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well the title pretty much explains it all! I just want to know a way to set up a channel that each key has its own individual sound. rather than changing the pitch of one sound effect. I want to do this because... yeah, the slayer sucks! >:( ...I would rather just record my guitar.


Wait... what? What do slayer or recording your own guitar have to do with this? And the only way I know of to do something like this in FL would be to have a HUGE layer channel, and a linked sub-channel with a range of only one note for each sound you wanna use. otherwise you may as well build your own soundfonts or sample sets in halion or kontakt or something.

Wait... what? What do slayer or recording your own guitar have to do with this?...

because I just posted a subject about using the slayer guitar sounds with guitar rig2 as the distortion. the slayer sucks with that. I want to individually record a set of strings rather than just record one string and change its pitch. if I just change the pitch it sound like crap! I also said that Im not skilled enough for the solos that I need to make. and if you really need to know why I dont just practice the solo and get better at it well fine. a little while ago I mangled my finger in a machining accident and I can hardly play the guitar right now. I want to use a piano roll as a temporary solution to playing the guitar. question answered?

and OverCoat. thanks for your quick clean answer! I was thinking about that earlier at work today...


The soundfont Suzu linked too is preety hot as far as sampled guitars go, actually. But yeah, if you actually want to continue to do this massive recording thing, then you should probably use Dreamwave if you can, as its designed for that.

Failing that, if you only need a few notes, FPC could be the way to go. Plus you would get mad props for using a drum machine as a goddamn guitar sampler.

If you need lots and lots of notes though, then FPC won't give you enough patches. In which case, enter the HUGE ASS layer.

Good luck!

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