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OCR04634 - *YES* Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, ALttP, ST, MC, TP, BotW "Mysterious Woods"

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So many themes... so many trees... -LT


I always wanted to do a megamix of forest-themes throughout the Zelda-series and it took quite some time to finish this. I concentrated on the more strange, eerie sounding themes to give this a dark, mysterious and sometimes haunting vibe.

You could listen to it here: 

To spare you the effort of timing the different pieces, here’s an overview. According to the timings it seems the song most used is the »Forest Temple« from »Ocarina Of Time«.

Ocarina Of Time – Forest Temple (composed by Kōji Kondō)
1:00 – 1:18
2:49 – 3:35
4:12 – 4:48

A Link To The Past – Forest Theme (composed by Kōji Kondō)
1:18 – 2:03
4:15 – 4:43 (little bits between this area)

Spirit Tracks – Lost Woods (composed by Toru Minegishi, Manaka Kataoka, Asuka Hayazaki, Kōji Kondō)
Only a 7-note-sequence pitched a few tones up
2:04 – 2:40
4:21 – 4:43 (little bits in this area)

The Minish Cap – Minish Woods (composed by Mitsuhiko Takano)
2:22 – 2:45

Twilight Princess – Faron Woods (composed by Toru Minegishi, Asuka Hayazaki)
3:28 – 4:10

Breath Of The Wild / Tears of The Kingdom – Korok Forest (composed by Manaka Kataoka, Yasuaki Iwata, Hajime Wakai)
3:55 – 4:10

Breath Of The Wild / Tears of The Kingdom – Maze Forest (composed by Manaka Kataoka, Yasuaki Iwata, Hajime Wakai)
4:49 – 5:13

Contact Information

Your ReMixer name: Gaspode
Your real name: Peter Köller
Your email address: 
Your website: –
Your userid: 26608

Submission Information

Name of game(s) arranged:

»The Legend Of Zelda – Ocarina Of Time«
»The Legend Of Zelda – A Link To The Past«
»The Legend Of Zelda – Spirit Tracks«
»The Legend Of Zelda – The Minish Cap«
»The Legend Of Zelda – Twilight Princess«
»The Legend Of Zelda – Breath Of The Wild/Tears Of The Kingdom«

Name of arrangement:
Mysterious Woods

Name of individual song(s) arranged:
»Forest Temple«, »Forest Theme«, »Lost Woods«, »Finish Woods«, »Faron Woods«, »Kork Forest«, »Maze Forest«

Additional information:
Composers (see above)

Links to the original soundtracks:

Ocarina Of Time – Forest Temple

A Link To The Past – Forest Theme

Spirit Tracks – Lost Woods


The Minish Cap – Minish Woods



Twilight Princess – Faron Woods

Breath Of The Wild / Tears of The Kingdom – Korok Forest

Breath Of The Wild / Tears of The Kingdom – Maze Forest


Bye, Peter

  • Liontamer changed the title to 2023/10/24 - (1Y) Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, ALttP, ST, MC, TP, BotW "Mysterious Woods"

sfx until 0:22, and then some sustains for about 35s until we start to get some content. the themes shift through pretty fast, at least to my ears, but they do so in a way that doesn't feel overly medley-ish. the first several, for example, are more snippets and share instrumentation so they really feel like different aspects of the same thing. the overlapping combinations is a really key element to not making this feel like blocks of unfinished remixes mashed together.

the themes really come together nicely throughout. this is an excellent arrangement job. the instrumentation choices are also fun - the obviously synthetic elements are modeled after real instruments which is a neat choice given the highly organic nature of the chosen theme. this is good stuff throughout.




  • prophetik music changed the title to 2023/10/24 - (2Y) Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, ALttP, ST, MC, TP, BotW "Mysterious Woods"

Stellar blending of all these sources. Even knowing them well, it didn't register on me that there were 7 different sources here (although two are so subtle I wouldn't have noticed them without the breakdown). It all sounds great; it's an homage, an expansion, and a medley all at once, respecting the tone of the originals while still evolving them into something more. Strong work.


  • MindWanderer changed the title to 2023/10/24 - (3Y) Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, ALttP, ST, MC, TP, BotW "Mysterious Woods"
  • 4 weeks later...

Very good blending of all of these sources, using OoT Forest Temple as the backing and glue.  Mixing is a little low-heavy, and I'm seeing a peak max of 1.0db which is odd but I'm not hearing any artifacts.  Good use of sfx.  Very nice emotive arrangement of the varied forest themes!


  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR04634 - *YES* Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, ALttP, ST, MC, TP, BotW "Mysterious Woods"
  • Liontamer locked this topic
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