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OCR04780 - *YES* Shinobi (ARC) "Lo-fi Musashi"


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  • 2 weeks later...

classic original. also the remix really needs a name.

opens with some (very very) quiet arp elements. it's a neat opening idea but really needs some compression as it's almost too quiet. bass and lead come in at 0:25 along with some static fx. this is a really cool vibe and is super patient with the melodic elements. i liked the string sweeps a lot - they're very subtle. 1:17 adds some more textural arps and still is very patient with the approach. the chordal elements that come in during the B section of the melody are again subtle and nice.

2:08's a 'break', if you can really have one when the track's like this, but there's a nice build into 2:34 which opens the filter and adds some nice countermelodic elements. i wouldn't have minded if the melodic element and main backing arp got new sounds here as they've been repeating for the entire track and probably should be mixed up. 

there's a nice build into 4:16 and the track's clearly on the downswing here as the melodic content drops. this section dragged and probably could have had more direction via subtractive arrangement and not sticking to the length of the original melodic loop. it ends on a confused chord that is probably a iv, which isn't my favorite choice but it's not technically incorrect.

this is a really neat one. there's a ton of subtlety to the associated arrangement elements, and the countermelodic elements that are used were fun. there's a lot of low-end rumble, which is possibly contributing it to being a bit dense in the low mids, but overall i felt it sounded pretty good. my concern is with repetition, of which there's a lot. we don't ever hear the melodic material changed up - either in synth choice or in how it's presented - and essentially every element says the same thing for the rest of the track once it's introduced. it comes down to if i think that the repetition is beyond that of what'd be expected for the style, and i land on the side that says it's repetitive but not too much. so with that i think this is over the bar.




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That's some good lo-fi! Super chillax with that hint of menace present from the original. Excellent original writing additions at 2:33 for the gradual yet very noticeable rise in the energy level. Nice lil' bitcrushed sweep-style SFX at 4:12 to transition into a sparser soundscape to cruise to the finish along with the supporting synth that came in around 3:59 providing a new texture. Excellent example of coasting with a groove but allowing the arrangement to still substantively evolve! It's wonderful to hear from you again, Reynald, it's been a minute. :-)


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Those opening notes were so quiet (How quiet were they?  They were so quiet) that I thought my audio card had failed.  But once I can hear it, the track sounds and feels great.  This soundscape has that empty-yet-full feeling that I really like.  Very chill vibe going on here.  I love the wispy/crackly pads and delicate arps underlaying the soundscape.  The drum groove is almost outstaying its welcome as the breakdown begins.  The breakdown is soft and luscious.  I love the lead that begins at 2:33, it sounds so lonely, wistful and moody.  

This is definitely a sparse soundscape, and the drum groove could use some variation, possibly even just some additional or varied percussion here and there, but overall this is a lovely soft synthwavey lo-fi experience.  

It will need a proper name before posting it.


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  • 1 month later...

This really scanned more as synthwave than lo-fi at first, but once the distorted bell texture and beats come in, it's unmistakable what you were going for (as if the title didn't give it away!) I would have liked to hear a little more texture to set the stage right from the onset, especially since those opening notes were so quiet. From there, we get a very slow burn, but it's a warm, pleasant one that continues to drip-feed new ideas over the 5 minute runtime until the track is built up to something really lush and moody.

I'd reckon this accomplished exactly what you set out to do. Good stuff!


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