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Not sure how many Zebra 2 users there are here, but I'll post anyway. For some background, Zebra 2 is one of the wickedest VST/AU soft synths I have ever used. It's produced by Urs of u-he (www.u-he.com) and pretty much blows most other plugins out of the water. IMO anyway. So here's the post, copied from KVR:

I recently completed a bank of 64 presets for the u-he Zebra 2 synthesizer. The focus of the bank is to fill in some of the gaps in the factory library which, while excellent, neglects some more traditional sounds one can hear in most modern dance & electronic genres. If you're into popular styles like trance, breakbeat, big beat, or DNB, this expansion will be right up your alley. All patches are intended to be as playable as possible, and to fit in a mix with ease. Plus, tasmaniandevil has optimized all patches for volume and X/Y control so it really is good to go "out of the box".

Interested? You can purchase the bank for $15 USD using Paypal; send to aaversa (at) gmail (dot) com, and I will send you the presets. Urs will also be making them available in his shop at some point, though this might not be for a few weeks to a few months. If you want a little more info, check out the thread in the u-he forum and also look at the preset exchange area, which has some free samples from the bank.

>>> MP3 DEMO HERE <<<

Feel free to post or PM me if you have any questions or comments. Thanks!

ps. I'm working on another bank of 64 sounds that takes advantage of some of Z2's more complex features (including the new XMF filter) - though again, playability and usability will the #1 priority.


That's cool. As I've been telling people, this isn't really meant to be anything groundbreaking, but rather a compliment to the factory bank of a very good synth. It didn't have any presets like this, and lots of people wanted 'em, so I made some myself.

Z2 itself is hardly a "Virus wannabe" however. It's a pretty unique synth in its design, and sound quality. If you read up on some of the tech specs and features you'll see that it's a very deep machine, and manages to be fairly CPU efficient because of the way its programmed. Most people would not buy it for the type of sounds I have created for it. If they wanted strictly that, they would get Nexus. That said, it's still a nice addition if they're not interested in taking the time to program themselves.

  • 3 weeks later...

Zebra 2 is pretty sweet along with the filterscape plugin, you can make some pretty intersting sounds. if your into heavy manipulation and cranking your own modified sounds check out WusikStation, this VSTi is badass.

NOTE: do you have promission from U-he to sell your own presets, might wanna check their end user license agreement. in reality, i cant justify sending you $15 dollars for a bunch of presets i could make myself.

  • 1 month later...

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