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OCR04570 - *YES* Pokémon Scarlet, PMD: Red Rescue Team & PMD: Explorers of Sky "The Art of Zoning Out"

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Username: timaeus222
Name: Truong-Son Nguyen


ID: 24526

Submission Information

Games: Pokémon Scarlet/Violet
ReMix Title: The Art of Zoning Out
Consoles/Platforms: Nintendo Switch
OST Composers: Minako Adachi, Junichi Masuda, Go Ichinose, Hiromitsu Maeba, Teruo Taniguchi, Hitomi Sato, Toby Fox
Source Tunes: "Artazon & Zapapico", "Intro Theme" (Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Red/Blue Rescue Team), "Time Gear" (Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky) (attached)
 - MP3
 - WAV
"So, a new Pokémon game came out recently! Scarlet & Violet take place in the Paldea region, and were released globally on the Switch on Nov 18, 2022. I can honestly say, even though there were some major changes compared to the previous generations that I did play (Ultra Sun, Shining Pearl, and Black & White 1, are 3 of those), and it took time to get used to it, I did enjoy this game for multiple reasons. Hopefully this helps you guys decide whether you want to buy this game or not!

From my scattered experience in Pokémon, it seemed to have adapted the character customization, overworld/battling mechanics and Raid Battles of Sword & Shield (but drops Dynamax); the notorious EXP. Share mechanic of X & Y; and the art style of Let's Go! Pikachu/Eevee.

Other notable features (good or bad) for me:
1. Even though TMs are once again single-use for some reason, I like that you can craft them using materials that you obtain from defeating Pokémon of particular species.
2. There's no more Day Care Center (sad!). Instead you breed Pokémon by having a picnic and making a sandwich that boosts the chances of having an egg (in this case you don't gain EVs).
3. You can instantly transfer egg moves from 1 Pokémon to another, REGARDLESS of matching Egg Groups, just by having a picnic and having the one who wants the egg move hold the Mirror Herb with 1 empty move slot. This saves SO MUCH TIME!
4. Now I can find berries scattered on the ground or in Raid Battles, but... I can't plant them anymore?! Excuse me? HUH?
5. The Pokédex is interestingly vague when it describes each Pokémon's location - perhaps realistic to what a kid might write I suppose but a tad frustrating.

There weren't a TON of bugs, although I posted a ton of Twitter posts chronicling my playthrough, including one where I jumped inside a building ala Super Mario 64 where I didn't use the door and could only escape by flying out... Nonetheless, I'll have to say that the post-game story involving the protagonist's friend and his father was particularly incredible and my favorite part of the game.

As for this ReMix, I really liked the theme from the towns of Artazon & Zapapico. The original had a travel-friendly vibe, but seemed to quickly move on from certain musical ideas, despite having some surprising chord progressions that I would have liked to have a proper treatment. (Although now that I think about it, I guess it's appropriate for the game as a result to achieve that travel-friendly vibe.)

I wanted to expand on the melodies I heard, really fleshing them out into fuller ideas. It became a 5/4-6/4 tropical/highland arrangement featuring some sounds such as Impact Soundworks's Highland Harps and Modern Harpejji, my own bell sounds from u-he's Zebra2, and Spectrasonics Omnisphere's pads. Initial inspiration came during a shower and I just found myself humming the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon 1 intro theme on top of what I already had written, because I felt it gave the piece direction and paired surprisingly well with the atmosphere I was going for.

But what was really cool is I had found this video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SoyxorZd6vc), which analyzed the various leitmotifs in the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers series and how they were repurposed in multiple themes throughout the game. Even though I was already aware of such a strategy in that series' music, I found that video particularly inspiring, and I actually went back to this ReMix after "finishing" it, and I reworked the breakdown section in the middle to incorporate the Time Gear motif.

It was about 11 hours of total worktime from mid-Nov 2022 into mid-Jan 2023 to finish this, so I'd say I finished it faster than on average! It's also quite a change from my usual arrangements because this time my idea of a breakdown section was a lot more delicateness instead of fanciness, and I've kept harmonic complexity instead of production antics at the forefront.

Anyways, I think I've rambled on enough, I hope you enjoy what came of this experience!

