Liontamer Posted August 1, 2007 Posted August 1, 2007 Remixer/real name: Steve Pordon email: URL: UserID: 11 Game: Undying Song: Main Theme link: This is my death metal remix of Undying's main theme. Lyrics: Enter the house / Of the ghosts of the Covenant Invoke the curse / Of the ring of stones A "family illness" / A sacrifice A prank gone wrong / A suicide "On nights when I cannot sleep, I look out from my bed to the monastary out my window. "The reflections of the waters that separate us ripple across my bedroom walls, "Filling the room with waves of moonlight." Faith will not / Be your armor You'll cross the threshhold / Soon, my brother Immortal soul / In search of rest Eternal mistress / Of the shadows The dream city of forgotten souls, a sky that bleeds crimson You woke the sprits of the island, incantations and corruption "Surely there is another force working among us, one capable of pure evil "A loving god could never allow such pain and agony "Is it this force that eats at me at night and leaves my dreams unsettled?" I'll never sleep again, I'll never love again, I'll never dream again, I'll never live again I'm undying. -steve ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Clive Barker's Undying (Game Rip) - (03) Menu Screen Opening piano sounded a bit mechanical but was ok. Drums at :15 felt pretty hollow, and the machine gun style effect at :25 sounded cheesy. :40-:44 sounded empty despite the drumming, and wasn't a strong transition point, IMO. The death metal vocals are fine. It's mostly the backing instrumentation sounding really flimsy when exposed that was the problem. When things are more crowded, things sounded fine on the whole. The transition at 2:37 should have been smoother. The overall soundscape was otherwise fairly good, keeping the genre in mind, but there needs to be more balance and polish on the production side in spots. :15-1:06 & 2:37-3:13 needs the instrumentation polished up. Sorry I can't give more specific suggestions on how to improve this, Steve. Pretty close though, let's see what the others say. NO (refine/resubmit)
big giant circles Posted October 18, 2007 Posted October 18, 2007 Opening piano sounded a bit mechanical but was ok. Drums at :15 felt pretty hollow, and the machine gun effect at :25 sounded cheesy. :40-:44 sounded empty despite the drumming, and wasn't a strong transition point, IMO.The death metal vocals are fine. It's mostly the backing instrumentation sounding really flimsy when exposed that was the problem. When things are more crowded, things sounded fine on the whole. The transition at 2:37 should have been smoother. The overall soundscape was otherwise fairly good, keeping the genre in mind, but there needs to be more balance and polish on the production side in spots. :15-1:06 & 2:37-3:13 needs the instrumentation polished up. Sorry I can't give more specific suggestions on how to improve this, Steve. Pretty close though, let's see what the others say. I'm in pretty much verbatim agreement here. Not to cop off of Larry's vote, but I only steal votes when they're like 90% or more of exactly what I'd say. I will expand a little on the "flimsy" issue, and say that it's not quite the instrumentation that's contribution mostly to that deal, but rather the master EQ. There is zero/zilch/nil midrange going on here. I agree that the vocals are fine, but the guitar, even though typically EQ'd high in this genre to emphasize "crunch" is a little too far up, and that coupled with the extreme stereo exaggeration (of the guitar still) makes it sound thin. And the drums, though pretty well done seem to have some kind of late-reflection effect (on the reverb, I'm guessing) and it makes them sound a little thin as well. Mainly, re-EQ and master the lead guitar and that'll take care of at least half the problem. Otherwise, this is a pretty cool track. RESUBMIT
DarkeSword Posted October 19, 2007 Posted October 19, 2007 Larry, that's not a machine gun effect, that's a double kick. Everything sounds really mechanical. I think you need to humanize a little bit more on the stuff you sequenced. If this stuff isn't sequenced, then you must have robots playing with you or something. Anyway I gotta pull a BGC and say that the preceding judges have pretty much nailed it; production on this is really lacking. Not a lot of mid-range, things need to fill out the soundfield a little bit more. I'm not really big on the genre, but its not bad. Try for a resub. NO
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