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Thanks pretzel.

This is kinda cool! I'm liking those sound effects - they add a lot to the song, though I can't put my finger on what. For my money I would have liked something a little longer, a little more dynamic, and a little more drum heavy (I kept expecting the drums to break out, but I guess that wasn't the point of the mix). The overall effect is good, though.



I'm a little hesitant to see this posted in light of all the amazing other

Metroid remixes we've had, such as Four Little Metroids. This remix is not

bad, it's a little bland though. I just don't think it stands up in the light of

what's been done before.




Okay, I'm about 1 minute in and I believe I'm hearing somebody having gas problems. And I don't mean gasoline.

Wow, I'm really stumped on this one. I mean, I try and keep the OCR public in mind when I cast judgement on an entry, but I don't think anybody will really care for this one all that much.. sorry.

Parts of this mix were okay, but the odd sounds effects and samples used in the background I think will put most people off.

And aside from that, there was nothing really new or interesting about this mix that hadn't been done before.

Vote: No


OOh! Two yeses and two nos! I'm excited! Actually, whenever there are that many no's, I can tell I'm going to be able to say no too. So:


I haven't actually listened to the song yet, but based on their descriptions, I can infer plenty.

OH! it's THIS song. Ok.


This one needs some major attention, and I have yet to hear anyone do this track the justice it deserves. The original was so GRAND. You got into that level, and you felt like you were in ancient Rome or somewhere incredibly huge and important, just based on the music. This is too whimpy to pass as a remix of this piece.

Folks, let's tell him what he's won:




ok, I already said it twice, so I won't bother reiterating.



When did we stop demanding standard OC File Formats *remix_title_ocremix and such ? oh well

lets have a listen..


lets have a listen..


PII and Realaudio... what could you expect....

works with WMP yay.


so its norfair... where theres lava everywhere and you hear the chanting ahhs, but... instead of chanting.. theres.... Chainsaw sfx?? Was someone cutting down a palmtree while this was being recorded?

This sounds about 101% like an spc rip. On that basis I say NO!!

EDIT: uh... that would be... NO!!!, how odd..

EDIT#2: uh.. ok I messed up the script somehow, just imagine a BIG NO :?

No spc rip + drumloop tracks are ever gonna get a Yes from me.

maybe if it was arranged well or something... geez.


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