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Name: Schmancy

Real Name: Ronak Shah

Email: schmancy47@gmail.com

Website: None

User ID: 13298

Game Remixed: Kirby Superstar and Chrono Trigger

Songs Remixed: From KS--"Savehut Theme" From CT: "Crono's Theme"

(I think everything else is already on the site.)


Okay, this is my first submission, so it might be a little shaky. It's more like a third or fourth submission, but the earlier ones were also shaky, and quickly changed from "OCRemix Submissions" to "WIPs" that I still haven't gotten around to touching up and fixing and finishing because I am a very lazy man.

I have this bad habit of trying to mash-up themes from different games, and it usually goes better in my head or in tinkering mode than in the real thing, but this is for the most part just a simple mix-up of the themes mentioned above going through a couple of genres. There's thematic linking and manipulation, although the flow from section to section functions more like short movements.

Man, I really don't have too much commentary on this. I'll just let you guys do your thing. Cheers.



http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=kss - "Save Area" (kss-35.spc)

http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=ct - "Chrono Trigger (part 2)" [ct-1-02b.spc]

Almost sounds like a "Secret of the Forest" reference for the intro intertwined with the Kirby source. :08's lead sample was pretty familiar to the point of sounding generic, but it's not Ronak's fault and it's of good quality regardless. The note movements were pretty good on the whole and the arrangement ideas were very interpretive, even if the texture was relatively spartan. Could have gone for something to provide a bit more connection between the sections, rather than the silence from 1:41-1:44. Just seems like there was a better way to handle it and not break the flow as drastically.

This was sparse in a negative way, IMO. However this was produced, the soundscape could have been more realistically intimate with the instruments chosen. Not enough of an issue to kill it, but the way this was produced begs for refinement on that level, or for more parts to fill in the gaps. The dynamic contrast presented by the final section starting at 3:11 was good, though the overall volume felt a bit too quiet momentarily, but that was a personal preference and I see what you were going for. The last piano note faded down too quickly and there was 9 seconds of silence at the end that would need to be snipped off.

Despite my minor hangups with the production, I'm loving that arrangement. It's creative and the two source themes mesh together seamlessly. Dominated by the Kirby Super Star material, I got the sense of the 1:44-2:16 section functioning to put your own Kirby-influenced take on the Chrono Trigger theme, which was very well done. Nice source interpretations and strong dynamics ended up with a solid result. Good luck with the rest of the vote, Ronak, I hope you make it with this one.


  • 1 month later...

I agree the production is quite rough. The percussion in the first quarter of the mix or so just doesn't fit the mood. It's annoying, plain and simple. A softer acoustic brush kit or a MUCH less obtrusive electronic sound would have been better. In general, there's a distinct lack of enough reverb/delay to wash things out and 'glue' them together. What this REALLY needs is a pad or two playing chords from time to time. Something that simple would help immensely. Around 2:24 I hear some minor clipping, and again at 2:31 and a couple points later on.. might just be caused by compression or distortion, but either way it's unpleasant.

The second half of the mix is pretty aimless. While the level of arrangement is good, the dynamic that was started earlier dies completely. The piano alone is too minimal, and really too quiet as well. I had to turn my volume all the way up to really hear anything towards the end. In general, I felt like the mix was stretched too thin, but simply adding more instrumental layers throughout might fix this. I don't know why there was never any percussion after the little bits in the beginning.

To me, this sounds somewhat unfinished. The arrangement of the source tunes is great, but it's like the idea is only 75% executed. Add some pads, sweeten up some of your samples with additional reverb/delay, take Larry's advice on the silence, maybe change the samples for the percussion earlier on, and you'll get a YES from me. Good luck!


  • 2 weeks later...

Not bad. Very thin overall--I'd definitely say this needs a little more density. Ha, the part at 0:41 reminded me of some of the music from Cave Story. What was with the 4 second pause at 1:41? Then the piano w/ flute that came in afterward was pretty thin and mechanical.

Samples aren't terrible quality--they sound a lot like the free ones I use, but they're a little too frontal in the mastering area. Some of the higher notes get a little piercing because of the EQ. There could definitely be a much cleaner sound overall.

I do like the mood of the track--it's very somber and contemplative. Production definitely needs some work, though. Other than that, hmm, I dunno, maybe add a string ensemble in various parts to maybe thicken up the mix a little? Fix the drums that Andy spoke of--they are a little too dry and a little unappealing in light of the rest of the instruments.

Not a bad submission by any stretch, but still needs a little work.



Everything about this mix sounds rough. The writing is mechanical and sounds loop-based. There's clearly a lot of ctrl+c and ctrl+v going on. The balance is poor..some frequencies are sorely lacking, while others are overwhelming. Sloppy production plus lazy writing =


  • 1 month later...

not everything sounds mechanical. the piano in the latter section is obviously performed, as their are a few barely noticeable flubs here are there. for as sparse as this arrangement is, i'm expecting a little more in terms of sample quality and production.

either upgrade your sounds, or fill out the textures so your samples aren't as exposed.

i will say that both the concept, and the mood are very well done. there is definitely a sense of sadness and nostalgia with this piece, something that a lot of new mixers strive for, and few actually achieve.


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