cohesive. The drums here are a bit easier to hear too (due to less low end being occupied). We have a tidy ending soon after. Production wise there are a few issues with audibility earlier on, though things aren’t as bad across other sections of the mix. Arrangement wise there is a decent amount of content here. While I think the mixing could certainly do with the some work, given the audibility issues aren’t as wide reaching as I expected, I think we’re ok here. Let’s see what the other think.


  • Jivemaster changed the title to 2020/04/21 - (1Y) Dahna: Megami Tanjō "Opening Theme"
  • 4 weeks later...

I felt unsure about the arrangement on my first listen, but I understood the evolution through repeated listens.  The first run-through had an excellent tempo ascent in the first half, along with some sweet varied drumming that kept up the pace and varied between rhythm types.  The second loop with the first guitar solo is no slouch either, and kept up the textural variation with the denser rhythm guitar rhythms and more frantic drums, eventually leading to blast beats at 1:53.  The third loop also ran a risk of copy-pasta thanks to the return of the blast beats in the B section at 2:41, but it also had a guitar arpeggio to differentiate itself.  That loop also contained a different guitar solo in A (2:14) and a brief return to the first loop's C section with subtle rhythm guitar modifications (2:55).  Overall, I heard a simple "theme and variations" arrangement - nothing too cerebral, but there are enough variety and interpretation to maintain engagement.

Regarding the mixdown, it surprisingly feels tight.  The guitars got recorded cleanly and accurately, and I can identify your drums due to more evident balance.  While I'm not sure which solo spots Daniel contributed to, all of them segue nicely with the defined chord structures nevertheless.  Yes, the rhythm guitar providing the arpeggio part doesn't feel as defined as the leads and the chord-based rhythms, but I consider it a support instrument in the grand scheme of things, so I see no big deal.  I also personally would've wanted a hint more presence on your drums' overhead as they still feel faint in the mix, but that end of the EQ spectrum is a temperamental one as it is, and it works fine with its current presentation.

Either way, I hear a stable arrangement overall.  It's more of a no-brainer in terms of interpretation, but with one of your more well defined technical presentations as of late, it didn't need to be overly flashy.  I'm impressed with your prowess, Jean-Marc, so I hope you get to keep at it.  C'est parti!


  • Rexy changed the title to 2020/04/21 - (2Y) Dahna: Megami Tanjō "Opening Theme"
  • 2 weeks later...

the intro does a nice job setting up the feel. i liked the switch between duple and triple meter, and the increasing tempo was well handled. the break at 1:12 is well-timed, and the main body of the piece that happens right after is great. i liked the solo section as well, as it didn't carry on too long and then immediately got back to the melodic content. the ending section at 2:55 was also fun and a good way to help the track wrap.

from a mastering perspective, this sounds fine. it's a bit bass-heavy and it's hard to hear the drums in some areas but overall it does a good job conveying what you're going for.

this is a solid track. nice work.




  • prophetik music changed the title to 2020/04/21 - (3Y) Dahna: Megami Tanjō "Opening Theme"
  • 1 month later...

This checks out! Not a ton to say here, but I do appreciate the frequent rhythm changes and how that was executed. The ending sections are heavy as hell. This feels way more seamless than it really has any right to be. Production is crisp and clear and carries a lot of punch, if a bit bassy as others have pointed out. To the front page with you!

If we're contacting the artist about a new track title, we should also see about getting a render that trims off the silence at the front/end of the export. 


  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR04194 - *YES* Dahna "Mysterious Invasion"
  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR04194 - *YES* Dahna: Megami Tanjou "Mysterious Invasion"
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