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I need help how to use/run games on DOSBox...I recently downloaded this on my compy and a few games on it, but I just don't know how to do stuff like mount things on there. So, if any of you have any suggestions how to use DOSBox, feel free to e-mail me at:




All you need to do is mount a drive and the directory within that drive you want to use. This sounds pretty complicated, but it's not - as an example, imagine you wanted to play Commander Keen (or some other awesome DOS-based game) and you knew the game was in the directory c:\keen. You'd type this into DOSbox:

mount c c:\keen

This basically sets the c drive in DOSbox to the 'keen' directory, so all you need to do now is type:


This will take you into the 'keen' directory as you mounted it in c. Now all you need to do is type the name of the game executable file (.exe) and it'll run - in this example, it is:


If you're not sure what the name of the exe is, just type 'dir/p' and it'll show you a list of the files within the directory.

Hope this helps!


Just to add to what Neo said, if you have a game that needs to read from a CD, you'll need to run this command before executing the game:

mount d D:\ -t cdrom

This assumes that D: is the drive letter of your cdrom. For more commands and help in the system, type


intro mount

intro cdrom

One more thing, if you find that your game is running too slow, you may need to up the cycle rate on the dosbox emulator. The amount of cycles that you can set it to depends on the speed of your computer. This is how I usually do it:

Open Task Manager and minimize it (to give you the CPU meter in the bottom right taskbar.

Ctrl + F12 to raise the cycles

Ctrl + F11 to lower them

Keep an eye on your CPU meter to see how high it raises when you up the cycles. Again, you'd only need to do this if games are running slow on your computer and you have the excess processing capacity.

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