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Can we get this thing finished and get on to the next tournament?

I think that mew and I will consult on the format and things when I get a chance to talk to him later, but I'd be willing to say that this was not a disaster per se, but should have been done differently.

So with Xerol dropping out, it looks like I'm paired up with linkspast, right?

Play whatever games you can that might be possible to play. Linkspast would be next for you I believe, but if vega12 is on, play him to simulate the possible final.

Let me know who the winner is when you are done battling it out so I know who my opponent in the finals will be. I look forward to it!

Play both of them!

If you beat them, select a new game for us cause I personally wanna get on with the playing.


Sorry guys I sort of got caught up in other things and uhhh oh yeah I lost interest when Mew sandbagged me when I played him I don't need that kind of mockery. You guys are about done anyways. Sorry again.


I played both linkspast, and Calpis.

I beat linkspast 3-0.

I beat Calpis 3-1.

So I guess this means the tournament is over? Then I shall select Mario Kart as the next title. Thanks to everyone for a fun tournament!

I played both linkspast, and Calpis.

I beat linkspast 3-0.

I beat Calpis 3-1.

So I guess this means the tournament is over? Then I shall select Mario Kart as the next title. Thanks to everyone for a fun tournament!

Lol sweet thanks for finishing and thx4playing.

Mario Kart, signups will begin soonish if Mew wishes it


Awesomeness. I'll make the new thread tonight or tomorrow. I've got an exam tonight, so it may not be then. Thanks, everyone, for participating this month!


I look forward to it :)

I think that we're going to go with a strict monthly tournament format, and I have some ideas for how to do it.

For now, let's open it up to discussion: what did you guys like/not like about the tournament this last time, specifically in terms of format?

I thought that each match probably should have been best 2/3 instead of 3/5, since the tightest it ever got was 3-1.

The availability of a lot of players wasn't just questionable, it was brutal. This isn't effectively prevented, but I require AIM screen names in the OCRCL for this reason.

I want to ensure that players will get a lot of games that count in, regardless of skill. This is why the format was the way it was last time.

I think one of the biggest issues was people not playing their scheduled games. So I say if you are going to enlist you better play, Especially if we use the same format.

I don't think that we'll use the same format - people were given many different opponents and, therefore, many different parameters for advancement. While single- and double-elimination does this, it's on a much smaller scale so that we can accept it, and it's to a degree that we are most interested in finding a single winner, instead of trying to advance the six most prolific/active players.


I don't think that best 3 out of 5 is a bad idea. Matches are quick anyway, and even though the closest matches were was 3-1, doesn't mean that the two players in question were that different in skill.

Also, in something like Mario Kart, there's a lot of luck involved, so making it 3 out of 5 would help make it a little more fair to those whose luck just happens to be a little dry that time :wink:

  • 2 months later...

Hi guys, I'm a new member and i've heard of this site from friends.

I've learned that you were playing tetris attack; ma favorite snes game!

Too bad that i joined too late, however it would be nice to play some with some of you. Please e-mail me if you are interested. For the next tournament , i'm interested, even if i'm not really good with Mario Kart.

Hi guys, I'm a new member and i've heard of this site from friends.

I've learned that you were playing tetris attack; ma favorite snes game!

Too bad that i joined too late, however it would be nice to play some with some of you. Please e-mail me if you are interested. For the next tournament , i'm interested, even if i'm not really good with Mario Kart.

We've had several tournaments since then.

Check the forum for the active Super Puzzle Fighter and Super Gem Fighter tourneys.

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