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So hey, are you saying you already have a copy of R4 in hand, avaris? That's pretty awesome, and I heard that they were trying to make R4 more cpu lean than R3 but eh, I wasn't expecting much since R3 already takes so little cpu that it'd be hard to make it use even less cpu, which is why I wanted dual core support over cpu efficiency, But anyway... R4 sounds quite exciting :D

I don't recall them ever saying anything about rewriting the program or audio engine though, so I dunno why the phase inverison test failed... perhaps they did some minor tweaks or something.

And regroove, as useless as I originally thought would be, seems like it would come in handy for a lot of little interesting stuff, like humanizing my drums beats :D

I'm looking foward to getting R4 though, I just gotta see if my parents would be willing to get me my christmas gift a little early this year XD



I find this ironic Anso you live in the same town as the Props headquarters yet I got mine before you got yours. To quote the great OverCoat OOOOOHOHOHOHOHO :V

I'm gonna bring my work labtop with R4 loaded on it to Magfest! There is gonna be lots o' music making. ;)

Rob Hubbard did do the remix! They got tunes from eXode (my fav) JB, Arabian Prince, DJ Babu, Jeremy Ellis, etc... A bunch of the demos use patches made by Peff too...go figure. :tomatoface:

FYI my only complaint is it takes a lil while to pipe external audio through Thor. It took me almost an hour to figure out how to do it. You have use the same midi to trigger both thor and whatever you are using for the external audio. And the in the matrix you have to route the audio input to wherever you want it to enter into Thor signal processing chain. Which is time consuming but also very powerful.

Oh yeah I had an Academic version of 3.0, but I bought a commercial upgrade and everything went just fine. For those with academic versions wondering if they can upgrade.

"Rebuilt from the Ground Up"


From a proggraming perspective I couldn't imagine them making something like Regroove without recoding a majority of the program.


wow shaun, magfest is going to be more fun in the hotel room than on the actual magfest O.O

Jeremy Ellis is sweet, looking forward to hearing his demo.

Man, I'm going to props tomorrow to kick their ass :( I need this NOW

the Thor thing is a bit so-so but I remember it being much easier in beta? can't remember how though.. maybe I was so happy I didn't care :D

V, if you're not coming to magfest I will kill u

I concur!

If you get the chance head over the user forum at the props site. eXode just posted a sound demo using only 5 thors as a supersaw type sound unisoned out the yang! Awesome stuff.

EDIT Here is mp3 demo that lizard from combinatorHQ is goin to be doing. It is emulating the Oberheim synth. All of the synth sounds were Thor. http://www.combinatorhq.comdemos/Thor_OB_Demo.mp3


I was going to make some breakfast while the trailer for R4 was loading when I visited the props site this morning, but when I came back it was already finished... and now I can't watch it ;_;

Oh, and does anybody know whether I need to uninstall R3 to install the R4 demo? I'm getting the R4 upgrade next week but I wanna get a head start with familiarizing myself with the new sequencer and thor.

And on a closing note, listen to the props, quoted from their site: "Propellerhead Software strongly advice all new users to take care that no domestic animal hungry for plastic cards is waiting to jump you while opening the Reason packaging."

EDIT: Poor props... they released the R4 demo on their site today and now hundreds of people are downloading it. I'm only getting like 10 kbs from their site, it's gonna take two hours to download this thing, lol.


But... that's no fair, it's just a demo... it's not like the full verison or the beta =/ I'll try to install it without uninstalling R3 anyway, just to see if I get any problems.


Agh, in pain... so much pain. I've been downloading the demo for 4 freakin hours and then it just stalls and stops at 93%, and doesn't move or do anything, just stuck at 93%, so I had to restart it, and I'm gonna have to wait another 4 or something hours ;(

Somebody should seriously set up a torrent mirror for this thing.

EDIT: oh good, I think I found a torrent on it, now this should only take about an hour.


HOLY COW! According to my testing it seems like Reason 4 actually uses both of my cores... at least the demo does... this is incredible, they may have actually added multi-core support, though I'm not a hundred percent sure though, cause I just can't believe my eyes, I didn't think they'd actually listen... or whether I'm hallucinating. Though a backdrop is that thor and the new sequencer seem to be a bit more taxing on the cpu in general, it's still great stuff.

Oh and yea, V was right, you can have R3 and the R4 demo on the same machine at the same time, no problems at all.

EDIT: the new sequencer is really growing on me, is there anyway to completely hide the automation clips and velocity edit section or... can those only be minimized?


Oh yea, checking with the demo songs is a bad idea since they aren't that CPU heavy. Well, using a modified version of malcos' deefgroove.rns I made a cputest.rns to use, rebooted my computer in safe mode and here's how my test went:

R3 CPU usage:

CPU1: 40-50%

CPU2: 0-5%

R4 CPU usage:

CPU1: 30-40% (-10% from R3)

CPU2: 5-20% (+15% from R3)

These are rough estimates but in total R4 seems to use a little more CPU, though at least it spreads it apart a bit by separating the graphics and audio processing. It's sort of like a really minor dual core support but hey, like you said, at least it's something.



Is the R4 factory and orkestor sound bank the same as R3's but expanded to 2 gigs with new patches and samples? Or does it come with completely new content?

I have a yamaha psr-240 and a psr-270, both +6 years old and probably not even manufactured anymore, but I wanna use them as midi controllers for R4 as soon as a get it as well as a couple of midi-to-usb cables. Everything should work out fine, right? The keyboards being very old shouldn't cause any kind of compatibility issue with R4, the cables or my fairly new laptop?

EDIT 2: I looked on the props site and it says you can set up any kind of basic midi keyboard to control Reason, so I figure my PSRs should work as long as I get the cables. OS and my computer are irrelevant information then I guess.

EDIT: Is there anyway to use Thor's awesome delay, chorus and filters for stuff outside of Thor? Perhaps using some kind of routing/wiring that I'm not aware of?

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