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A word of advice: "favorite" threads are generally frowned upon around here. I'd recommend checking out this thread for a more detailed explanation.

Now that that's out of the way...

I like the soundtrack for The Minish Cap a lot. I know that some of the tunes are simple re-hashes of other Zelda music from both the newer and older games, but it was a pretty great soundtrack overall.

I can't quite remember what the exact title is (and I'm at work so I can't check), but I really liked the version of the Hyrule Castle music with the added organ.


LoZ:Alttp's rendition of the overworld tune, Darkworld theme, fairy fountain theme, Hyrule Castle theme.

OoT:Forest Temple, Shadow Temple, Last Battle, inside the bombchu game shop.

LA: Song of the Windfish (preferably orchestrated with good vocals), Tal Tal Heights.

TW: Midna's Theme, The Snow Mansion's theme. Stallord's battle theme, a couple more I can't remember the name of.

LAd: Palace theme.

MC: Some tunes, can't recall the names but I know I liked a couple.

LoZ: overworld, underworld.

WW, OoS, OoA I haven't played them just yet.

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