djpretzel Posted August 3, 2002 Posted August 3, 2002 Okay, I sent you a remix of Cids theme some time ago (called 'shinra 24' I think). If you haven't already, please forget it ever existed. Instead, please consider (should the song get posted, I go under the name of DJ Wossname) Also, I put this on VGMix as a bit of fun, seeking advice with no intentions of submitting it, which is why it doesn't have the proper tags, sorry. (FYI, the Shinra mix got the form rejection letter)
orkybash Posted August 4, 2002 Posted August 4, 2002 Fun little mix. I would say that it's in desperate need of reverb and a better guitar sample. And it sounds empty at times. And the part around 1:20 doesn't really work for me. And I don't like the fade at the ending. And... Oh, who am I fooling. At first I thought this was going to be good enough to post, but I'm finding too many woulda shoulda coulda's with it. Just one or two of them wouldn't be too bad, but there's too much wrong here to warrent posting. No
Saunders Posted August 6, 2002 Posted August 6, 2002 The guitar sounds strange.. so does the piano.. in fact, the whole thing sounds kind of strange so far. Okay, the samples/instruments sound pretty plain, and honestly, boring, and there's virtually no variation throughout the track. I'm thinking this will have to changed around a lot before it could be accepted. Vote: No
Antonio Pizza Posted August 6, 2002 Posted August 6, 2002 The timing of the drums makes it sound like they were performed live or something. Does that make any sense to someone other than myself? It's like they're .0000000000000000001 of a second off. This song is...okay. It's kind of bland and empty though. It needs some reverb or something. I'm afraid I'm not going to be much help on this one. Sorry . If you've got some friends who can play instruments, I'd love to hear this live though. Gonna have to say no on this one. Send it back to us with some fix ups. The tune is kinda catchy and I'd like to post it.
Malcos Posted August 6, 2002 Posted August 6, 2002 I really, really like the drums on this, and it does sound live. However, the piano is practically crying out for reverb, and the mix overall could do with a bit of reverb too. A little on the repetitive, but does have some nice fills, and I like the guitar improv near the end. Fade out is a bit too quick. I'm gonna say NO, but I would like to see a revised version of this song.
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