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OCR00718 - *YES* Final Fantasy 6 'Oldschool Opening'

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later... yes... much later... I can't decide. It's almost like... the reverse of a remix. Like, taking snez and remixing in nez style. Kind of disturbing, actually. But... still rather enjoyable. At least he got most of the notes right. meh.



Well I can play the piano version of this tune, and I find it quite difficult actually.

Anyway, for this remix, NO. While the drums are interesting (I'm not sure why, but they are). It sounds too blippy and doesn't feel like it lets the song evolve from it's original at all. Not only is it waaaay to short, but it doesn't even try to have the same effect as the original did.


ya know, this reminds me of starla's (injury) early work. mostly 8-bit feel. But like it's played in a warehouse. Ok, good points. Nice sound to it, but I almost feel like we've completely done the reverse of a remix, once again, and while creative... I don't know. Bad things about it are, it doesn't really go anywhere. Just intro, a section, b section, end. Just like the Snes song. I guess that's the only real problem. I mean, the mix is called "old skool" 'cause it's supposed to sound like the nes... so... I guess on that merit, I have to give it credit. Yes, so I think the only problems I have with it are its length and lack of variety. Just because the original is short doesn't mean you can't make the remix longer. Do something with it. And just because we're dealing with 8-bit sound doesn't mean variety can't exist. It's a good idea I think, but it could be more. I think it's gonna be sort of a draw on this one with the judges so I'm gonna go with my gut and say no. Please do something more with this. It has potential, but that's it. Potential energy, but no kinetic energy.



Neat. NES style intro.

Can't wait until the real instruments kick in. :D


Hmm.. this uh.. this is still part of the intro right?

What? It's not? Damn. :(

Actually, it's not as bad as I'm making it out. It sounds rather good. Just.. it sounds like a Gameboy. And I don't mean a GBA, I mean a GB. Remember? Gray plastic, green screen? Yeah.

Anyways, this mix isn't that long, and I think that's a good thing. It doesn't really sound bad (which surprised me considering it sounds like a GB), and considering with it's length it doesn't drone on too long. Instead of being annoying and bad, I think it gives more of a nostalgic feeling.

Vote: Yes.


This song makes me think of The Neverending Story. It has a Gorgio Moroder feel to it. I like it. Had you extended the piece anymore, it would have fallen apart, but the briefness of this song works to the advantage of the style he chose to do it in.

I didn't really care for the addition that came in around 0:46, but I can understand why it's there. At that point, you're expecting a change to come in. I can't complain because offhand I can't think of anything better. Inanycase I'm voting yes, but having a hard time putting my justification into words. Maybe it's out of a loving nostalgia for The Neverending Story... :roll:

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