orkybash Posted September 8, 2002 Posted September 8, 2002 I sent in a remix at the end of May and I haven't heard from it since... I was figuring it fell through the cracks. This is the link: Thank you, I appreciate it. -Psychrophyte
DarkCecil13 Posted September 9, 2002 Posted September 9, 2002 Took a while to download - Regardless, the beginning ambience really grabbed me. I totally dig the left to right slide panning of the strings. It works so well together, minus the drums. Never pan the snare and/or kick to a channel other than center unless it's an effectual thing. It totally threw me off (hi-hat panning is fantastic, though). (This is only a drummer's pet peeve - Any normal listener wouldn't mind. Just a thought if you're going for anything close to realism.) This tune grew on me, though, after listening to it a few times. All in all, this is a greatly put together mix. Take my suggestions into account for next time, though, as I give this a YES.
orkybash Posted September 9, 2002 Author Posted September 9, 2002 Sorry for not voting on this after I posted it - my internet went down and stayed down almost immediately after I hit submit! Vote coming once I get the stupid thing to download... Edit - OK, I think this one's good enough to post. It's kinda minimalist, but it pulls minimalism off well. In fact, I'm liking this more and more every time I listen to it. The only potential problem is the length, but I think even though it's short, it's well developed. Yes
Saunders Posted September 13, 2002 Posted September 13, 2002 Nice and calm. Very laid back feel to it. What is this a mix of? I recognize the theme.. but not sure.. I'm guessing ShadowMan from the title, but it also sounds like it could be the main theme.. is it a mesh of the two? - Rob Saunders Oh yeah, this part. Vote: Yes
Disco Dan Posted September 17, 2002 Posted September 17, 2002 Ok, this one is downloading slow... again I don't have time for this, so: NO Just kidding! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ok, but seriously, I have no idea what this mix sounds like. What is this a mix of? I recognize the theme.. but not sure.. I'm guessing ShadowMan from the title ok, let me reitirate: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I don't know the boss names from MM4, but I do know that Shadowman is from MM3. Anyway, this was pretty good until it all dropped out and the damn flute came in all raw and unprocessed and nasty sounding. And then the piano wasn't too stellar either. Ok, and then he just ends it without any real resolution. Yeah he resolved to the tonic, but that was pretty lame considering the build up he gave in the beginning. Yeah, I'm going to stick with my original statement of: NO Thanks DC
Saunders Posted September 17, 2002 Posted September 17, 2002 What is this a mix of? I recognize the theme.. but not sure.. I'm guessing ShadowMan from the title ok, let me reitirate: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I don't know the boss names from MM4, but I do know that Shadowman is from MM3. Whoopsie-doodle. I assumed ShadowMan because of "Shades of Blue." I had no clue where ShadowMan was from.
Protricity Posted September 20, 2002 Posted September 20, 2002 DiveMan MM4 recognized it in an instant cause its one of my favs. Pros: Good instrumentation/bass/beat Really like that flute. Cons: Song doesnt work. why? well, the original was a rockin fast paced load of bangin sound. This turned it into a soft 'groove'. So some of the 'bam' of the original kinda makes this one sound weird at some parts. Too short. would make a good background while they talk in SRX, I suppose. Its the kinda song I have to give a No because being as short and simple as it is, denotes lack of effort. -Pro
Antonio Pizza Posted September 22, 2002 Posted September 22, 2002 Hmmmmm....I needed to go back and grab the .nsf for this one, specifically to see what Prot was talking about when he mentioned "rockin fast paced" vs. "soft groove". I really didn't see that as a problem. I think that tempo/style changes can add a lot more to a song if pulled off properly. I kept picturing 2100 A.D. from Chrono Trigger everytime I listened to this. I must be the bassline. The samples sound like they were obtained from an .SPC soundfont though, don't they? But that's not enough to refuse the mix. .SPC based songs have been posted before (i.e. Engineer Cid (Factory Mix) which I gave 9 slices to), so I can't use that as an excuse. It's just, damn...I can't help feeling like this song belongs in a SNES remake of MM4 or something. *listens again* It's so short...but that keeps it from getting repetitious... Well... screw it. Yes. It's good enough.
Saunders Posted September 23, 2002 Posted September 23, 2002 I kept picturing 2100 A.D. from Chrono Trigger everytime I listened to this. 2100 AD? How do you get there? Must be some mad cheatin skillz yo. Welcome back Monsieur Pizza.
Antonio Pizza Posted September 23, 2002 Posted September 23, 2002 Thank you rob1. I'm back and I'm judgetacular! As am I. P.S. Post #500. Only 27 more to go!!!!!!!!
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