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Here's some music I recorded a while back which I hope can find a home at your site. It's old, it's tried and true; It's Metroid. I used a Yamaha PSR-520 (from the olden days) and a MIDI sequencing program by Cakewalk. No loops, no samples, and no post-sequencing or real-time effects were utilized. I mention this because I feel that there aren't enough jump-in-and-get-your-hands-dirty-in-order-to-more-honestly-project-what-it-is-you're-trying-to-do

artists in electronic music, and hope that anyone might find my sound refreshing.

In addition (because I forgot...thank you Old Age), the file extension "zip" should be renamed "mp3." You could have figured that out on your own, but I thought I'd make sure if only to cover my butt.


Ok, here we go... Damn, if my speakers went below 40hz, I would be hearing even deeper bass than I am at the moment from this spooky sample (EDIT: He said he used no samples, whoops...) that is at the beginning of the remix.

The drum beat seems a little too distant when it enters the mix. Is that bass ever so slightly out of tune at times? hmmm....

Then, just as I am beginning to get bored, it breaks down and begins to build up again....but it isn't building up a lot....still waiting....4.33, at last, oh but it's finished now.

THAT was one of the biggest musical anti-climaxes of my life. That piece was not moving, and while ambient, did not hold my interest at all, as I waited in vain for a break from those pads that seemed to go nowhere.

I have to say NO, because, while this sort of 'mix' would suit a game, it is far toooooo uneventful for one to be focusing on it alone.

Can anyone say BORING?


The drums sound too echoey and background. The sound panned right annoys me. It's really deep and just.. ugh...

Is that a duck? I could swear I heard a duck in the background..

No.. okay, it must just be me. Sorry.

I must say at about half way through the mix I kinda start to enjoy it, but arg! I don't know...

I'm gonna have to go with my gut here and choose no.

Sorry Mr. Flores.

Vote: No.


Hmmmm... guess I'm the only one who like it. It's gritty, it's grimy, and it's not a Kraid's Layer mix! I thought it was very well done. It was refreshing to hear a remix of Brinstar's bubble terrain. Plus the item room and title screen as bookends.

On the negative, it's a bit TOO grimy. The song as a whole sounds muffled. It's not my EQ settings, because I turned them off. Wait, lemme turn it back on...

Whoaaaaaaaaaaaa.... the baaaaaaassss is waaay strong. As is the treble. On second thought...damn. Guess I'll have to say no. Ordinarily I'd say, "fix the EQ and your mix is a shoe-in", but it's not looking to good for you Mike. That's a shame too, because I really like this mix. Oh...fuck it. Yes. Stuff's passed through before with muuuuch bigger problems than an EQ setting. I think the people of OCR would enjoy this song. At least I HOPE so :roll:

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