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thought a guitar solo would be a good way to break the monotony

but i don't have a guitar so used a synth one instead...i think it works pretty well actually

maybe it's just because i'm getting used to the song but the repetition doesn't bother me much anymore.

not there yet but getting close




quick little update, nothing huge though changed the drums in the middle section. everything is still repetitive but at least it has more energy now.




added some voice clips, some incomplete transitions, a sort of ending, etc.




ok so I have spent a lot of time today rewriting the song. The intro is a lot shorter than it used to be. i put in some drums which are just a placeholder for now while i learn to do dnb drums properly (it is the most tedious thing on the planet), but they add a lot of energy to the intro that i think was missing before. And the middle section just repeats a lot for now while I think of ways to make it more interesting without getting too complex.




man this one has been a wip for over a year now it is gettin pretty bad

finally figured out what i want to do with it only trouble is i am a total dnb amateur

the drums that are in there right now are just a placeholder

so really i am just looking for help/suggestions relating to how to make good drums for this mix

there are a bunch of things wrong with the beginning and end parts that i will get around to later i just want to get the middle part done...so really i am not looking for feedback on those parts, although if you do feel so compelled to comment on them feel free


thank you for listening


It was interesting.....the beginning takes you to a soothing, serene place and halfway through you hit a harsher, more semi-industrial atmosphere. You bring the two styles together towards the middle end but I think the first transition could be smoother. Also it takes a while to get to the main source melody.

Good use of ambience elements all around, though I think the soundscape is a little thin at points. Im having the same issue with a WIP Ive got up here. I would put more sounds in the middle part to make it more industrial-sounding, but thats more preference. Good job though, that year paid off : )


Wow dude it's been awhile since you've posted a wip...I remember this one.

OK so I'm just gonna talk about the main sections since you said you are gonna totally redo the beggining and ending sections.

OK so you got FL go to the sample fusion and get there FX metalworks samples. I think it's called metullurgy. Get all the samples together you can and work on just the rythms.

Also you might try take some regular samples and overcompressing them and then distorting. Use these in climactic parts.

Overall there isn't really any dry element. There needs to be more give and take. Some marcato strings would really well to amp up the energy level. Get the bass line moving more it is pretty static.

Overall the melody or lack there of stays in the same range the entire time. Have it dynamically expand more up and down the scales. A nice gritty analog synth for the lead would go really nice with this.

It sounds a lil muddy right now watch the decay times on the reverb and panning. Expand the stereo field as much as you can to make room for all of the rythms.

Try out some 128th rapidly firing in shorts spurts. Have the velocities moving up and down. You can get some cool sounding rythms that way.

This def has potential but the rythms are really gonna need to inject some life into this. Just go crazy and start experimenting, keep what sounds good and trash the rest.


thanks for the comments guys

Overall there isn't really any dry element. There needs to be more give and take. Some marcato strings would really well to amp up the energy level. Get the bass line moving more it is pretty static.

yeah i know the bass is pretty repetitive, the thing is i want the bass and drums to play off each other so i gotta lay down the drums first before i mess around with the bass too much.

there are marcato strings here though (one for the melody, one "rhythm" violin playing a constant sixteenth note pattern); is it too quiet?


I'd def say it too quiet. Overall the mix feels quiet. Muddled might be a more appropiate word. I thought it might be bc of reverb maybe. Def check your levels. Throw a blood overdrive on default at about 15-25% on the strings see if that helps maybe? I tend to find it works pretty well to give sounds more colour.

  • 1 month later...

ok so I have spent a lot of time today rewriting the song. The intro is a lot shorter than it used to be. i put in some drums which are just a placeholder for now while i learn to do dnb drums properly (it is the most tedious thing on the planet), but they add a lot of energy to the intro that i think was missing before. And the middle section just repeats a lot for now while I think of ways to make it more interesting without getting too complex.



Uhh OK so I don't even remember the song the last time I heard it compared to this version. How much did you change? This version def left a stronger impression.

Big thing the intrument playin in the high high freq range is staying up there too long. Eventually it just feels and sound like my ears are ringing.

The rhythms are much better. Maybe play with a few filters on the rhythms in areas for some variation.

2:04 needs some kinda bridge into that section but I'm positive you already knew that. Same with 3:42.

In general the intro in a lil long winded. Why not throw in some your awesome piano work into the intro?

Also there needs to be more variation every 4-8 bars. Lots of the ideas sound great but there needs to be more movement and variation.


oooh, so YOU'RE alexhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

I swear I commented on one of these versions. And I said something along the lines of 'holy shizzle those pads are fo rizzle!!!'

