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Awesome game! Thanks!

I'm an old genesis owner and SoR fan... you can picture my joy! :D

Maybe later I'll join the game forum to post some suggestions...

And it's a pity that the first (and only) time I played it for long enough to get far in the game, it abruptly crashed when I just started level 8 or something like it.

Hope you find this bug and patch it!


Here it is the complete named soundtrack to Streets Of Rage Remake containing all 37 songs.


All tracks are complete with fade outs (which the "other" soundtracks neglected to do) Artists names are used and track numbers according to the soundtest plus for all you Gecko fans his beta Go Straight remix is included as a bonus track.

On behalf of myself, Gecko Yamori, B-A-C, Kaleth and Sanchizmo. I'd just like to thank everybody on their positive comments regarding the soundtrack and we hope you enjoy this release.

Here it is the complete named soundtrack to Streets Of Rage Remake containing all 37 songs.


All tracks are complete with fade outs (which the "other" soundtracks neglected to do) Artists names are used and track numbers according to the soundtest plus for all you Gecko fans his beta Go Straight remix is included as a bonus track.

On behalf of myself, Gecko Yamori, B-A-C, Kaleth and Sanchizmo. I'd just like to thank everybody on their positive comments regarding the soundtrack and we hope you enjoy this release.

Thank you very much from the very bottom of my SOR loving heart. Downloading now. If the neighbours weren't getting annoyed enough with me belting the tunes through my computer speakers before they sure as Hell are going to hate my guts now when I start pumping these beauties through my stereo speakers.

After a craptacular week at work what a perfect way to forget it all and make the week worth it. You fellas have made Maha a very happy lady indeed.

  • 3 months later...

Here's an update on Version.5 of SORR


1. Remake some sor1 enemies

2. Full sor2 route like a new way

3. New stages

4. New songs for the new stages

5. Some new enemies from Adrimus

6. New moves for the chars

Heres a sampler of some of the new songs in WIP


Also here is an exclusive remix of the Streets Of Rage Theme.


For information in depth about the forthcoming update check out this link.


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