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*NO* Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 'Dreaming at the Shore'

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The composer's Nobuo Uematsu?!? And why's a 3-minute song at 112kbps?

- LT

Remixer: smartpoetic

E-mail: smartpoetic@hotmail.com

User ID: 12824

Composer: Nobuo Uematsu

Game: Zelda: Ocarina of Time

System: Nintendo 64

Copyright: Nintendo, 1998

This is an arrangement of Serenade of Water and Zelda's Lullaby from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. This piece is a simple, waltzlike melody--the chord progressions reminiscent of Serenade of Water--with the serene sound of the lake's calm water and the sound of birds chirping.

However, this piece has a feel of darkness to it--is Zelda dreaming of a brighter day at the shore?

Thanks for Listening!



Hey, alright, you're headed somewhere with this!


- Some very nice variations on Zelda's Lullaby

- Lovely harmonies

- Good instrument choices; they make for a really pretty soundscape

- Arrangement takes a nice shape


- If this is meant to be a waltz, why is beat 3 so heavily accented? Beat 1 should have the most weight, with beats 2 and 3 much lighter. Much too mechanical as is.

- The instrumentation is a little sparse. I'm a huge New Age fan, so that wouldn't bother me if the playing felt more fluid, but others might have a problem with it fyi.

- Chimes at the end were pretty cheesy, especially since the piece already felt finished. It was like you just tacked them on for the sake of it.

I really hope you continue to work on this. Lots of potential.


P.S. Nobuo Uematsu did not compose for any of the Zelda games. Might wanna check twice before you submit your info next time. ^_~


Say it with me: "Koji. Kondo." Koji Kondo. :<

Encode the piece at a higher bitrate next time or that Lex Luger YouTube clip will return!!! :lol: Not often you see Jesse going "guh?" That was definitely worth it.

And your T-shirts are too tight too, Billy!

http://www.zophar.net/usf/lozusf.rar - 26 "Zelda's Theme"

Decent usage of sound effects. A little cheesy & n00bish, and they could blend in more seamlessly (e.g. the ocean fading out too quickly at :27 & cutting off at 2:36), but still a cool idea. I liked the melodic interpretation here on the source. I'm not as put off by the lack of major emphasis on beat 1 as pixietricks is. Convention is well and good, but not something I hold on strongly to; this seems to be fine without the convention.

By 1:46, the repetition of the melodic arrangement dragged, but then 2:02 moved on into some new territory. Tempo change from 2:13-2:21 was decent. All in all, a decent work-in-progress.

The major complaint I had was the lack of dynamic contrast. Right now, the energy level hovers at one place and the pacing is very plodding. Like pixie alluded to, it would help if the instruments sounded more fluid, and I also agreed with her that the textures were on the sparse side.

You've got some good initial ideas in place and just need to work on refining your sounds. The ReMixing & Works forums should be your next stops, particularly ReMixing.

NO (resubmit)

  • 1 month later...

Pretty riff, but this is way too repetitive. If you're going to make a slow song, try to not let it get boring. Don't mean that to sound mean, but I kept skipping ahead in the track to see if it ever really picked up energy. Never did. Seemed to me like the volume was increasing and decreasing throughout the track. It's one thing to have dynamic variation, but it seemed a little awkward.

Bells are pretty, and seashore noises are OK, I guess, but the track is definitely the kind that would put me to sleep in minutes were I listening to this in bed. I thought the adaptation of the melody was pretty good, but the song just lacks a hook.

Yes, even mellow tracks can have a good hook.


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