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Artist Name: Gabriel Tripp, Rebecca Tripp

This was a joint composition between my brother and I (Gabriel and Rebecca Tripp).  It's from this Respawned Records album: https://respawnedrecords.com/products/phazon-mutations-vinyl-metroid-series

Each song on the album was co-arranged, but I think Gabe's composition shines in this one.  I'm hoping to submit some more of these over time!

Games & Sources

"Menu Music" from Metroid Prime 2: Echoes



Edited by Hemophiliac

opens with some sweeping leads. there's some distortion on them initially that's nice. there's a hard cut to beat at 0:26 with a very overtone-y bass, and soon after we get the descending motif again. i liked the gated effects on the wind synth at 1:05. the next forty seconds or so are mostly exploring textures with similar synths that we've already heard in different combinations - there's not a lot of direction to it, and by maybe 2:00 it starts to feel like we've heard things before even if we haven't heard that specific combination at that point. 2:31's got some burbling synths in the background that are pretty neat. it trucks through a bit more material before it very suddenly just ends with zero prep, just a short fadeout on a sustain.

i think i have two main critiques with this track. first is that all the elements by themselves are interesting, but many of them don't really feel like they fit next to each other consistently. for example, the left-ear burbling synth that we first hear at 0:56 playing a single note for a bit comes back repeatedly, and each time it feels like it's not in the mix at all. it either has too much reverb next to the kit and bass (1:19) or like it's too dry when next to some of the other very swooshy, reverb-heavy leads (2:31). similar statement about the hats and some of the white-noise percussion. the second issue i have is that we hear, like, eight synths throughout the entire track, and they all play one thing, and that's it. they're brought in using different combinations, there's lots of variation in them individually, and there is to my ear no section that's exactly the same, but it all feels the same because we've heard everything by a minute and a half in and then it's just different combinations until the non-ending.

honestly this one is pretty close despite those critiques and the entire lack of an ending. i like the synths you're using and think that they're doing interesting things individually - i just don't feel this is cohesive enough to really track overall. the lack of a focus on melodic material or a general dynamic shape to the song also hurts it. i'd love to hear another version with a stronger, more directed vision, both in the aesthetic and effecting of the synths and in the use of melody and dynamics to pull together the track.




  • 3 months later...

Very interesting arrangement and mix.  After listening through this twice, I find myself in agreement with prophetik on all of the points he brought up. 

The elements don't mesh well together.  The bass patch is simplistic with no processing or filter movement on it.  The bass has so much tone to it that it plays almost like a primary element (like a lead) when it would probably be better served as a less prominent but supportive element.  The bass is so mid-low heavy (having its loudest frequency at about 100Hz) that it sounds oddly muddy, and it sounds low-passed as well.   There are synths in the mix that are swimming in reverb (the swirly pad) and other elements like the hats and percussion that are 100% dry so they stick out of the soundscape more than they should.  The lack of sonic cohesion feels odd in a way that I'm having trouble describing fully.

The same sounds are used throughout the track, and as proph mentioned they are playing the same writing over and over so the arrangement has a repetitive feel.  There is a lack of melodic or motivic content in the arrangement, so as proph mentioned, the arrangement is primarily an exploration of textures.  This kind of arrangement can work, but only if there is more variation as things move along.

The arrangement lacks good transitions.  At 0:26, with zero signaling, everything stops abruptly and this huge basslline begins, which feels very jarring.  Again at 1:56, a new section begins after a very short break and zero transition.  Again at 2:16.  And as proph pointed out, no cooldown or outro... it just ends.

There are some excellent elements in this mix though.  I really like the percussion pattern from 0:56-1:04, and the way that is filtered before coming to a stop, yeah I dig that.  I really like that perc sound everywhere it is in the arrangement, it really moves and grooves.  From 2:31-2:54 that perc sound changes and varies as it moves along, very nice.  prophetik likes that sound too from what I see in his vote!

I also agree with proph that this one seems sort of close, because there are in fact a lot of cool ideas going on here, but they just aren't cohesively mixed, the writing gets repetitive and the lack of melodic content hurts it even more.  I would love to hear this one again with the mixing improved, transitions added, a proper cooldown and/or outro, and some more melodic content.


  • 3 weeks later...

Really cool that you both can work together on something. Family contribution should really be a more regular thing. As for the piece, the overall vibe here is cool, but there are many issues to go over.

For something that seems to be subtle and groove-focused, there isn't any groove to it. The sound design choices also don't mesh well together, but I did like the filtered sweeps in the background that start at 1:12.  The bass in particular feels like it's on an island by itself with the only other element nearby that is the kick. These two at least don't step on each other's toes, and both are clear against each other. The bass is rather large but doesn't have much going on, it could be more interesting with modulation.

Individual parts get reused a few times and this gives a static and semi-repetitive feeling to the song. Transitions between sections are nearly non-existent and it's jarring to change things up suddenly. Even basic or simple drum fills can go a long way to smoothing things out. Ear candy could also do the trick for transitions as well.

The dynamics are relatively flat, but you at least give the illusion of change through elements dropping out and coming back from time-to-time.

The ending isn't great as the energy just sputters out like a single candle's flame flickering out.

This feels like a rough draft missing more fine polish to the sound design, mix, and development of ideas. It could be something and has potential, but needs more work.


  • Hemophiliac changed the title to *NO* - Metroid Prime 2 "Blacklight"
  • Liontamer changed the title to *NO* Metroid Prime 2 "Blacklight"
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