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WCT - The Writing Competition Thread [September Round]

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First, I apologize for the long delay with everything, and my absence for the last couple weeks. I have been ridiculously busy, and have not had time to even come to OCR lately.

Second, I only received 3 votes. If you want, I can give you the tally now, or I can wait a couple more days to see if anyone else votes.

What do you guys want?


Do you think anyone else will vote? If there are other people out there who are willing to vote, then let them vote I say. But there was a pretty long voting stage already. If no one's contacted to vote, then there's a pretty slim chance that somebody's just going to prance onto this thread in the next couple days and cast a vote.


Probably time to call the competition, especially considering the next one starts this week if we're continuing the bimonthly run.

On that note, I have a proposition: I know the next competition should be poetry, and we just did freeform, but considering November is NaNoWriMo, would anyone else be interested in having another freeform competition? That way people who still want to write poetry can, but others who are committed to NaNoWriMo don't have to split their time and can submit a section or chapter or something from their novel instead.

For the uninformed: NaNoWriMo = National Novel Writing Month, look it up if you so desire.

  Barnsalot said:
If no one's contacted to vote, then there's a pretty slim chance that somebody's just going to prance onto this thread in the next couple days and cast a vote.

*prances onto the thread and votes* :-P

Finally got enough time away from my damned Aerospace work to read the entries... Now it's back to work for me.



Runners-Up: Barnsalot & darklink42

1st Place: Imagery

Votes were cast as follows:

Barnsalot: 4

darklink42: 4

Imagery: 8

just64helpin: 2

- - - - - - - - - -

I want to apologize for the long delay, and the radio silence. It was rude of me to make you wait as long as you did, and with no communication. Having 20 credit hours this term has swamped me much more than I expected, and I honestly haven't even been online much in the last few weeks.

As I can foresee no slowing down of my life in the next year or so, I will not be hosting any more competitions. It is simply too time-consuming for me to maintain. I don't know if anyone is willing to take over for me full-time, or if you will just share the responsibility, but I trust that the writing competitions won't end as long as there is still a community here.

Again, I apologize for the poor handling of this last comp, and I wish you all the best in the future. Also, I will try to get some sig badges for you next week.


After talking to G_D, I have agreed to take over the writing competitions for the time being. Unless there are any objections, I'm thinking that the next competition should be freeform, to allow (as I mentioned before) for people who want to write poetry, people who want to submit portions of novels from NaNoWriMo, and people who want to submit whatever the crap they can manage to churn out while cramming for finals.

If someone wants to argue for another type of competition, feel free; either way, the next competition will begin Saturday.


No objections here. At least as far as what competition it should be. Whether I can participate is another matter entirely. As long as I don't get too much work over Thanksgiving break, I should have a chance to do something. However, the more likely outcome is me getting swamped with homework and being unable to do anything besides that (as is the case right now). Only time will tell.


A few minutes late with this, but... whatever.

OCR Writing Competition - November (Freeform) Round

Welcome to November! This month's competition is freeform and will be run according to the freeform guidelines in the first post. The dates for the competition are as follows:

Submission Stage: 12:00a PST 10 November, 2007 - 11:59p PST 30 November, 2007

Voting Stage: 12:00a PST 1 December, 2007 - 11:59p PST 13 December, 2007

Judging Stage: 12:00a PST 14 December, 2007 - 11:59p PST 16 December, 2007

Submissions should be posted directly to this thread. Once the voting stage begins, votes may be sent to me via PM. Following the voting stage, the results will be delivered as soon as possible, no later than the end of the judging stage.

Also note that those who are participating in National Novel Writing Month should feel free to submit a portion of their novel (within the word limit of the freeform competition, of course) if they so desire. For this reason, any progress made since the beginning of November should be considered valid for submission.

Finally, I'm in the process of trying to get an advertisement banner made, so anyone who wants to can help spread the word by linking to the competition thread in their signatures. I know November (especially post-Thanksgiving) is crunch time for a lot of people, but anything goes under freeform, so let's try to have as much participation as possible to increase the competition factor!

EDIT: Here is the ad banner, hyperlinked to this post (quote my post and copy if you'd like to use it as-is):



After talking with Doulifee, it's become apparent that with the change of hands the easiest course of action in keeping the thread up to date in the first few posts is for me to start a new thread. As such, the competition will be continuing in the new thread, and the past competitions will remain archived here for reference, with a lock to avoid potential confusion between the two threads.

Also, I invite everyone to plug the competition as much as possible. We can always use more participation!

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