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Anyone else pick this up, or maybe download it [off of Xbox live!]? Of course I'm talking about the new expansion for Oblivion which takes you to Sheogorath's "Shivering Isles," his plane of Oblivion.

I've been playing it for a few days and I am thoroughly impressed. The transition from Cyrodiil to Sheogorath's Realm is absolutely flawless, and my jaw pretty much hit the floor when Haskill opened the room up to reveal the island. Haskill is an amazing character, by the way. In fact, all the denizens of the Shivering Isles are very interesting in their own unique ways. Some of the dialogue made me laugh out loud, especially the Gatekeeper stuff. I won't spoil too much because it's best to start Shivering Isles when having no idea what's in store for you, probably.

I'm still discovering more and more things, and I'm just fascinated at the depth of this small island and it's cities. If you want a comparison, it's basically as the Bloodmoon expansion was to Morrowind, only a lot cooler and more diverse.

So yeah, what does everyone else think? I think this is their last big expansion for Oblivion, but they probably want to get to work on another game, eh?

Buying it tomorrow when it comes out here. Does it conflict with Oscuro's Oblivion OVerhaul?

I don't have that one, but I have a bunch of other mods, though they're all grounded in Cyrodiil. Shivering Isles should work with Overhaul though you never really know for sure.


This expansion makes me excited to play Oblivion again (I didn't enjoy the original as much as other people though). But there so much more interesting stuff on here I might just play again.

PS OverCoat your sig is awesome :P

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