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OCR04609 - *YES* Threads of Fate "Birth of Knowledge"

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Rebecca Tripp

ID: 48262
Game(s): Threads of Fate
Song Title: Birth of Knowledge
Songs Remixed: Book of Cosmos
Here’s a link to the file: 
This is my second "Threads of Fate" aka "Dewprism" arrangement.  It's a remix of "Book of Cosmos", originally composed by Junya Nakano.  While I'm a fan of Nakano's style, and this game's entire OST, for some reason, I've rarely gotten around to doing covers for ToF!  So, this was a nice change of pace!  The vibe and instrumentation was heavily inspired by various SimCity OSTs!  This track was nominated and voted for by my patrons on Subscribestar.  If you'd like to have some influence on what music and other projects I create each month, you can subscribe to me as well.  Here's a link: https://www.subscribestar.com/rebeccaetripp
  • Liontamer changed the title to 2023/09/04 - Threads of Fate "Birth of Knowledge"

i know very little about this OST, but this is a really neat track so clearly i need to explore it more.

track technically has no headroom, but even a little compression would have helped.

intro is mallet percussion and winds. there's some hard panning going on and some machine-gun attacks are evident. We get some celli at 0:32 that are pretty loud in comparison to the more delicate percussion. this opening 1:30 or so feels like a version of In C with how repetitive each individual part is. at 1:38 we start to get some shifts in what's playing what. the right-ear mallet is finally volumized down at 1:50 - and then for some reason comes back just as loud, not sure what's going on there. 

the track continues to noodle through a variety of chords in a roughly linear fashion, and eventually we get the textures stripped back to just some glock before it picks up again and keeps doing what it was doing before. there's an extended outro where parts drop out over time and then it's done.

this is a fine remix. the original is a neat track with little melodic material, and the remix does a good job of expanding on the textures and adding additional material here and there. i think that the remix misses when it comes to the overall shape and progression of the piece - it's less interesting to listen to than the original, and i'm having issues putting into words why - but it does what it needs to to be over the bar.




  • prophetik music changed the title to 2023/09/04 - (1Y) Threads of Fate "Birth of Knowledge"
  • 3 weeks later...

Man, there ain't nothin' to this theme. OK, it's a mood loop, cool; should make identifying the source usage a cakewalk. :-D Also makes it easy to see where this arrangement pivots, which I assume will be Rebecca adding herbs and spices. /listens Yep, cool!

I wished the bowed strings were more melodious rather than tense, but that's just a personal taste thing. I also wonder why the soundscape sounds muddier than expected, not that the mixing was a dealbreaker issue.

Otherwise, this is cool. Good personalized instrumentation and more textural evolution than the source tune. I enjoyed the second half more as it felt more playful and varied, and I do hear the SimCity influence. I enjoyed!


  • Liontamer changed the title to 2023/09/04 - (2Y) Threads of Fate "Birth of Knowledge"
  • 2 weeks later...

I remember enjoying this soundtrack when I played the game, but this track sure is a whole lot of nothing. The remix adds a lot to the textures, but it's still more of an ambient piece. Not what excites me, but it's done well.


  • MindWanderer changed the title to 2023/09/04 - (3Y) Threads of Fate "Birth of Knowledge"
  • 3 months later...

Chromatic percussion is one of the areas where I find Rebecca's work to shine the brightest, so right from the jump I was intrigued. The moody strings lend a sense of progression to the arrangement. There's a lot of noodling here, but there are a few moments where everything coalesces into some really lush, beautiful sweeps, particularly starting at 1:55, that really makes the whole listen worthwhile. Really beautiful stuff!

Seconding the critiques about the mixing having some buildup in the lows/low-mids that could be cut out by some EQ dips in the low-mids and cutting below the fundamental frequency. I also hear some unrealistic sequencing in the velocity of the marimba during the last minute, particularly when you strike the same note twice in repetition. All critiques aside, for a piece like this, the mixing and sequencing gets the job done and accomplishes what it set out to do very nicely!


  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR04609 - *YES* Threads of Fate "Birth of Knowledge"
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