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  • 1 month later...

I listened to this as part of a workshop event. It's very pretty (like the original) and faithful to the original. However it's too faithful/conservative in this case (it only seems to differentiate itself from the beautiful original around 3:20). I really like the dark and epic drums at that point and feel like this mix could've used them a lot earlier. Overall it sounds good for a cover.


Sounds like a great cover you've put together, mellowsonic! Your arrangement is almost 1:1 with the source material until a well-executed break to the bass elements at around 2:00. The build that follows works well -- love the ping-pong plucks at 2:13. The dark drums are a great touch at 3:24; I would have loved to hear them come in sooner, but part of why they're so impressive is because of how restrained the arrangement has been leading up to that point.


The opening doesn't stand apart from the original much, so I'm interested to hear how it branches out; this is just viewing it from the lens of OC ReMix's arrangement standards. The female vocals have more outward power & strength compared to the original song (not better or worse, just a slightly different tone).  Loved the lead strings up until 2:00; nice richness to it. Acoustic strings at 2:13 also sounded nice. Piano at 2:27 was obviously sampled, but had reasonable body to it, even if it was too obvious it wasn't real; same critique for the strings at 2:42.

The dynamics are there; you could argue this should be even more dynamic, but within a relatively narrower range of contrast, it definitely does its thing, especially with the beats arriving at 3:26 for the big finish. This have a nice added level of intensity & density to distinguish it from the original. Cool stuff! IMO, go ahead and submit this, Mellow Sonic! :-)



Hey there!

Just had a listen to this, and I would definitely say I enjoyed it. Love the fact this is a faithful re-imagining of the original, whilst still putting a bit of your own twist onto it (like the swirly verbs echoing the violin/strings, heavy industrial/dark orchestral drums towards the end starting ~3:15, and the plucky acoustic guitar @ 2:00). The harp and piano combination is beautiful, as well. As a 1:1 cover, it does its job. If someone showed me this, and I did not know the original Ezio's Family track, I'd take this as basically either the original or an adaptation of it directly from / endorsed by Ubisoft. So from a rendition-standpoint, it's very lovely.

I do ask, however, if you have more story to tell behind this or more ideas for it? Do you plan on submitting this to OCR? :) If so, you'd have to do a lot more to this to make it more your own personal take on the source, even if it's still a very conservative take more faithful to the source. If not, I'm curious as to how you ran into this source, and what compelled you to do a cover of it? :D


I love the piece, if I heard it out of context I would think it's official OST. I would have to agree that it's pretty conservative and I would prefer to hear more of the drums you have at the end, but with that said, I still love the dark ambience you've created along with a pleasantly faithful recreation of the original.

  • 2 months later...

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