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OCR04554 - *YES* Metroid Fusion "Ambient Fusion Water"

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Game: Metroid Fusion
Source: Sector 4 Underwater Area
Remix title: "Ambient Fusion Water"
Remixers: HoboKa (primary arranger), Ridley Snipes (additional arrangement/EQ) & Hemopheliac (live vocals - Baritone)
(different formats, all the same final render)
Artist Comments:
"Initially made this remix as an entry for MnP131 https://compo.thasauce.net/rounds/view/MnP131 Some EXTREMELY good entries in this round all...a-round. Ouch! I slapped myself, musta been reflex. Anyroads, I wanted to give the source material extra ambience and a movie-esque motif, with soprano vocals. And I think that Hemopheliac and Ridley Snipes did an EXCELLENT job of complimenting and adding to my vision. They were SUPER fun to work with and very patient with my ADHD / ASD tendencies. They helped me pull through a very difficult time and am forever thankful for taking the time to collaborate with me. Whew, getting a touch emotional here... Anyways, hope you guys enjoy this!"
"I enjoyed what HoboKa came up with and thought there was a little something I could add to the track."
"My favorite part of Metroid Fusion is when Samus puts on her helmet and says 'its morphin time'. And no further explanation (needed)."
-Ridleysnipes [Taken somewhat out of context. He'll forgive me. Probably.]

Beautiful, lush textures with some excellent aquatic sound design that does a lot to enhance the original source material. Although this is an ambient track without a lot of clear progression markers, there's still a subtle dynamic curve that gives this a sense of direction and flow, allowing it to function well as a standalone piece rather than just a collection of sounds or something intended to be looped. The baritone vocals and brass especially add to the drama without breaking immersion. 

My lone gripe here is the soprano vocal sample, which transitions very awkwardly between notes at times without a clean legato. It sounds like every note is dubbed over the previous one, like a synth pad rather than a single human voice. The vibrato also sounds unnatural; this may be a limitation of the samples you're using, but a little more care put to smoothing out the transitions between notes and giving it more of a natural vibrato would have gone a long way here, considering how prominent that element is in the mix.

Other judges mileage may vary, but I think you got a lot more right here than you missed the mark on. I'm happy to sign off on this, good luck with the rest of the vote!


  • Emunator changed the title to 2022/09/17 - (1Y) Metroid Fusion "Ambient Fusion Water"
  • 1 month later...

That soprano sample sure is uncanny.  But it's so uncanny that it's obviously not even trying to be real.  And that's fine for an obviously sci-fi-inspired piece.  The piece definitely has more musical direction to it than the source material.

There are a few moments where some sounds clash or are distorted, but there aren't many, and some can be written off as maybe intentional.  It's a nice approach and a good soundscape.


  • MindWanderer changed the title to 2022/09/17 - (2Y) Metroid Fusion "Ambient Fusion Water"
  • 4 weeks later...

I absolutely dig the soprano sample and I think it is used very well just as-is.  Anything more realistic would not have this creep-factor.  The instrumentation here is HUGE and lush and full and varied, and it is mixed extremely well.  Hemophiliac's low vocals add just the right level of human padding in the lows.  The deep bell with the soprano sample make for such a mystical soundscape with all those deep strings and brass, very Harry Potter-esque.  The moving/gated/panning brass starting at 3:04 is super cool and even compliments the vocal vibrato at times.  I love this!


  • Chimpazilla changed the title to 2022/09/17 - (3Y) Metroid Fusion "Ambient Fusion Water"
  • Liontamer changed the title to 2022/09/17 - *YES* Metroid Fusion "Ambient Fusion Water"
  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR04554 - *YES* Metroid Fusion "Ambient Fusion Water"
  • Liontamer locked this topic
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