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tetrisphere and mystical ninja have already been mentioned, so i'll throw in something which i have reason to believe is my opinion and likely only my opinion:

space station silicon valley

the music was fun


space station silicon valley

the music was fun

omfg that's another Bomber64: Second Attack. One of those games I rented and haven't seen since. It was incredibly addicting. Once again, it was a while ago though, so I don't remember most of the music, but I DO remember humming along with it becuase my sister told me stop and I forced her to watch me eat sheep as a dog and she cried.

ah...good times, good times.


I loved Space Station Silicon Valley too, I do remember some cathcy tunes, hard to find a shred of evidence it existed though... (maybe we can encourage Nintendo to import it to the Wii's virtual system...)

EDIT: I have the soundtrack for Bomberman 64 1 and 2. but for 2 it's missing that awesome theme from the intro movie...

I thought this thread was about good soundtracks, not good individual songs from o.k. soundtracks.

I thought the soundtrack for starfox 64 was pretty cool, it'd be nice to hear alot of those songs performed by a real wind ensemble. And there was alot of songs in that game that didn't show up in melee that were okay. Like starwolfs theme, zoness, area 6, sector x, aquas...blah blah blah...wait what a favourite thread?


Since N64 music is being discussed, I thought I'd ask if you people had been to USF Central. If you have installed the Chipamp plugin pack (you'll obviously need Winamp), then you can listen to the N64 music collection they've got there. If you *haven't* installed the Chipamp plugin pack, then download 64th Note (see the bottom of the page), and install that (you can get Winamp as well, if you don't have that). I think that almost every single game that's been mentioned in this thread is available.

Anyway, I just thought I'd mention that to help in the nostalgia/recollection stuff. There's some really good songs on the N64. USF Central does a good job of making those widely and easily available. Hope you enjoy, for those of you who hadn't heard of it before. Mouser X out.

I have the soundtrack for Bomberman 64 1 and 2. but for 2 it's missing that awesome theme from the intro movie...

There were three Bomberman games for 64: Bomberman 64, Bomberman Hero, and Bomberman 64: The Second Attack.

which one is the Bomberman64 2 you're refering to? Some people consider Hero to be #2 and some consider B64:SA to be #2.

it remains my favorite n64 game for good reason

Wasn't there supposed to be a sequel, the game had slipped my mind but it's a crime to let it go, uberly original fantastic idea. I keep thinking it got ported to PS1 at one point.

One soundtrack that sticks to mind is from Operation Winback, later ported to PS2. Stuck in my mind straight away, very cool tense action/spy music. Can't for the life of me find the soundtrack to download though. Body Harvest had a decent soundtrack aswell, though repetious with not many songs for moments, what was there was fantastic for atmosphere. Come to think of it, Body Harvest would make a great Wii game.

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