The bass string in the intro I'm not totally feeling. Or maybe I am, it's just standing out too much. I like the pads more :3 . The first 24 seconds are pretty solid though.

Then comes the drummage. They're cool, although I would suggest more panning, more processing, etc.

For the first 2:04, especially if you're gonna keep it that long, you need to do more processing. Phaser/Flange different instrurments at different times. It'd help if you also add breaks to the drums. By that I mean slow them down, add a cutoff on a slow snare so it's like they're fading, then bring them back in. Play around.

And there's nothing wrong with subliminal messages => .

The transition at 2:04 is weak. Need a build up there or something. By the last minute of that section it tends to become pretty repetitive. Play around with the filter on the bass.

Outtro, people will probably complain that it's the same as the intro, etc. etc.

Perhaps play some sort of sine bassline in the intro? Help keep things interesting.

So yea, over all cool but it does cross into repetitive side of things. Keep at it.

oooh, so YOU'RE alexhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

yeah why emottinfoiley1.gif

The bass string in the intro I'm not totally feeling. Or maybe I am, it's just standing out too much.

yeah i thought it might be...turned it down a bit, but not too much because i like this dissonance

add a cutoff on a slow snare so it's like they're fading, then bring them back in.


Outtro, people will probably complain that it's the same as the intro, etc. etc.

yeah...couldn't think of anything. though avaris' idea of a piano thing could probably work there...

Perhaps play some sort of sine bassline in the intro? Help keep things interesting.

hmm that definitely adds a different feel to it that i didn't think of before. almost gives it a groove haha

Big thing the intrument playin in the high high freq range is staying up there too long. Eventually it just feels and sound like my ears are ringing.
yeah i thought it might...the idea of feedback doesn't really work with this song anymore anyways. i took off the hi pass and i think it adds a good metallic sound to the pads now than just having high pitched noise.

I make description good.

By that slow snare thing, I basically meant make the snare sound like it has a delay on it. A horrible worded example would be:

KICK KICK SNARE......Snare.....snare.....snareSnareSNARE.

Just mess with the notes Cutoff or Volume.


This version sounds much better dude. Nice strings around 2:30.

Res on the opening FX swell is a lil much. Right feel, prob just tone down the volume a bit. At it's peaks it starts to drown everything out.

The track is a lil repetative. A good way to fix that is have for big clashes/drums hits/FX something every 4 bars or so. It can really give the song a more dynamic feel.

Speaking of dynamics, the intro is a lil long. Try to go for build-up up until the strings break out. For instance a long reverse crash right before 1:14 would go really good/

Synth doesn't sound bad, could use some blood overdrive though. Also once the guitar comes in make sure it takes the foreground away from the strings.

In general a lil more variation between leads and lil breakdowns between section will really alot to the song. At times you got the same sounds in the foreground for a lil too long. Because of this the song doesn't command the listener's fullt attention the whole IMO.

Some of the elements once the strings break out could use some EQ and spacing. Everything is not coming through as clear as it could.


yeah i know it needs more variation...at this point though i think melodically it is varied enough, it's the drums that need work. and i was saving that for last because i hate doing drums...

and which elements in particular do you think need EQing? i thought it was all pretty clear there, except possibly the strings.


During the breakout the hats are very soft, almost to the point where they sound like extra noise instead of rhythms. The kick sounds very weak compared to the booming bass line in the breakout also. It's the right sound, it's just it feels the kick and bass aren't moving in sync as well as they could.

In areas the movement in the panning of the bass and the rhythms feels a lil off. When the bass is coming out of the left channel have the snare on the opposite maybe.

I'm starting to get wicked picky about a few things on this bc the song has progressed really well so far. Pretty much most of my gripes are with the movement of the rhythms in relation to the rest of the song. Def lookin forward to the next update.

During the breakout the hats are very soft, almost to the point where they sound like extra noise instead of rhythms. The kick sounds very weak compared to the booming bass line in the breakout also. It's the right sound, it's just it feels the kick and bass aren't moving in sync as well as they could.

yeah i know what you mean, i guess i just got used to it after working on this for so long. i added a sort of backup bass synth to create a kind of delay effect that kept the same rhythm as the drums so hopefully that helps.

also i didn't really notice what you were talking about with the middle section being unclear until i added a compressor to the master track...that really made a huge difference.

anyways i submitted it last night so i guess you'll have to wait for that update...i think i've got a pretty good chance, could go either way

  • 2 months later...
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