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This is my first remix

Remixer Name: Sarin

Real Name : Clint Kingsbery

email : sarin000@gmail.com

website: www.heartsfail.com

userid: 20990

Remix info

Name of Game: Drakken for the Super Nintendo

Name of individual song: This is a remix of the earth island night music

Information: The music is composed by Hiroyuki Masuno

The game was for the SNES.

I've included my mp3 file as well as the original SPC file of the song.

Hope you like:)



http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=drk - "Earth Area (Night)" [drk-05.spc]

Pretty cool; good source tune choice. Reverb was way over the top, making everything sound flooded and too lo-fi. The main changes to the arrangement were a move involved left hand part.

Some really fake/awkward sounding string samples joined in at 1:37. Bow movements on the strings were extra jerky and unnatural sounding, so more finesse needs to be developed there. On the production side, everything sounds extra warbly and lossy. The string writing was a good additive element to the arrangement though, even though the piano melody didn't tread any significant new ground.

Dynamically, this was weak. The energy level was basically the same the whole time, so there wasn't much contrast. Click any part from 1:37-4:56 and it sounds the same. Even if the writing evolved, the instrumentation and textures didn't.

This was in the right direction in terms of applying your own spin, Clint, but this needs more attention paid to the production and compositional dynamics. Keep working on it, this has some promise.


  • 1 month later...

Agreed, though griping about BOW movements is a bit specific, don't you think Larry? It's a sample; it's an attack, not an actual bow movement. YOU GET THE :roll:

Larryhate aside, I will say that the strings occasionally have a weird pitch modulation going on. Look for a better string sample.

I agree that the dynamics and contrast in this song are nearly nonexistent; it sort of just sits there with some left-hand eighth-notes and strings repeating over and over again. This is another song that you just get lost in, but not in that good way. And then it ends.

I'd love to hear the piano's range explored a little more. You essentially stuck to the same octave in the left. This might sound like a ridiculously obvious statement, but a piano has a lot of keys. Use them. And don't be afraid to break away from the arpeggios in the left hand. How about some runs, or a strong, syncopated statement of the chords in order to accent certain parts of the melody?

There's so much more that you can do compositionally. Take some more chances.

Also, don't use so much reverb. :(



I wouldn't say reverb is WAY over the top, as it helped to sustain a darker mood for the piano. However, it does need to be toned down, and you need to drop the volume of the piano a bit because I heard some crackling early on. That's bad.

String sample is pretty terrible. I'm confident you can at least find some better ones on Hammersound or something. Or at the least, Google "Nando Florestan soundfonts". Heck, use some of Darkesword's soundfonts that he hosts. They're better quality than the ones you're using, and they're all free. Sounds like you were automating your own vibrato effect--don't do that on an ensemble sample. It's never going to sound real. Instead, it gives it kind of a cheesy, lo-fi, analog feel.

As for your arrangement, it seems really similar to the original song. I'd suggest throwing in a small degree of original ideas to go alongside what you've already laid down here.

Definitely a pretty good 1st sub. Got some good potential. It's a pretty song, but the reverb, string samples, and overall level of arrangement need to be adjusted. If you don't care to take a stab at fixing those things, feel free to bring it back and resubmit it. See if you can't get some feedback from the WIP forums first, though.


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