- Truong-Son"
Extra Info:
Source Breakdown:
0:00.00 - 0:16.26 = Artazon & Zapapico (0:00.00 - 0:08.26, 0:12.38 - 0:16.49 in 5/4)
0:16.26 - 0:32.48 = Artazon & Zapapico (melody [0:08.26 - 0:16.49] + backing [0:00.00 - 0:08.26] in 5/4)
0:32.48 - 0:42.20 = Artazon & Zapapico (0:16.49 - 0:24.78, 0:33.00 - 0:41.25) [harmony + expansion on original melody]
0:47.09 - 1:11.42 = Artazon & Zapapico (0:16.49 - 0:24.78, 0:33.00 - 0:41.25) [harmony + expansion on original melody]
1:11.42 - 1:25.99 = Artazon & Zapapico (0:41.25 - 0:59.26) [harmony + expansion on original melody]
1:30.84 - 2:00.07 = PMD2 Time Gear (0:00 - 1:05, slightly-modded 2nd phrase for 3rd bar)
2:00.07 - 2:16.26 = Artazon & Zapapico (0:00.00 - 0:08.26, 0:12.38 - 0:16.49 in 5/4) [key change]
2:16.26 - 2:32.48 = Artazon & Zapapico (melody [0:08.26 - 0:16.49] + backing [0:00.00 - 0:08.26] in 5/4)
2:32.48 - 2:48.73 = Prev 16 secs of Artazon (0:00.00 - 0:08.26, 0:12.38 - 0:16.49) + PMD1 Intro Theme (0:08 - 0:12/0:34 - 0:37) in 5/4
2:48.73 - 3:33.63 = PMD1 Intro Theme (0:19 - 0:34)

16.26 + 16.22 + 9.72 + 24.33 + 14.57 + 29.23 + 16.19 + 16.22 + 16.25 + 44.90
= 203.89 secs
203.89/219.95 ~= 92.70% source overall

Artazon & Zapapico (A/Z):
113.51/219.95 = 51.61% A/Z

PMD1 Intro Theme (P1IT):
61.15/219.95 = 27.80% P1IT

PMD2 Time Gear (P2TG):
29.23/219.96 = 13.29% P2TG
  • 3 weeks later...

Always a pleasure to hear from timaeus, the only person more meticulous with source usage timestamping than I am (which is always very appreciated, thanks!). :-) Everything was clean, clear, and lush. The time sig changes were nice, and this had a mature and expanded sound palette, while still having some bright sounds that didn't feel inauthentic to the energy and imagery of Pokémon. Let's go!


  • Liontamer changed the title to 2023/02/23 - (1Y) Pokémon Scarlet "The Art of Zoning Out"
  • MindWanderer changed the title to 2023/02/23 - (2Y) Pokémon Scarlet "The Art of Zoning Out"
  • 3 weeks later...

haven't listened to this OST much, but it's real nice.

nice 5/4 groove to start it off. the hand percs are very clear and bright, and it's a nice vibe. the time changes when the percs drop for the initial presentation of the melodic material, and when they come back in we're still in 4/4. the lead at 1:11 is great - just a touch of vibrato, nice and understated. the plectral-heavy background fits that kind of lead well.

there's a...break? can it be a break if the track is so chill already? at 1:33 that is very calming as well. this slowly builds back into a full band sound in 5/4 at 2:14. this is a great transition and the melody works well in a 5/4 time signature. there's another dropoff at 2:49, and a smooth outro with a nice ritard into the final notes.

quite literally my only complaint is that the sizzle tone used as a transitional sound is very high-heavy and may be irritating to some listeners. the rest is great. the arrangement is novel, the influences are clear, the instrumentation is beautifully done, the mixing and mastering are excellent as expected. this is a great track.




  • Liontamer changed the title to 2023/02/23 - (3Y) Pokémon Scarlet "The Art of Zoning Out"
  • Liontamer pinned this topic
On 6/21/2023 at 6:08 AM, Liontamer said:

Always a pleasure to hear from timaeus, the only person more meticulous with source usage timestamping than I am (which is always very appreciated, thanks!). :-) 

This.  Why oh why can't EVERYONE do that!!!  Thanks Big T!

I love the djembe-groove opening.  Lows/bass feel a tad heavy for this type of arrangement, and the reverse-cymbal transitions are indeed on the bright side, and there are too many of them for my taste.  Other than that, mixing and mastering are solid.  Cute little arrangement, lots of variation in sounds and unique writing.  I love mixed time signature arrangements and this one is done really well.  Fun listen!


  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR04570 - *YES* Pokémon Scarlet, PMD: Red Rescue Team & PMD: Explorers of Sky "The Art of Zoning Out"
  • Liontamer locked and unpinned this topic
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