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WCT - The Writing Competition Thread [September Round]

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I'm writing something now. I'll edit when done.

Edit: It's kinda a different style for me. I just wanted to try it out. I kninda just threw it together. Let me know what you think of it.

Just Peachy

“Aye, I write in verse.

It comes naturally.”

“It?” you ask.

“What is it?”

“It is amorphous,

changing, wild,

like an orchard.”

“How’s that?” you further inquire.

“I tend each bush each branch

looking for the ripest words or phrases.

And place them, plucked fresh, into

my basket.”

“Well what next?

Don’t stop there!” you implore.

“I like to take each piece of fruit

and line them up accordingly.

Making each piece flow into the next;

occasionally festooning a line of fruits with a

Flourish of flavor.

In the end I leave myself with a piece of beauty,

of deliciousness, of fortitude,

of emotion.


I write in verse.”


We have now entered the voting stage. I have added all of the submissions to the first page, and will be removing the short stories tomorrow. Hopefully everyone saved their work.

Thanks for your entries, everyone, and good luck!


So, can we go back to actually voting in the thread? It just makes so much more sense, to me, and I think we should all be mature enough not to be offended by the vote spread (or lack thereof). You even kept the old part about making honorable mentions in the voting rules, which is something that's not done via PMs.


Let's vote on having votes in the thread. Honestly, the reason I switched to PM wasn't because people got offended by openly-posted votes; I did it so that people who hadn't voted yet wouldn't be influenced by the others' votes. (In turn, I don't open my vote PMs until I've already voted)

However, if you collectively decide that this isn't a legitimate problem, we can switch back. So, yay or nay?


As far as voiting in the thread goes, if it ain't broke don't fix it. The current system works so just leave it that way. Also, people might be influenced blah blah. I don't have a problem with it as is so I say just leave it.

As far as voiting in the thread goes, if it ain't broke don't fix it. The current system works so just leave it that way. Also, people might be influenced blah blah. I don't have a problem with it as is so I say just leave it.

Well, that's the thing. I got used to it being in the threads, before the vBulletin switch. As far as people being influenced, well, I'd say that if people are not strong enough in their conviction to vote as they and they alone feel is best, then it would be better to have more conformist votes than flimsy and ignorant votes. I can't see influenced opinions being a bigger issue than unsure, unfounded, uninformed or random opinions, so if you're worried about either occurring at all I would be more concerned about the latter set.

Also, this is just me, but I kind of like seeing the vote spread. It gives me a good idea of how much a victory is achieved or if a piece (most particularly my own) wasn't well received, which is in my opinion very vital feedback. If we're not going to do open votes, then perhaps we could at least receive a more comprehensive coverage of the results, like how many votes each piece received.

Also, this is just me, but I kind of like seeing the vote spread. It gives me a good idea of how much a victory is achieved or if a piece (most particularly my own) wasn't well received, which is in my opinion very vital feedback. If we're not going to do open votes, then perhaps we could at least receive a more comprehensive coverage of the results, like how many votes each piece received.

If nothing else, this would probably be the best option. I agree with Imagery that knowing how well a work is received is one of the big factors for feedback.

I don't really care either way whether the vote is open or not. However, you can count another vote for the totals being revealed at the end.


On second thought, I kinda like not knowing the votes- then being surprised by the results.

But I understand your point, Imagery, and, really, whatever you guys decide on I'll be fine with.


Yea I agree with barnsalot. As far as feedback goes though we could do what the vocal remix competetion does and have feed back for each person's poem accompany the votes.

Imagery: I like your idea of seeing if it was well recieved or not and maybe seeing the vote spread might help.

I dunno. Just chucking some ideas out there. Whatever is deecided is fine with me.


I like the idea of publishing the vote spread after the voting stage is over, but its really not that big of a deal to me. Oh, and I got my vote in already. There weren't a lot of subs, so hopefully everyone will get a vote in quickly and we can find out the results.


I've only received 2 votes so far, so that means the other 3 of you need to vote, as do I. Posting the vote spread is no problem, so I'll definitely start doing that. I always intend to post a review of the submissions as well, but the last couple times I didn't actually get around to it.


Wow, looks like I'm behind on my game. All votes are in except for mine. I will be afk for a few days, but will post the results on Tuesday.



Congratulations to all entrants. This time around there was a tie for first, so both of you will be getting a shiny new badge (which are unfortunately not done yet). So, without further adieu, the winners are:

Runner-Up: Kholdstare

1st Place: Imagery and Old Man Time

Votes were cast as follows:

Barnsalot: 1

G_D: 1

Imagery: 5

KholdStare: 4

Leon K: 2

Old Man Time: 5

I will be putting up the sig badges as soon as possible. Once again, congratulations to all entrants.

- - - - - - - - - -

On another note, I want to talk about the future of the Writing Comp. Thread. In particular, I would like to discuss the possibility of allowing non-entrants to vote. This would allow us a significantly broader vote spread, and would probably still be limited mostly to other writers (since I doubt anyone else would visit this thread). If you think we should do this, should we also give the entrants' votes more weight? Please, post your thoughts.

Also, I want to give you the heads-up that July's competition will be Freeform, and will be accepting pretty much anything with words as submissions.


Wow, that's a very close-knit spread. The voting procedure probably could use a change, but we do have till July to discuss it so I'm going to take my time to think about it.

Wow, that's a very close-knit spread. The voting procedure probably could use a change, but we do have till July to discuss it so I'm going to take my time to think about it.

I guess I can live with sharing first ;-)

I also agree that it would be better if more people were allowed to vote, maybe restrict it to people who have submitted an entry in the past, or to people that we're pretty sure aren't alt accounts? I don't know how you'd determine that, maybe just they have to be registered users for a while, and active on the boards, though of course that doesn't guarantee anything.


If we're afraid of alt accounts, one measure we could take would be to ask mods/admin to check the IPs of voters and ensure no two are identical. But honestly? With the current group, I wouldn't be terribly concerned of shady deals.

If we're afraid of alt accounts, one measure we could take would be to ask mods/admin to check the IPs of voters and ensure no two are identical. But honestly? With the current group, I wouldn't be terribly concerned of shady deals.

I totally agree, I just know that that was one of the original arguments for restricting voting to the actual writers.






As for the topic at hand, I like the idea of only letting those who have submitted an entry in the past vote. It's almost like having a membership. Besides, I doubt many people who haven't been involved in a competition would even bother to drop by this thread. Is everyone alright with trying this next round?


why not trying two title. a "popular" vote (made by regular) and a "writer panel" vote made by previous and current contestant? that need some vote, at least enough to made boh category to work.

i should try to vote more regularly on various contest like that >_>.

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