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OCR00612 - *YES* Kirby Super Star 'Green Greens (Contagious Eye Infection)'

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62 members have voted

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Well, letsee....

Voice sample is a tad overused. Drums could use some changing around instead of repeating the same loop. Same goes for the lead - try changing the lead instrument in the song at least once to add some variation to it. Also, I noticed some wrong notes. And the ending sounds like it cuts off.

Despite those problems, though, I found this a very fun listen, and overall an enjoyable remix.

My vote: Yes.


Haha, I gave him that Kirby sample! I heard an old version of this song.

Well I'm liking this, nice and fast and fun sounding, eep the sample at 0:33 ain't too great, sounds too short I think.

*hums along to song*

Hmm, the ending is kinda empty, and the sample didn't need to be used again. Actually he used it a little too much, but I still like it overall. Some of the samples could probably use a bit of changing. But I like it myself.



No i kid. It's good. Over all. There are indeed a few "wrong" notes, by which I mean notes that are intended to be harmony, and work fine with the melody alone, but when put against the chord progression, don't work. Now this is something modern "classical" composers put in their work and it's called polyharmony, where you have the accompaniment in one key and the melody in another key. The part starts at 0:27 and there ARE a few wrong notes in the synth-delay part, but strangely, you've managed to get the notes right when using the "pizzicato" sound. So maybe if you changed the notes in the synth-delay section to those of the pizz section, it would sound better, seeing as the chord progression stays the same for both sets of four bars.

Now the thing Rob was talking about was the pizzicato sound. Because the melody has a very full sound, what with delay, and phaser and all, the pizz part sounds very empty because it sounds like you applied no effects to it at all. It sounds very dry compared to the rest of the song.

Also, if you could fix the ending, I'd really appreciate it. We already had one mix submitted that sort of cut off, like someone got bored of sequencing and couldn't think of what to do next so they just stopped and submitted. Fer cryin' out loud! Just repeat and fade if you can't think of anything else. Or while you've got that catchy little sample, you might as well use it to end the thing, like build up to a dissonant frenzy then cut off with a heavily delayed version of that sample. For your dissonant frenzy, you can always just throw all the parts together at the same time and see what it sounds like. It usually works.

Other than that, the whole thing is very solid. It really sounds like it was done in Fruity Loops, just based on the sounds, which is not a BAD thing, it's just that I use it too, so it sounds familiar.

Also, on a last note, I would consider calling this "Collared Greens" except that would have a sort of "black culture" implication, and this song doesn't really scream "black" in the classical sense of the definition. Maybe if a hip-hop version was done, it could be called Collared Greens... who knows.

I don't wanna vote til the song is finished.


"Might I have a what what?"


I'm gonna go ahead and say yes anyway, because I do like it overall, but I went ahead and told Sgt. Rama my thoughts on the song on IRC so I don't know if he's gonna resubmit it or not. As for the ending, he said "I just ran out of ideas." I'll talk to him in a bit and see if we can't get at least a fade out on this thing. Right now I have to run, so I won't be around for an hour or so. Later.


P.S. I hope I didn't break any "confidentiality code by telling him what I thought ahead of time. If it's a problem in the future, let me know. Thanks.



Good Lord, this is where you separate the listener from the judge. Why? For one, I'd never played the game, so I got the .spc from Zophar's. Second, the .spc made me want to jam scissors in my ears. Third, it's hard to take a crappy song and uncrappify it. Does SgtRama pull it off? Well not quite, but he does lower the crap quotient.

Offhand, I'd give this one 7 slices.

It's plenty layered enough (bassline, beatdrop, melody, submelody, the little sandpaper slide layer thingy, the outer space sfx that opens the song, and the Kirby voice sample.) I can't really think of any objective negativities. Yeah, the ending was quite abrupt, but I think the Kirby yell just before that helped to ease it a bit. At least it did for me, but that's subjective.

Post it.


Sgt Rama sent me the new and updated version of this song. It's got an ending and even touched up some of the other parts. Overall very good. I liked it from the beginning and I still like it. But moreso now. I think. Anyway, that's it. Someone figure out how we should get this newer version to DJP... someone like DJP?


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