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Hello,guess who's back.

Well, one year and countless technical problems later I have it....

The Remix.

Here it is


Tell me what you think.

To be honest, the reason it took so long is because I am my own worst enemy, I'm very picky when I write something, and possibly even worse so when I practice (I play faster louder more agitated when I make a mistake).

I like the remix. It's industrial, so naturally, I believe it fits the RA's attitude, big, brash, and loud.

Cut and past the link into the browser bar and it (should) work.

EDIT: Found an easier download link...


Click and download, enjoy!


Anyone? Anyone? Buler? Buler?

Don't be shy, speak thy mind!

(NOTE: Actually all you have to do is click the link. A page will open and at the bottom you'll see a input box with some slightly obscured numbers in a box next to it, enter the numbers, and then watch the green icon that says "Please Wait___Seconds". When the text in that bar changes to "Download File Now" click it and a dialouge box should pop up allowing you to download and open or download and save the file. Open it in I Tunes or Windows Media Player and then give your thoughts!

EDIT: Sorry for the complex instructions. In addition, if anyone knows who did the original Goldeneye RA theme for DS, let me know


This isn't too bad. I'll point out a few things that caught my attention.

The introduction is way too long and repetetive, the melody doesn't come in until 1:14, which is way too long to wait IMO.

I like the change at 2:13, but it sounds very trebly, if you added some more low end to that section, it would sound even better.

After that change it seems like you're right back to where you were before, except with like, a snare hit. You're gonna need a lot more than that to spice up the second verse (2:28 - 3:57). Try adding someting more to that section to make it interesting.

After that you go back to the same thing you did at 2:13, then onto a drum solo (4:11 - 4:41). I'll admit that this is making things less repetetive, but after 15 seconds it starts to get repetetive itself.

After this you go right back to where you started, more or less.

All in all this is very repetetive and the ending isn't very satisfying either. However, the production isn't too bad, but it still needs some low-end in some portions.

Here's what I think you should do:

Make the intro shorter.

Add a lead melody to the verse sections (1:14 - 2:13, 2:28 - 3:57, 4:41 - 4:56, 5:25 - 6:10) These sections take up a huge portion of the song and there's practically nothing going on in them. Everything that you do have going on sounds like it's just backing up a lead instrument.

Add some more sounds in general, this is very minimalistic, and, while I love minimalistic music, this is also repetetive, and repetition and minimalism don't go together well IMO.

That's just about all I can say on this at the moment, it's not too bad, but it still needs a lot of work.


Point taken, as said before, I listned to it last night, and the smae things struck me. Repetitive, long intro, and overly minimalistic. I'm still open for comments of course. I think what I have here is a decent "Jump Pad", a recording I can work off of. By no means is this a finished project my friends!


oh, no wonder why it doesn't sound familiar...

yea, make the intro shorter. ADD MORE GUITAR! and make it less staticy too...could make it less repetetive also, or just make the song shorter.

good job on your 1st WIP though :wink:


Thanks! I'm actually pretty glad with the responses so far. I was expecting "WTF were you thinking!"

I put the new version in a seperate thread.

He he he, more guitar, less repetitive, begining's shorter, and a full minute and thirteen seconds shorter! (Maybe this time more people will download it, I think a made more than one person go insane with repetition or at least put them to sleep).

Last try=bland

This one= More IN YOUR FACE BI**H!....(hopefully)

EDIT: Yes the strings are supposed to sound cheesy.


And here goes the updated version! (wait, darn, that last sentence was redundant just like the 1st version of this WIP)


I could recite a funny Robin Williams joke about redundancy but, well, it probably wouldn't be taken so well up here.

1.) Yes the strings are supposed to sound like they do.

2.) The piano is meant to sound off tune as well. I used the Honkytonk voice for a reason!

3.) More in your face?

4.) 1 minute 13 seconds shorter (for they sake of everyone's s sanity)

5.) Intro is about 1 minute fifteen secs shorter. Yet again, for everybody's sanity.

6.) Not as repetitive. Main part only repeated twice with a big gap in between. Yea for brain savers!

7.) Drum break is much shorter.

8.) More guitar x7 billion (well, I might be over exagerating).

EDIT: It's also 10bpm faster.


Wow, this is a huge improvement when compared to your last version.

Everything sounds a lot better overall, especially the main part. I also didn't get the feeling that it was dragging on and on and on.

I can't really judge how you interpreted the orignal song, considering that I haven't heard the orignal song.

I'll give some more suggestions and such when I listen to this one some more.


Damn, that bass kick is very in yo face... and the opening is a bit cluttered imo (ie 0:29-42). I like alot of the sounds, a majority of them infact. The only sounds I dont like are the plucked sound you first have at 0:44, and the strings at 2:20 (they dont have to sound realistic, but the attack on them is a bit long in my opinion, especially as you ocassionally have them playing running notes).

Could you get us a link to the original source MP3?

Not a bad peice at all, but that kick is really overbearing right now. Will commment more if you update/link to original


Found the clutter. It's a bad symbol idea. I'll town down the high part a bit.

I'll improve that attack by changing the velocity a bit, and making them shorter all together perhaps. They'll sound decent then maybe? I like strings. Sort of brings up a "Lawrence of Arabia" feel for me, don't know why, just makes me feel good. I'll work with though. The more often I go back to "fix" the more changes I add, the more new material (in this case, some cool effects would be nice) I fit in, ecetera.


In addition to the clutter symbols, maybe toning down the bass kick a tad would help with the distortion I'm hearing at 0:29-0:42. In addition, adding some higher strings would help balace the symphonic part at at 1:18 and 2:20. I don't know about the plucking synth at 0:44, I'll see if I can counterbalace it somehow, but I do think it is a nice contrast to the throbbing guitar part that it alternates with. I'l also add some dynamics to the strings. Crecendos and decrecendos should help greatly. I also detect something missing at 1:18. I believe a guitar riff is in order to balance it if adding the higher strings part at 1:18 does not fix tha gap I am feeling. Toning down the symbols at 1:18 would also help with the distortion greatly.


Yeah, it seems that people around here don't like commenting on Goldeneye mixes. Case in point; my latest WIP with 66 views and one comment other than myself. :P

Anyway, about your mix...I'm going to be completely honest.

Workable intro, but way too much distortion from :15 to :28, and then definitely too much at :28 when the guitar? comes in. Things just get louder and louder (unlistenable) until 1:45ish when it doesn't hurt my ears anymore. 2:25 has promise, until the monster drums come back at 3:00. Honestly, you've got some major production issues here. Good luck with it, though; we don't have enough Goldeneye mixes here.


Here's mine, which I'll be submitting here pretty soon.


Well, I shoot myself in the foot so often it's amazing but screwing around on I-Tunes I happened across a 'mysterious'listing of my v3 remix. And so it happens that it was NOT DISTORTED AT ALL OR BARELY and that it was the WAVE file audio recording! Well naturally after almost wetting myself I immediately MP# converted it and here it is!

For the sake of your ears enjoy! And please! People! Post your thoughts this time!


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