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OCR04516 - *YES* Final Fantasy 8 "Time Will Compress" *PROJECT*


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Title: Time Will Compress

Source: Compression of Time (FF8)
0:12 to 0:54 - Main melody / harmony from original
0:55 to 1:20 - Main melody from original, as well as backing motif from original
1:26 to 1:35 - Piano playing harp part from original
1:35 to 2:05 - Horns playing main melody while backing motif continues throughout
2:06 to 2:38 - Eyes on Me cameo with backing motif in bg, piano plays harp thing again toward end of this section
2:39 to 2:47 - Backing motif still
2:47 to 3:02 - Backing motif while choir sings fithos lusec
3:04 to 4:39 - motif and main melody continue playing over this long build / climax
4:40 to 4:42 - slight variant of main motif, notes are the same but loses the syncopation
4:43 to end - Piano plays harp part from original


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Cleaner orchestral sound than the other submissions in this wave, although it does get a little crunchy in the climax, with some bitcrushing and overcompression. The arrangement is a pretty slow burn, but it isn't static for very long.

I think this is fine overall, just watch those levels. Things can be loud without getting crushed.


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  • MindWanderer changed the title to 2023/05/10 - (1Y) Final Fantasy 8 "Time Will Compress" *PROJECT*
  • 4 weeks later...

thank you for the detailed timings around the source.

slow burn intro. the violins initially are pretty late in their attack but sound better as they get louder. 0:54 brings in some really rich-sounding bells, i love that sample. there's a nice orchestral crescendo going into 1:25 and some simple synth work that does a lot to build the intensity of the melodic material in the horns and celli. 2:38's chord shift was just great. 

2:46's aleatoric elements were really interesting. very delicate. there's a beat and some bass that come in at 3:01, and in general the drums feel like they're lacking punch compared to some of the more aggressive synths we've heard so far in the track. there's a big build into 4:05, and again the drums feel very neutered compared to the rest of the instrumentation going on here. there's definitely some artifacts at about 4:35 or so, mostly from low-end stuff that probably could be limited a bit more in that specific section. after that, there's a (probably too-quiet) outro in the piano.

this is really great overall i think. there's some specific elements that, had they been handled differently, could have really turned the arrangement up to 11, but the approach and melodic material handling is excellent and for the most part your mastering is clear and allows everything to speak.




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  • prophetik music changed the title to 2023/05/10 - (2Y) Final Fantasy 8 "Time Will Compress" *PROJECT*

Not that I would have been able to articulate it like prophetik, but I also noticed the string issue as well, even though it wasn't a dealbreaker issue. The beats for the 3:01 section were also super tame and low energy; they needed a fuller sound. Those are the nitpicks.

Love your arrangement approach, Zack, very cerebral! Strong transition at 4:05 into more intense textures heading toward the delicate closing reprise of the melody. Digging it! :-)


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  • Liontamer changed the title to 2023/05/10 - (3Y) Final Fantasy 8 "Time Will Compress" *PROJECT*

Orchestration sounds amazing to me right away.  "Late attacks" well maybe, but barely noticeable (not like sudden attacks!).  Soundscape sounds lush and full.  I love the transition at 0:53 with the bells and sfx.  The deep brass sounds terrific, these samples are used extremely well.  What an emotive mix of sounds in this piece.  Oooh the piano sounds nice as it enters in the background.  This arrangement has amazing dynamics and energy.  I love the various bass sounds and sfx combined with the orchestral elements. 

The transition at 4:05 is too loud, same at 4:37.  The reverse cymbal transitions are so loud and they go into compression-artifact territory.  That whole section is too loud.  Of course it is purposeful and provides an awesome climax but it wouldn't feel so oppressive if those cymbal transitions were not SOOOO overdriven.  This is my only complaint, and not enough to ask for a resub but just a note for next time.

Really nice job on this one.  Beautiful arrangement, full of feels.


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