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hi! I made a remix of the cave theme from super mario world. I've never submitted to OverClocked before, but I am by no means new to remixing! I made this in 4 or 5 hours with reason. good times were had by all!

my e-mail address is, obviously, nick@kodoku.nu , and my remixer nickname is "Beej".

in any case, enjoy!

here is the URL for the song:


- Nick Turco


I dunno, i kinda dig this one.. I'm not hearing these off key not.. oh.. wait.

There they are... :( Damn, i was just starting to enjoy that and then it

ends. If this is cleaned up some I'd definatly say yes, but right now it

needs a bit more polishing on it.



Ok, I'm a little pre-biased towards saying yes on this song, because I've heard what this guy can do, but y'all have put down two nos already, so I'm also a bit discouraged. Maybe I should do what Saunders does.

Oh that's the messy you're talking about. I see... well, perhaps you should listen to that song by Brandy called... what about ... something... it's relatively new, but anyway, the thing that you guys are calling messy is the triplets in the bassdrum that are conflicting with the non-swing-time bass and basically every other instrument. Beej likes to intersperse samples where he can, and usually comes up with a good result. I think the overall feel of this is nice, except that I don't hear the melody much. It's almost as if, he was working on this funky piece, and then realized he could put the SMW melody over top of ... OH MY GOD.

I love that ending. It's... perfect.


Plus the rest of it is a funky mess. Maybe this review is too subjective? I don't know. But it's overall a good piece, IN MY HUMBLE OPINION (which is not so humble when in caps).


Edit: after listening, I believe I hear the "off key note" that you refer to. If you listen to the orignial, you'll notice that the melody slides from a flat 3 to a major 3. beej has done that as well, just without the slide. So really... it's right.


Well, I think it sounds much better when the strings come in close to the end there but before that, it sounds kind of messy to me.

I just went and listened to the other stuff Beej has on VGMix (this song is there too) and I think that this is probably the worst one there, but it's not really bad by any means.

I'm going to give this one a begrudged yes, but only because I think it will appeal to other OCR visitors (who are the most important people really).

Vote: Yes.

  • 2 weeks later...
Ok why is this locked? Are we letting 3 to 2 be enough? with, like, 10 judges now? If 3-2 is enough, someone go ahead and lock this up again, I wasn't sure about the policy, so someone slap me if I'm wrong. Please. Please slap me. Oh please...


I'd prefer 4 to 2 now, but if something sits around too long without additional votes, I've gotta do something. Anyone that's not yet judged this mix have anything to add?



sssoooorrrttaa groovy, but not really, like the strings.

Cons: YO, YO. very out of place, melody doesnt follow the chord structure of the slap bass. off-notes. needless sfx. Repetitive. Beat is some kinda weird 4/4 3/4 hybrid, dont think it works. ouch on the ending.

Cons win


We need more effort on these kinds of mixes.



Okay, this is kinda cool - BUT, the bass line is getting on my nerves. This mix is much too repetitive. You've got that weird instrument panned to the left doing it's DO DO DO DO DO DO DO thing, and it doesn't that for almost the entire song. Just gets on my nerves like that. Other than that, I like some of what goes on in this mix. I love the strings starting at 1:37. But, the same beat and bassline are still here. I was expecting atleast SOME variation. Not to mention that it is off-key :(


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